
Teen Wolf: The Hybrid Pack

Drake Hale is a member of the Hale family, also known as the Hale pack. He is one of the two sons of the strongest alphas in the world. The twin brother of Derek Hale, a beta werewolf. The first born alpha to exist. And something more. Read as Drake learns how to control his powers, create his own pack, and discovers his past. This is the origin story of the, The Hybrid Pack. ×××××× English is not my first language so expect the worst you can do. Warning: Some chapters may trigger you because of it's cringiness and violence, so consider yourself warned. Disclaimer: This novel is a fan fiction of the original work, I don't own anything other than my OC characters. And the book cover is from google, I just edited it for a bit. Tips: Read the tags so you'll know what you're getting into. Tags: Reincarnation, Alternate Universe, Werewolf, Vampire, R-18, Harem, Incest, Shape Shifters, Supernatural, Romance.

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Chapter 16 - The Bite

The next day, November 8 2002.

Paige woke up feeling... refreshed?

Confused and panicked, she hurriedly lift up the blanket from her body to check, if she and Drake truly had sex.

When she lifted up the blanket she saw her naked body, which is in healthy state.

Thankfully, before she even began to panic more than necessary, she noticed that there's some dry blood under her.

After a few more seconds of confusion and thinking, reality finally hit her.

"We really did it."

She muttered to herself as a smile formed on her red and beautiful lips.

But then she began to ask herself.

"Why do I feel so refreshed instead of the numbness that should be tormenting my whole body."

She turned around and looked at her sides, trying find Drake to ask about this however, he's nowhere to be found.

But as if on cue, the door opened and Drake comes in with a breakfast sandwich in his hands.

"Good morning baby. Here eat up."

He said as he place the food on a small wooden table before he went out and came back in with a couple of glass of water in hands.

Paige continue to stare at him, not even taking a look at the food, until Drake finally notice her glare.

"Is something wrong?"

Drake asked her as he swallowed down the sandwich.

"Why do I feel refreshed?"

Drake raised an eyebrow and said.

"Why? Isn't that a good thing?"

"I mean yes it is, but shouldn't I be feeling numb right now? But I don't feel like that, I just feel energized and happy right now."

He gave her a weird look before he explained.

"You have a big bad wolf as a boyfriend, remember? Taking your pain is not that hard."

Paige nodded with a blank face before she released a defeated sigh.

After a few moments however, she just decided to put it on the back of her mind before she released a sweet smile and thanking Drake for that.

They then started to eat their breakfast as the peaceful nature noise echoes around them.

After breakfast, Drake escorted Paige to her home before he, himself, went home.


September 19 2003, 11 days after Drake and Paige's second anniversary and more than seven months after the couple's first time.

Ever since then, Drake and Paige would have a few rounds of sex once or a couple of times in a week.

Thanks to that, both of their stamina, in that particular activity, began to increase.

More specially Paige.

Because, the said female teen can now easily last for more than 4 rounds of sex, something that the young couple found amazing and exciting.

They also began to know each other's weakness and G-spot as they continue to do so.

And of course, Drake would sometimes use condoms or cum outside of Paige whenever they do the deed without it.

Though they haven't done anything extreme like classroom sex or anything close to that yet, simply because Paige is too afraid for those kind of play for now.

And this is something that Drake completely understand and so, he chose to be contended with what they're doing so far.

However, their happiness didn't last longer than that because they're now on the second month of their sophomore year and along with this fact is that, the weird teacher has came back.

Mr. Rouk, the crazy homeroom teacher that Drake hated the most.

And along with his return, Mr. Rouk surprised Drake with the news that, he now knew what his secret is.

That's why, right now Drake is sitting in front of the weird teacher inside of their classroom.

"Don't you find it ironic? I followed your advice and got some help, and then that's when I learned what you are."

The teacher smugly spoke to the alpha in front of him.

"So what are you? A beta or an omega? Who's your alpha!?"

Drake gritted his teeth and fight off the urge to punch this crazy and weir- no, this crazy and arrogant teacher in front of him.

"How did you know?"

Drake asked after calming down a little.

"I got a little bit of help from a man called Gerard and although I'm thankful that he taught me a thing or two, I must say he has a few loose screw on his head."

"Wait, let me guess, you and that Gerard got along really well."

"Huh? How did you know?"

"How do you think so? Nuthead."

After provoking the crazy teacher multiple more times, Drake finally decided to ask the real question.

"So what do you want from me?"

"I don't need you, what I want is your alpha!"

Mr. Rouk yelled out, this of course made Drake frown but a few moments after that, he began to think of how to solve this.

"Why do you want to meet him?"

Drake asked once again, after leaning on his desk and placing his chin on top of his hands.


"That's none of your business, just tell me who and where he is!"

Mr. Rouk impatiently said as he drop his hands on the table in front of him.

"Well, I can't tell you that without a proper reason. I don't want to be kicked out of the pack you know."

"I don't care about that, all you need to do is tell me who it is!"

At Drake's request, all Mr. Rouk did is yell once again, that is why Drake replied with...

"Then I don't care too."

The two two of them stared at each other after Drake's nonchalant words left his mouth.

"Fine! It's because... I want a bite."

After a while, Mr. Rouk finally said his reason.

"Heh! What a greedy human."

Drake scoff at his answer before he stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going!? You didn't answer my question! Who is the alpha?!"

Because of that he was shouted at.

Hearing the crazy teacher yelling, Drake turned his head and peaked from his shoulder before saying.

"I am The alpha."

His eyes glowed crimson red which intimidated the crazy teacher.

"And if you want a bite, then go to the Beacon Hills Preserve at the end of the month."

"Why? Why don't you just bite me now?"

The teacher asked Drake in a shaky voice, his arrogance completely vanished.

"Simply because, I want to do it under the full moon."

That's the last words that Drake said before the door of the room closed.

And soon after he left...

"Ha... Haha.... Hahahaha."

... The crazy teacher began to laugh by himself.


At the school ground of Beacon Hills Highschool.

"So you're going to turn him?"

A brunette teen asked the dark haired boy that's hugging her, while they're sitting on the bench.

"Well, it's what he wanted so why not."

The boy, which is Drake, answered as he plays with the brown hair of the girl.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, if this is what it would take for him to leave us alone. And I also want to know if there's a benefit, about me, being a born alpha when I turn someone."

"Just be careful."

After a bit more of talking with his girlfriend, Paige kissed Drake's head before heading towards their class.


September 29 2003.

Tonight is the night.

The full moon is shinning bright, high in the sky.

At the Beacon Hills Preserve entrance, a 31 years old man can be seen waiting for someone.

After a few more tens of minutes, a teenager boy arrived from the forest.

"You're early."

The teen said to the excited old man in front of him.

"Please, let's just finish this."

The man said with nervousness mixed with excitement on his voice.

"Don't be too happy, I have a couple of condition for you to get what you want."

The man cringed at that before he carefully ask.

"What is it?"

"First, after I bite you today, you are going to leave the Beacon Hills and never come back again."

The man nodded his head.

"Second, you will kept it a secret that I am the one that bite you."

The man once again nodded his head at the words of the teen before him as he say.

"I promise."

Hearing the man's words, the teen reaches out his right hand and say.

"Alright, give me your hand."

The man raised up his hands and then he went a little bit closer to the teen.

After that he closed his eyes and waits for the pain that would give what he wants.

After grabbing the man's hand, the teen's eyes shone in bloody red color and then he suddenly bit it.

And as quickly as the teen bite, the pain kick in and the man shouted from the shock and pain.

After he calmed down, he opened up his eyes but the teen is nowhere to be seen anymore.

After making sure that no one saw them, the man began to walk and get out of the Beacon Hills Preserve entrance.

"Good luck."

A shadow figure mumbled to himself, behind the tree, before the moon direct it's light to the tree.

And what come out of it is the teen that bit the man, Drake Hale.

The born alpha.

The dark side of this fic is about to begin!! Thought I don't know if this is really a dark one because, well, I just doubt it. Also it's sad to know that, there's some readers who would really compare their own penis size to a fictional character, it's just... sigh.

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