
Teen Wolf: The Hybrid Pack

Drake Hale is a member of the Hale family, also known as the Hale pack. He is one of the two sons of the strongest alphas in the world. The twin brother of Derek Hale, a beta werewolf. The first born alpha to exist. And something more. Read as Drake learns how to control his powers, create his own pack, and discovers his past. This is the origin story of the, The Hybrid Pack. ×××××× English is not my first language so expect the worst you can do. Warning: Some chapters may trigger you because of it's cringiness and violence, so consider yourself warned. Disclaimer: This novel is a fan fiction of the original work, I don't own anything other than my OC characters. And the book cover is from google, I just edited it for a bit. Tips: Read the tags so you'll know what you're getting into. Tags: Reincarnation, Alternate Universe, Werewolf, Vampire, R-18, Harem, Incest, Shape Shifters, Supernatural, Romance.

Crazeeee3 · TV
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Chapter 15 - Gifts [ 18+ ]

November 7 2002.

Today is the 14th birthday of Derek and Drake, and currently there's a party going on at the Hale house.

After the whole family sang the happy birthday song, Drake began to cut the cake.

He gave the first slice to his mother then the next one to his uncle, Peter, and then his sister, Laura, and lastly to Cora, his baby sister.

And after the family members, he went to give some slice to Parcia, Paige and Cassandra.

As for Derek, well they were ignoring each other.

After yesterday night, Derek began to act a bit salty for Drake's taste and so the latter chose to ignore him.

This behavior of course didn't go unnoticed by their family and friends, but the adults stepped out of it and let the young teens to deal with it.

"Babe what's wrong with you and Derek?"

Paige asked after getting away from the lively atmosphere at the living room.

"I will tell you later."

Drake said with an eyes that's saying.

'It's about the secret.'

Paige nodded at his words and return to the living room with him.

When they came back, the others were now preparing to give their gifts to Derek and Drake.

"Here you go little brothers, hope you like it."

Laura comes first as she handed a new basketball to Derek while a new Bluetooth earphones to Drake.

They thanked her with a hugged before Peter stepped forward to give his gifts to the twin.

"Happy birthday."

He said and gave a new air jordan 6 to Derek and Derek.

One was colored in black which Drake took while for Derek is a dark blue one.

They thanked him too and then now it's their mother's turn.

Their mother gave them a pair of leather black jacket and pants.

"Happy birthday and I both love you."

She said before giving them a kiss on the head, and they replied with.

"I love you too mom."

"I love you too mom."

They spoke at the same time and after Talia, it's Parcia's turn.

"I don't know what to give you two but I hope you will like this."

She told before giving Drake a skateboard while a skate shoes to Derek.

They smiled at her said they liked it.

After all the adults and older kids is done, the baby of the family, Cora, went to her brothers and gave them a hug and kisses on the cheeks.

After that the party ended and Derek went to his room upstairs with Cassandra on his side.

Meanwhile Drake and Paige went to the treehouse and will spend the night there.

Of course, their parents allowed them saying.

"Only for tonight."

As for Paige's mother, she already went home, knowing her daughter will be in safe hands.

Or not.

••• [ 18+ ]

And so right now, Drake and Paige were laying on the twin sized bed inside the 2nd treehouse.

The TV is currently playing a movie which were showing the start of the erotic scenes.

"Fuck it!"

Drake exclaimed and turned around to place himself on top of Paige, who smiled at him.

"So... What are you going to do now~?"

She coyly asked Drake, who's slowly beginning to growl.

"I will eat you now."

He said before he leaned his head to hers and placed his lips onto Paige's.

They continue to kiss for a couple of minute before Drake broke the kiss and went to the right side of her neck.

He kissed and sucked on it, intending to leave a mark before moving to the other side.

Wherever he kisses, marks would be left behind.

And after making sure that both sides of her neck now have quite the number of hickeys,

Drake lifted up Paige's pink blouse and begin to mark her navel too.


Paige moans as she rubs her tights with Drake's.

"Yes, baby?"

Drake asked before he continue to mark her again.

"That's enough... Please I want you inside."

She said making Drake smirk.

"Not yet."

He said before he ripped off his clothes and take off Paige's. He then removed her bra revealing a firm and B cup breast.

And then Drake once again leaned on her and sucked on her right pink colored nipple while his left hand is massaging her left breast.

Meanwhile, Drake's right hand runs down on her body until it reached her lower lips before he began to rub it.

After a few more minutes, he kiss Paige once again and this time with a tongue, they then battled inside their mouth.

And in the end, Drake won the battle as he took the lead of their kiss.

Breaking the intense kiss that they're having, Drake went down till his head reached Paige's lower body.

He removed the last piece of clothe she have and began to kiss her lower lips.

His right hand were on the small bud on top of her lips as he sucks and push his tongue in and out of it.

Paige moan louder feeling the foreign muscle that's going in and out of her.

"Cumming... Please... Drake... I want... I want it..."

Paige moan louder after cumming and then plead Drake once again.


After that Drake stood up and pushed down his pants and then revealed his little wolf.

However, the little wolf is not exactly little as the size of it is reaching 14 centimeters.

Drake showed a toothy smile to Paige and reassures her.

"I will be gentle."

She nodded and bit her lower lips.


Drake said softly as he rubs the tip of his erected penis on Paige's maiden lips.

"I will enter now."

He said and slowly did so.


Feeling the hard and thick rod inside her, Paige moan with mixture of pain and pleasure.

Drake stopped entering when he felt a wall stopping his little wolf from going inside.

"Babe... Go..."

He stayed still until Paige gave him the signal.

And with a gentle and slow thrust, he went inside as he felt the wall breaking apart and letting him in, he then stop thrusting when he felt a different kind of wall.

'Her womb.'

Drake thought as he stayed still once again, letting Paige get use to the pain.

Some blood were leaking out from the side of her lower lips, but Drake and Paige didn't pay attention to it.

And with a nod from his mate, the young alpha began to take it out before thrusting in once again.

Slowly but surely, Drake began to increase his pace as he watch Paige's face changing from pain to pleasure.

Whenever Drake pulls out his cock, Paige's cunt would pull him back in and thus, repeating the same movement again and again.

The sound of skin hitting each other echoed inside the room as the bed began to shake from the force of Drake's thrusting.

Thankfully the treehouse is quite sturdy and so it didn't fall off the tree.

After a few minutes, Drake began to intensifies his thrusting even more, making his partner moan louder.

It continued for ten minutes before he finished, he pulled out his cock and showered Paige's front with his cum.

Paige cummed 4 times during this round and so she's exhausted, leaving her in a half awake half sleep state.

Drake then rest his back on the bed besides his exhausted girlfriend.

Seeing her poor state, the young alpha decided to end it here.

After all, this is only their first time, so there's no need to rush things out than they already did.

"I love you, Paige Krasikeva."

Drake whispered onto Paige's ears before kissing her forehead.

"I... Lab.. yoo tuu.."

Paige fuzzily replied to him which Drake hardly understood.

Drake then pulled up a thick blanket on top of them before he cuddled Paige.

And with a silly smile on their face, both the young alpha and female teen finally closes their eyes and went to sleep.

Is 14 too young for this kind of things? Yes. Do I care? No.

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