
Teen Wolf: Hunter, Don't Shoot My Friend

Some people exist with pride, some fight with pride, some compete with pride, and some fail with pride, but few can quit with pride. Ethan is a hunter from the Winchester family; he considered himself a simple person for the great family he belonged to. If he has anything to say, he would say that he did not hunt because he was a hero but because he sought revenge. Those dark entities took someone special from him when he was younger; now, as an adult, he would return the favor with blood and silver. All of them would feel the poison of Aconitum napellus, better known as the wolf-killing plant. The real question is: would he live forever killing dark entities without remorse, or would he spend the rest of his days living a more human life? That is why he was sent to the city of Beacon Hills, California, where his students would be more than just teenagers. "Professor, not kill my friend; this is a dog that does not bite." Ethan looked at his students in horror, wondering whether to find them a new future as dark entities or simply give them eternal rest with his sword.

SrCuervo2 · Movies
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79 Chs

The Vengeance the Family Could Not Take

Peter had no issues with his family, but he wouldn't hesitate to get rid of them if it meant fulfilling his revenge. "Mr. Winchester, I will fulfill any promise my nephew made to you, and better, as long as you help me with my revenge."

"Things don't work that way." Derek's eyes gleamed a strong blue as the claws on his hands elongated.

From a distance, Ethan calmly said, "Peter, you just disrespected me by making a fair deal with your nephew. Do you think I'll trust any foolish promise you're trying to make now? I'm not that naive. Besides, we had a deal that was still in place with Laura Hale, and you, who murdered her, must pay for your crimes, whether by your nephew's hand or ours."

"You were the ones who killed us." Peter spat in Ethan's direction.

"That's impossible; we had an oath," Ethan replied, not believing the words of a mere werewolf.

"An oath that hunters broke, burning us to death. When you learned about the destruction of the Hale family, you did nothing. We are nothing but tools to you," Peter roared, the chains in the basement rattling with force.

"I'm out of here," Stiles muttered as he left the basement, though he stayed close enough to see everything without exposing himself too much.

Ethan stood up and said, "I will kill those who did this to your family, whether they're hunters or priests. I made a blood promise, and I will keep it."

Derek, who had been watching his uncle, gritted his teeth in anger and growled, "I will seek revenge; you will pay for what happened to my sister."

"How will you seek revenge? The person who destroyed our family was your childhood sweetheart. Damn you, you bastard!" Peter shouted, staring Derek in the eyes.

Cora, who overheard this, asked, "What does he mean by that?"

"Not now, Cora."

"Then when?" she insisted.

"First our sister, then the family. That is the deal with the S.G.C. in exchange for an army of supernatural beings," Derek said, turning away and looking at his brother.

Peter smirked and said, "Just tell her—tell her that your girlfriend, Argent, was the one who burned our family."

When Cora heard this, she frowned, looking at Derek. Upon realizing it was true, she was about to leave the basement to seek vengeance.


But at that moment, a dart pierced her leg, and Ethan, who had been listening to this dramatic conversation, said, "End this now. I'll handle judging the Argent family and kill all those responsible."

Derek gritted his teeth, glared at Peter, and growled as his right hand pierced his uncle's heart.


Blood splattered against the wall. Peter, who had some merit for what he had done, slowly lost strength and coughed up blood.

"That's the determination you need to take down the Argents..."


Derek's roar made even Scott tremble, but Ethan, standing beside him, didn't flinch. After confirming that Derek had taken over as the alpha, he drew his pistol and aimed it at Peter's head.

"He's dead; is this really necessary?" Derek asked, staring at Ethan with no expression.

Ethan shook his head and said, "You have no idea how many werewolves have come back to life because no one aimed for the head. I'm not taking that risk."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In seconds, three shots rang out, hitting Peter's head, who had only recently held some merit.

When the job was done, Ethan looked at Cora and then told Derek, "Take your sister. You'll hear news about the Argent family in a few days, and then only your part will remain."

"Understood," Derek responded, taking his sister and leaving the basement without saying another word.

Agents from upstairs came down and began cleaning up, making sure to burn Peter's body until only ashes remained.

As Ethan was about to leave, Scott, who had just realized his girlfriend's family was involved in the destruction of Derek's family, hesitated before asking, "Are you going to do something to the Argent family?"

"If they're guilty of murdering a supernatural guardian family, it's obvious they'll be punished. That's only fair. It's one thing to break the code with free supernatural creatures; it's entirely different to murder families that protect humans," Ethan replied, fully aware of what Scott was implying. But even if a baby was involved, that baby would be judged.

Scott followed Ethan, but Stiles whispered, "Don't be foolish. Don't make a mistake."

"They're going to kill my girlfriend's family; how do you expect me to stay calm?"

"They don't kill innocent people—only those who commit unforgivable crimes," Stiles explained, trying to make his friend understand that those who were innocent wouldn't be harmed.

"Things look different from my perspective," Scott said, catching up to Ethan, who was about to leave.

Scott hesitated for a moment and asked, "Will you kill them?"

Ethan stopped, looked at Scott, and said, "Listen carefully, Scott. What would you do if you dedicated your life to protecting a town and one day a group of hunters came to kill you? You, who have dedicated your life to not hurting humans, have people come to murder you. They burn your little brother, your mother, and your father. What would you do?"

"I... I don't know..." Scott couldn't answer.

"If you're worried about your girlfriend, don't be. She's too young to be involved in this world," Ethan said before getting into the vehicle. When he saw Stiles, he added, "Don't skip your training."

"Yes, I understand, boss."

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