

"how are you my alpha" Laura asked

"I'll be happy to tell you but first you got to sit down" stiles replied.

stiles moved towards the table and motioned for Laura to follow.

Laura seeing this looks at Derek as he also nodded for her to listen to Stiles. she eventually does what stiles asked and sat down in front of Stiles waiting for him to start talking.

"okay then first let's get some things straight, do you remember what happened that night at the woods." stiles asked

"not really all I remember is that Peter was chasing after me and then it's all fuzzy after" Laura replied

"alright, well you see Laura for about a week now you have been dead. but I furtunately have brought you back to life." stiles told her not wanting to take longer.

"wait what?" Laura said with a confused face.

"yeah, I brought you back to life with the exception of you being part of pack now. even though I may be young I am considerably stronger than any other being out there." Stiles said.

"ahh I also forgot to say is that you might have awaken a special trait after I turned you" Stiles added.

"special trait?" Laura said confused yet again. Derek seeing this steps in.

"yes a special trait for example have you noticed I look lean but strong?" Derek asked

"now that you mention it yes, I just thought you weren't eating enough" Laura replied

"well no, the thing is, is that after I entered Stiles pack my body changed to the ideal body for my trait. since I got leaner I was able to run at almost if not double of my fastest speed." Derek said.

"double?, if that's true then you must be really fast then" Laura said.

"yeah which comes back to you. how do you feel, do you somehow feel a power in you?" Stiles asked.

"umm idk lemme try to feel for it"Laura replied. as she closed her eyes to concentrate. after a while she opens her eyes but instead of the usual red eyes, her eyes became pitch black and she emitted a small scent of death.

Stiles seeing this stands up and grabs her arm forcing her nails to turn into her wolf form.

"Just as I thought" stiles said.

"she has been dead for a week now and has been wrapped around wolfsbane so she is able to send off a scent of death including her body is now Poison she has a potent poison running through her veins which excretes from her nails" Stiles said as he runs his fingers through her nails and a black ooze falls off

"fortunately her poison doesn't affect me or whomever has my blood in them." Stiles said again.

Laura seeing is surprised since she literally felt the black liquid come out of her.

"now Derek i am going to need for you to help Laura control her poison we don't want her killing people by accident. as for me I got to go it's almost sun down and I got school tomorrow." Stiles tells Derek as he gets up heading out the house.

a few minutes later

"so our new alpha is kind of young isn't he." Laura says

"yeah but he is stronger than any other alpha I have ever met" Derek responds

"indeed I can feel my body wanting to kneel in front of him, I haven't felt that way before." Laura said

Derek hearing this, smiles and then begins to tell Laura of Stiles true identity. with each passing moment Laura's face will change from shock, to pale, and then to full on pride.


Stiles can be seen driving towards his house. as he was driving he ended up seeing Chris argent and his group of hunters.

"those hunters better not cause any trouble to me or my pack" he said to himself as he just kept driving towards his house.


hey guys I got moved to E.R so my time is more hectic than ever, and I barely have time to even go out with my friends. so my uploads will be random now.

sorry for the inconvenience ☹️😔

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