
Teen Wolf: Fenrir

yes another teen Wolf fan fic but this has a little twist as in instead of the typical Scott being the main character. The MC to my story will be Stiles Also I'm writing this in my phone since I'm doing my internship at a hospital so I don't really have that much time on my hands ?

poeticjustice · TV
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


a few hours later after the whole Peter thing Stiles went by himself to Derek's house. where an anxious Derek can be seen walking back and forth in front of his house.

"you seem nervous" stiles said getting Derek's attention.

"yeah I am" Derek said

"before we begin there is a couple of things I have to say to you. first it's not a for sure thing that she will be able to come back. secondly she will be part of my pack if she likes it or not. And thirdly if she does come back we are not sure how she will feel about Peter killing her, I don't want her to go and try to kill him. I still need him for other things." Stiles said

" fine" Derek replied right away.

"okay let's go see your sister" stiles says as he begins heading towards the side of the house were he can smell wolfsbane on the ground.

as stiles got closer he can see the ground has just recently been digged up.


Derek then begins to start digging after a few minutes he picks up a brown bag with blood all over it

"here she is" Derek said

stiles motions to Derek to move back as he opens up the bag to reveal a pale skinned lady with brown hair.

'well here goes nothing' Stiles says to himself

he bites himself on the wrist deep enough for him to bleed a lot.

stiles then moves his hand towards Laura's mouth and let's his blood gush inside her.

after stiles felt that he had given enough blood he backs away from her. just as he does that, Laura's body begins to emit black fog all over consuming her entire/half well what is left of her body.

Stiles seeing this begins to sigh of relief Knowing it's working as he also felt Laura is connected to him due to his blood. As for Derek he also became elated.

A few hours later the fogs begins to fade catching stiles and Derek's attention once again. As it fades it reveals a a naked pretty lady on the floor gasping for air. Derek seeing this runs towards his sister.

"Laura it's okay I'm here, I got you" Derek says

"Derek?" Laura says calming down after noticing Derek next to her. seeing that she was with her younger brother and safe, she then let's her guard down quickly falling asleep right after.

"she must still feel tired after all her body must have worked extra hard to re grow her lost limbs." stiles said as he removes his jacket and puts it over Laura covering her body.

"thank you for this" Derek said.

"nah don't mention it, happy to help plus I got a new pack member." Stiles replies

soon after Derek and stiles head inside Derek's house and wait yet again till Laura wakes up.

"you know I've spent a whole lot of today's time just waiting around, I'm so bored." Stiles said.

"well why don't you go back home and I'll give you a call when she wakes up." Derek said with an annoyed face. Stiles all day has been nagging about being bored and doing nothing which began to irritate Derek, but beings Derek's alpha he had to keep it to himself knowing that Stiles can easily kick his ass.

"nah I'll be bored there as well, at least here I can annoy you." Stiles said mockingly to Derek clearly knowing he was irritating him.

just as Derek was about to reply. a moving sound came from Laura's direction. when they heard this they both quickly turned towards Laura's location, seeing her as she sits up looking at us.

"Derek?" Laura said.

"yeah it's me" Derek said walking towards her.

but out of nowhere she grabs Derek and tells him. " Derek where is Peter!" she asked

"he should be in town looking for a house" Derek said subconsciously.

'fuck' was all Derek thought before Laura gets up from the bed. and begins walking toward the exit. just as she was a few feet away stiles appeared in front of her.

" you ain't going anywhere!" he told her

" who are you to tell me what to do?"Laura said as she kept walking and tried to push stiles aside but he just wouldn't budge.

stiles still seeing the anger in her, changed his demeanor including his eyes.

Laura sensing his change cowered down immediately.

" now listen here Laura I am Stiles and I am your new alpha, so you better do as I say." stiles said waiting for her to reply

" how are you my alpha?