
Technomancer in MCU

Synopsis - This is the story of an unfortunate person thrown into the world of MCU(AU Obviously) before Canon events and is given the power of Technomancy. The man chooses to become a good samaritan and starts to prepare to protect the world he calls home now. A/N :- First time author here so please have mercy.Constructive Criticism is always appreaciated. Thank you :) If you want to read ahead of the public release, subscribe to my patreon - 'patreon.com/Idlemuse'. Your support would mean the world to me.

IdleMuse0307 · Movies
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148 Chs

Technomancer in MCU #57

Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 57

Technomancer in MCU


He ignored the security measures installed as he witnessed the bot shrinking the vault from the inside and returning to rest in his back plate.

His work done, he set his thrusters to maximum and broke through sixteen layers of concrete to blast out of the building.


–Frank Castle–

As soon as he burst out of the building, taking out some poor fools with him, he was greeted with the sight of the other 5 members floating just above the Triskelion, watching the carriers above.

He could almost feel the confusion wafting off of them, except Eric since he already knew what was going on.

"Daisy, do it," he told Daisy.

"I'm trying, something's blocking all our attempts to do so," she replied. He could hear her typing furiously in the background.

"What do you mean? We have to do something soon because if we don't, the US military will just shoot them down or worse, confiscate them." That was bad but still a salvageable situation.

"I'm trying. Now, let me focus," she replied and cut the connection.

"What is happening? Aren't they supposed to just destroy each other?" Rogers said as he held his iconic shield in one hand and a hard light one attached to his other forearm.

The man really did love his shields, didn't he? No wonder, Peggy named the organisation S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Daisy, status report?"

"Just a minute!" she shouted in his ears.

Whatever Daisy did must have worked since he could see from his suit, in real-time, the carrier formation overlaying a layer of illusion on them.

Just as the illusion boundaries were about to close over all six of the carriers, a voice sounded in his ears.

A voice that nearly brought tears to his eyes. Good thing it was just sweat and not tears. That would have been embarrassing.

"Alfred reporting for duty, commander. Miss me?" said Alfred as he appeared in all his bespoke glory in his HUD.

As he heard Alfred's message, he also heard a loud whining noise from the carriers above.

His eyes widened as he looked above. The energy weapons onboard the two carriers were being activated.

He could also feel his suit's controls being taken over by Alfred, same with Eric. The medbots also seemed to increase in both volume and the speed with which they were working. Soon, within seconds of Alfred arriving, the medbots had either recovered every single S.H.I.E.L.D. agent or shredded the H.Y.D.R.A. ones down to a bloody mist, made evident by the red mist that came out of most of the carriers.

"Uh, Alfred? Buddy? This was not the plan." He heard Daisy muttering nervously.

"Ah, change of plans. We don't need them." Alfred replied.

"Why?" Daisy asked.

"No time. Will explain later on."

"Very well,"

"Alfred, good to have you back, and don't worry, Maria will be having words with you about your little leaving stunt."

He could have been mistaken but he could swear that he heard a gulping sound at his reply.


"Anyways, any update on the other locations we were supposed to move on to?" he questioned Alfred.

"Don't worry, Commander. The forces are moving in as we speak. I have also activated all my assets around the world. We'll be done in a jiffy." Alfred replied.

He could have been mistaken again but Alfred's sound seemed a bit deeper and rougher than usual. Maybe his speakers were faulty?


Yellow Stone National Park

There were multiple tourists inside the National Park as usual.

Tour Guide Saul was just about done with showing them the mouth of the once supervolcano and herding them to the next stop when he heard a bubbling sound of some sort.

He ignored it at first but it increased in intensity and soon, he heard horrified gasps from the visitors.

Dreading the result, he turned around and looked at the volcano. To his horror, there was a fissure in the ground through which lava was bubbling out.

"Run! RUN!" he shouted and ran towards the pickup truck. Screams ensued as all the visitors followed him.

Looking behind, he could see that multiple fissures had opened up after that, and red hot lava was flowing out of it.

He didn't know what overcame him but he was soon in the truck, helping the visitors boarding it, and as soon as the last passenger was boarded, he told the driver to floor it.

When they exited the boundary set up for the tourist spot, he could see the land around the fissures cracking and splintering, as if something was coming out of the land.

He was expecting lava but something totally unexpected happened. The ground burst open and with it, a tsunami of blackness followed.

Like a geyser, thousands of black insects of some sort flew into the air. He could hear the frightened screams intensify at that sight.

It was like it was straight out of the Bible. There was a literal swarm of blackish-red insects floating while it kept on increasing in size due to the influx of more insects adding to the cloud.

He squinted his eyes as he saw something bizarre happening. 

"Oh, shit!" he exclaimed as soon as he realised what was going on. Those were no insects! They were machines. The machines were forming into a single big unit.

He didn't get to see what was happening as they were going downhill but he did hear a silent whining noise soon after it went out of his sight.

The black streak in the air was pretty hard to miss.


–Blackagar Boltagon–

 He could have never predicted the events that unfolded over the course of the past few weeks.

He had heard mutterings of genetic disorders on the rise from the genetic council but they had assured him that they had already solved it. Not to mention he had trusted his brother way too much back then.

If he had been a little more firm in his approach with Maximus, maybe he still would have been alive.

He knew for a fact that Ed was the one who had Maximus killed. He had no proof but he just knew.

He also knew that there was no way, even if he had proof, he could take any action on that piece of information.

Not when the stakes were the continued survival of his race.

A week after Ed visited Attilan, as he said, an ambassador from his side arrived with a literal army at her beck and call. She said her name was Maria Castle née Falconio. The soldiers and Alfred himself seemed incredibly protective of her.

After giving her their official acceptance, she accepted it with grace and went right back to work, i.e., healing all their people.

Contrary to the genetic council's expectation, she went to the lower floors in the beginning and started healing them.

When the council elders began to protest when she began to free them, the glare she subjected them to rooted even him to the spot.

He could still hear her words as clear as day, "There are no slavers who are allied with our organisation right now and that is not about to change anytime soon. You can either be a slaver or you can be alive. Choose wisely."

Safe to say, the elders had no words to say after that.

There were a string of rules they had to follow as part of the deal but all of them were in their favor, so he hadn't hesitated to sign the pact. What he hadn't expected however was the fervor of protest the elders made but in the end, they had to submit to the rules proposed.

Last he heard, barely 2 members of the original 15 of the council were still alive. Truly, Ed was a ruthless person.

"Ready, my love?" Medusa asked him.

"Yes." he nodded and went on the stage to address the Inhuman unit of the organisation.

Looking over the nearly 300 combat class Inhumans filled him with pride. Going with Ed was the right choice all along.

He was informed about Alfred's leaving but as they were still new members, that didn't have as big of an impact. Especially since they were technically a sovereign nation so he was able to make sure that Alfred was not snooping around constantly on their systems.

Of course, he was not delusional so as to think that Alfred could be stopped but it was necessary for the citizens' peace of mind at least.

"Greetings, fellow Inhumans. Today, we are given the opportunity to help our siblings to get rid of a scourge that has been plaguing their civilisation for far too long. Some of you might have even heard of them. Tonight, we are going to rid the planet of H.Y.D.R.A." he said in a rousing speech, hoping to increase the morale of the troops as this was their very first real mission along with the debut of Inhumans on the global political stage of Earth.

They were waiting for their orders from Miss Daisy. He still had a hard time believing that the same woman who visited their city that day had become the leader of this vast organisation.

"As per their previous orders, we are supposed to hit the location called the F.R.I.D.G.E. and retrieve everything from that facility. Actually, we were told to just take the entire facility with us, if possible." Medusa said to him, with her voice instead of her telepathic bond.

That was another thing that had improved ever since they accepted Ed's help. With the help of their sciences, they were able to not only give me a way to speak properly, but they were also able to improve upon the minor psionic talent that Medusa had.

She was now able to speak to anyone within a 100m radius with ease.

"Unit Inhumans, you are authorised to proceed. I repeat you are authorised to proceed." Daisy said in his earpiece and he nodded at Medusa, slowly floating up in the air with the entire Royal Family floating beside him.

"My fellow citizens, tonight, we rise!" he shouted passionately and flew to his destination, his entire unit following him.

Soon, the island city of Attilan II shrunk until they crossed the stealth boundary and it became invisible.

For the gift of Attilan II alone, he would count Ed and Alfred as the lifelong allies of Inhumans.

With a newfound determination, he dashed towards the location of the facility, ready to tear apart any obstacle they came across.


Word Count - 1809

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head on to my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

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I already have up to 12 extra chapters uploaded there.