
Technomancer in MCU

Synopsis - This is the story of an unfortunate person thrown into the world of MCU(AU Obviously) before Canon events and is given the power of Technomancy. The man chooses to become a good samaritan and starts to prepare to protect the world he calls home now. A/N :- First time author here so please have mercy.Constructive Criticism is always appreaciated. Thank you :) If you want to read ahead of the public release, subscribe to my patreon - 'patreon.com/Idlemuse'. Your support would mean the world to me.

IdleMuse0307 · Movies
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148 Chs

Technomancer in MCU #114

Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 114

Technomancer in MCU

Deep Space, Sanctuary II [2012]


"Sire, I come with dire news," Ebony Maw approached him with his hands tied together, a clear sign of his nervousness, something that has stayed with him ever since he was a kid that he had rescued from his dying planet.

"I know, Maw," He sighed and leaned further back into his seat. Maw looked at him in expectation of guidance for further actions because, despite his powerful hatred that would no doubt be aimed at the offenders, he knew it was not the right time for overt movements.

"So, the Asgardian has failed," He mused out loud as his mind worked overtime to see who could have stopped Loki so soon and destroyed that cluster of Chitauri at the same time.

"Yes, sire. The infuriating Asgardian has failed in his mission and has also taken the Other down with him," Maw replied, prostrating on the ground at his failure. After all, it was his idea to send Loki down to Midgard to retrieve the stone that they had known existed on Midgard for decades, simply because doing so would not bring undue attention to them so early in their quest to gather all the stones.

"Yes, I felt that. I can understand the Asgardian failing and the portal closing but how did the fleet get decimated all at once? Did the Ancient One take action herself?" He questioned Maw even though he knew for a fact that that pesky woman would not move unless it was something related to her strict job description. She had a one-tone focus that he could respect nonetheless.

An admirable quality that worked in his favour because his army was going to invade the planet using purely technology; none of the mystics under his employ were used for this endeavour after all.

Maw began speaking hesitantly, which was surprising because it meant Maw believed there was something in the report that would enrage him. It would not matter much to him since it was one of the many feelers he had sent out into the galaxy in hopes that external agents could fetch him some of the stones. He was aware that it was mostly a failed endeavour because none in their right mind would just hand over one of the six most coveted objects in the universe, to someone else, much less him, who had, over the years, gained quite a reputation as the "Mad" Titan. Huh, Mad, him. It was them who were mad, unable to see the state of the universe for what it was. A failed one. He would help them and yet they decry his actions as "evil", as if good or bad was not completely subjective.

"Speak, Maw, my patience grows thin."

"Y-Yes, sire. Uh, according to the last scans that we were able to get of the planet, we detected multiple level 3 strongholds on the planet–"

Which was unsurprising since they were aware of 2 level 3 strongholds on that planet before they even began their invasion. Level 3 strongholds, while troublesome, were not much of a concern to someone of his level or even for his Black Order.

"--aside from the ones we were already aware of. Aside from that, a level 5 stronghold was detected on the planet's moon. We were barely able to get any details about it before the barriers surrounding the stronghold made it disappear from our sensors. We suspect it to be a level 6 stronghold at best,"

His eyebrows shot up once he heard that last bit. Encountering Level 6 strongholds was not something that could be expected on any backward planet. Even Asgard, for all its might, was only a Level 6 stronghold solely because of Odin's continued presence on it. Even Xandar and the Kree homeworlds were only Level 5 strongholds.

This was troublesome. This meant that anything short of a full frontal assault with him at the forefront would fail right at their doorsteps. Sure, there were ways to bypass that but with the Ancient One lurking in the shadows, he would not be able to take any risk regarding Midgard.

"How did we miss it? Level 6 strongholds are not built overnight. I thought your intelligence network would have caught it or did you finally lose your touch, Maw?" His daughter, Gamora, asked Maw, touching a sore spot.

Maw grimaced at the question, fully aware that it was his failure this time, which was unheard of in all the time he had maintained his intelligence network.

"Their technology is on par or even better than the Sovereign. They were able to deploy an unbreakable barrier around the portal, effectively creating a small stage where they were able to decimate our forces. They also had many more of those suits of armour that Loki had warned us about. They had multiple flying ships capable of blasting through any defence that the Chitauri could mount," Maw recounted as clips from the battle were being shown on holograms throughout his throne room. 

Gamora and Nebula continued to take in the sights, as did he. It was astonishing, the technology that Midgardians were able to develop, despite being such a weak species themselves.

"Was it Odin?" He looked at Gamora who asked the question. 

"No," He shook his head. Putting aside the fact that it was not his style, the underlying principles behind the technology were too different.

"I can see no magic being used in all of those ships, Sire. Asgard would not arm any realm, especially not Midgard of all places, Sire." Maw replied.

"They had excellent healing methods as well," Nebula muttered as she looked at a hologram projected by her eye, showing them their makeshift hospitals where yellow rays were used to heal almost all wounds. Most wounds were healed almost instantly, visibly scabbing over, leaving just a scar on otherwise healthy skin.

"CHI," He muttered as everybody looked at him.

"It's what the mystics call the life force that we all have in ourselves. It would seem that the mysterious protectors of Midgard have managed to harness that life force to achieve astonishing effects. Healing would be the last of the advantages of creating artificial life force. It would seem that we would have to cease all our operations against Midgard and the Nine Realms as well," he declared after pondering on the advantages and disadvantages of waging war against the current Midgard, especially with both Odin and the Ancient One alive. It would be over before he knew it. It would be pointless to antagonise two of the handful of people in the universe who could defeat him, especially since all he had to do was wait.

Time was on his side after all.

"As you command, Sire." Maw bowed and left the room, Nebula soon followed him. She detested him because of the many gifts he had given her so that she could keep up with her elder sister. He had no desire to make her like him. He did not do it to get compliments from her. He did it out of love for her.

"Well, what are you going to do about that? Doesn't that hurt your ego? Weak backward Midgardians defeating an admittedly small, but still significant part of your army? Not to mention the loss of The Other will hurt a part of your projects." Gamora scoffed at him.

He smiled grimly at her. That was something that never failed to unsettle her. 

"You think I do all of this for pride? Some misplaced arrogance? No, My Dear, I do this for the universe. For all the beings suffering currently. I take the burden on myself so that no one else has to. The burden to make the hardest choices. Unfortunately,-" He whirled on her and watched with a pang of sadness that she took a step back in wariness.

Shaking that off, he continued, –Some people do not realise the favour I am doing for them and continue to resist fruitlessly. Unfortunately, the ones resisting this time are quite a bit stronger than even me, and for that, I will have to take a step back,"

"Oh, stronger than even you?" Gamora questioned him with a glint in her eye.

He sat down on one of the stairs and looked at her, "Yes, I have no shame in admitting it. Odin Borson of Asgard and the Ancient One of Midgard are both quite formidable individuals, capable of besting even the best of what the universe has to offer,"

"So, this Ancient One was the one responsible for beating back our forces?" 

"No. This is the work of someone new. Someone capable of making a Level 6 stronghold means that I will have to save Midgard for the last. It would seem, daughter, that we still have a long fight ahead of us," 

"And what of the stone we gave to Loki?"

He sighed internally. He had debated endlessly whether it was a good choice to give the gem to Loki or not but the Other and even Maw had made a strong case so he had relented. It was not as if there was anybody on that planet who could break open the shell surrounding or so he had thought. The gem was probably in the hands of the same people who soundly defeated Loki and he was sure that they had the tools to safely contain the Mind Stone. Considering the lack of energy signature of the Mind Stone, it would be safe to assume that the stone was now in the vaults of that level 6 stronghold. He would need another Infinity Stone to soundly breach that and retrieve the stone before they could bog him down with their forces.

And wasn't that a sobering thought? A civilisation that he had thought was barely worth the dirt that was synonymous with their planet was now housing a place that could even trap the likes of him. He supposed that there was at least one good thing from the invasion, even if the temporary loss of the Stone was concerning.

They now knew. He now knew that there was someone else aside from the terrifying Ancient One who lived in Midgard. Another Guardian that they needed to be wary of. He could also see that whoever it was, they relied heavily on technology. Technology that could defeat even his Black Order but in the end, it was just technology. It was nearly impossible to breach that barrier. The barrier to reaching the top echelons of power without having a soul. It was the key to storing vast amounts of power. Without a soul, all the machines can do is reach a ceiling of power that he crossed back when he was just a teenager on Titan.

"Well?" He was brought out of his musings by the sharp voice of Gamora.

He looked at her and sighed, "The stone is probably in the stronghold. Probably in their deepest vaults and it will remain there until I take it back,"

Gamora raised an eyebrow, "You're that confident?"

He cracked a grin at the skepticism in her voice. He leaned back down on the floor and looked at the ceiling of the throne room. 

"My dear, Not confident, I am certain. That's all." 

"And this Ancient One, how would you deal with her? From what I hear, Odin has one foot in his grave anyway but this mortal seems to have some way of increasing her lifespan indefinitely?" Gamora questioned him, always the analytical mind. Always the greatest assassin of the galaxy. Just how he had raised her.

"Ah, she is soon to die anyway. Why worry about something that will not be my concern in a few years anyway? Besides, we don't enter her domain and she doesn't disturb ours. It's always been like this. That is why not many advanced civilisations have the guts to enter Midgard, aside from Odin's decree of course."

"I see," Gamora nodded.

He just hoped that there weren't any more surprises aside from this. Last thing he needed was another player on the board who was seemingly unbeatable.

Deep Space, Sanctuary II [2013]

"Sire, this is..deeply unsettling," Maw said as they looked at the footage being shown on the screen, and for once, he had to agree. This was not good.

They were looking at the latest news that was circulating out of Knowhere. 

The location of the Singularity.

It was on Midgard. Ofcourse, he was not stupid enough to consider Tivan's words at face value. He had conducted independent investigations, even going so far as to employ the Mystics from the Black market.

It had confirmed his worst fears. The Singularity was living inside the Level 6 stronghold.

It meant that Midgard's newest Guardian was.. The Singularity.

"Well Shit…." Gamora aptly summarised their current situation.

Word Count - 2168

 If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

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