
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


Meanwhile Jishuka who immediately got out of her Virtual Reality Cabin started searching for Tec but even after searching for a long time she couldn't find a single shadow of Tec she even asked the Creator of satisfy about Tec's Location but of course Lim Cheolho didn't tell her as it might become a trouble if Tec Existance of being a Higher being/ God become known... After that the Competition continued for 3 more days at the end South Korea became the first winner of the First Satisfy national competition as Grid Dominated the remaining events other than that nothing really bing happened beside the fact that Satisfy become more even famous that in just a span of 3 days the players grew from 2 Billion user to almost 3 Billion with that surprised Advertisement that Took the world like a storm! Creating headlines about Tec the Unknown person and also Become a God in Satisfy which many people consider their second life... After that a week already passed Tec continued doing his daily routine of Fishing, Camping, repeat while the members of Tzedakah Returned to their normal routine knowing the fact that there's a monster called Zeno in their Guild...

A month in real life passed which is equivalent to 3 months in The World of Satisfy Jishuka have been visiting Tec camping Site for time to Time to Give Tec a quick summary of what's happening in their guild also at this time Grid decided to leave the guild and create his own guild but he wanted to swallow the entire Tzedakah Guild including Tec who's Jishuka have to treat with caution as after knowing Tec for a Bit Jishuka learned a little bit from Tec for example Tec like seeing people having a hard time which Jishuka Choose to ignored as Tec only targeted Pon, Vantner and some time Grid trying to scare them by telling them that he'll kill them back to level 1 just because Tec wants to which is why Pon, Vantner and Grid chooses to avoid seeing Tec at all times... And there's also the golem invasion that happened by cause of Grid which of course no one know even Grid Himself at this span of time Grid Sister which in game named is Ruby started playing [ Satisfy ] and even got herself a Growth Type Class which is par with Legendary Classes... After the Golem Invasion Event Grid Created his Guild which is called Overgeared because Grid have a much terribly naming sense then Tec and also because he wanted to equipped everyone in the Guild Except Tec who kept harrsing him Overpowered Equipments which Grid strongly believe is the way to becoming stronger much faster... While Jishuka Decided to agree with Grid proposal of joining his guild while using her 1 Request once a month one last time to request Tec to Joined Overgeared which Tec agreed if Grid is going to accept his 3 Rules which Grid accepted without saying anything... After Creating and getting every member of Tzedakah joined his Guild Grid then become the first player to become a Duke of a Kingdom as his reward for Defending and Having the highest contribution in he Golem Invation event while also getting a City for his Guild to start their fresh start... And of course Tec remained at the outskirt of Winston to continue becoming a hermit...

3 months later after the first SNC All past members of Tzedakah passed Level 300 Excluding Tec who's level didn't even increased a single bit after so many months at this Time Tec already left Winston and decided to stay at Reidan which is a city in a middle of a dessert beside that The top seven guild that top Rankers managed decided to attack Reidan due to their fear of The Overgeared guild becoming much stronger than them and also because they wanted revenge on Grid who crushed their prides That all happened before Tec arrived to Reidan which before he can enter he have to Fight an Named Npc Piaro that single handedly defeated the 2nd rank of the Unified ranking as their trying to invade Reidan

" if you want to enter my Lord's City you'll have to pass over me first! " Said The Npc Piaro who's holding a farming Tool along with his dirt covered clothes

" Oh? So I have to defeat you first if I want to enter? Grid really hates me isn't he? " Said Tec as he thought Grid Put the npc in front him to fight him first if he wanted his City

" well shall we get started then? " Asked Tec as he pulled out a wooden sword that he crafted months ago replacing his old wooden sword which got destroyed in the SNC

[ Zeno's Personal Wooden Sword ]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 209/250 Attack: 100-300

- A wooden Sword Created by Trancended Blacksmith Zeno on his spare time

Condition of use: Zeno

Weight: 450

But before Piaro and Tec even start their fight Grid suddenly appeared in the sky as he gracefully lands and Stopped piaro! Grid is secretly thankful that he manage to get In time or else piaro would be turned into dead game data once Tec starts

" Stop! Please wait a moment!! Piaro this man is my guest so calm your self down! " Said Grid when suddenly Tec decided to mess with Tec as he swinged this wooden sword Created wind blades aiming at Grid and Piaro who someone manage to dodge...

" OH! You dodge? " Said Tec Piaro immediately moved in front of Grid to try and protect him when Tec saw that he smiled and Created several wind blades produces by his sword

" Free Farming 4th Style, [ Plowing the Field! ]. " Said Piaro as he pulled out a plow and started digging at the ground. As it struck the ground, the soil rose up and became a barrier that blocked the wind blades. Seeing how Piaro who just became a legendary Farmer fight against Tec who could deal Millions of damage with just one skill he panicked and Pulled Piaro away from Tec

" PIARO! LISTEN TO ME AND BEHAVE! THAT MAN ISN'T AN ENEMY! THAT MAN IS PART OF MY GUILD! " Said Grid as this is the first time he yelled at Piaro as he's afraid that he might lose a valuable Npc because of its Stupidity!

" But my lord! That man just tried to harm you! It's my Dute as your knight to stop and fight him! " Said Piaro

" No! Listen to me no matter what that man do to me don't do anything unless I ordered you to do so! Now go back to work! I'll deal with this myself " Said Grid

" I understand! Then please be careful " Said Piaro as he returned from his farmland inside of a dessert

" Tch you ruined my fun Grid I was about to use [ Cut ] To test him out since he's quite interesting " Said Tec as he returned his wooden sword back to his inventory while Grid just awkwardly laugh trying to avoid starting any conversation with him as Grid left everything to his assistant that's a user called lauel which starter following Tec after the SNC Lauel become Tec Next target as he started annoying, him around and even though laurel is considered to be a genius and one of the top rookies that the world of of satisfy have seen he couldn't deal with Tec properly as Tec doesn't follow any rules that their guild have they follow Tec's Rules if they want to keep him in guild

At this span of time the [ Satisfy ] Number one player Kraugel Visited Reidan and was forced to work as an farmer when Piaro stopped and beat him this giving Kraugel a hidden quest which then challenge Tec who's observing them farm as Piaro mentioned someone stronger than him and that's Tec who's wearing a Beginner outfit and a wooden sword

" Piaro come fight me! I'll even teach you how to improve your technique~! " Said Tec to piaro who's eager to fight Tec but his lord Grid told him not to fight Tec no matter what and Piaro also have a good guess on how strong Tec is just based on their first encounter with each other Piaro knew he couldn't beat Tec with just his skills alone and could possibly die while fighting him

" Lord Zeno as much as I want to my Lord Grid ordered me to not fight you at all cost so please forgive me for not able to comply to your request! " Said Piaro as he did a slight bow towards Tec and Kraugel who's beside piaro is surprise to see piaro who he considered a brother be respectful to anyone beside Grid

" Che! Guess I'll mess with Grid again then! " Said Tec as he's about to leave Kraugel issue a sparring with him but Tec have no interest what so ever but in the end he accepted as Piaro place Kraugel skills higher than grid who's evolving too quickly that he's slowly reacting to Tec attacks

" How about fighting me? Piaro said that there's someone much stronger than me that he only placed me second of the strongest people that he fought and I'm also curious about you " Said Kraugel as he equipped his sword white fang

" Piaro who's this guy? " asked Tec while ignoring Kraugel Challage

" It's my brother Kraugel Lord Zeno also a Sword Saint Candidate " answered Piaro

" Is that so? Well fine I'll accept your challenge " said Tec as they initiated a sparing match so no one will die if their hp hot lowered by a center amount... Hearing Tec agree to his request he then proceed to observe Tec when suddenly he got hit by Tec skill [ Cut ] which immediately lowered his Hp by 90% as per rules of A sparring match

[ You've been hit by a lethal blow ]

[ You've suffered 218,904,000 Damage ]

[ Your consciousness starting to fade away ]

[ Your body isn't listening to your command ]

[ Your wounds started bleeding ]

[ Your Stats have dropped by 500% ]

[ You've experienced the Sword skill of Trancended Swordman Zeno who use his Skills alone to defeat a God ]

[ Your advance sword mastery level 4 have level up by 3 ]

[ You've lost the sparring match ]

"!!!" Kraugel who's worshipped by people as the sky above the sky lost without even putting a fight though he heard about Zeno ridiculous Skill set and damage he didn't expect it to be this strong that he lost immediately after starting he didn't even out up a fight as his body turned off and fainted as his wounded body drop down to the ground

" Tsk, Tsk even Grid can stay conscious when receiving my skills but how come now you fainted?! So much so being the Number one satisfy player you're not good after all... " Said Tec as he returned his wooden sword back to his inventory as he slowly walk back leaving Piaro who immediately rushed to Kraugel Body to check if he's still good after a few minutes Kraugel regain control of his body and immediately drunk a portion to restore his Hp...

"... That must be the reason why Grid doesn't want you to fight him... " Said Kraugel to Piaro who just stayed quiet...

" I guess so... I knew lord Zeno was strong but I didn't expect him to be this strong! His swordmanship alone is enough to overcome anything I guess I was being over confident over my meager skills that I thought to be the strongest but after witness lord Zeno swordmanship I was clearly lacking in front of him... " Said Piaro as his spirit of being a swordman before becoming a legendary farmer got ignited as he swear to hone his skill even more while Kraugel who have a chance to become a sword saint felt weak that his advance sword mastery skill that he painstakingly level just gained 3 Levels after witnessing Tec sword skill

" A Trancended Swordman... it's stronger than the sword saint?... I still have a long way to go! " Said Kraugel as he motivated himself again despite losing to someone he didnt even know...

after that Tec Stayed at Riadan observing the Named Npc Grid gathered around him like this one npc named Jude who recklessly try to fight everytime he see Tec but of course Piaro always comes and save Jude from Tec! After that there's also the girl called Yura who joined the Overgeared guild with her legendary Class Demon slayer which he got not too long ago which she then try to challenge Tec which led to her defeated in one normal attack from Tec Ater that no one dare to challenge Tec for a fight beside regas who's growing too quickly as he fought Tec every time he got a chance... Other than that nothing really big happen that got Tec attention as he just observe the Npc residents of Riadan And then there's a player called damian who became the first player to become a pope with Grid's help... and thus the overgeared guild begun growing faster than any guild there is!...


" Dumbass why the fuck are you swinging your sword systematically?! Are you that dumb to not realize this world is just like the real one? Your swinging your sword too stiff! And ugly! Even jude is better than than you! " Said Tec as he saw Grid practicing his Pagma's Swordmanship...

"..." Grid took the insult and didn't replied as he couldn't afford to even though he gotten stronger than before he's still weak in front of Tec who beat the God of war Zeratul... Tec then walk towards Grid then equipped his wooden sword and then performed Grid famous Skills!

" Pagma's Swordmanship! [ Wave! ] " Said Tec as he begun dancing Like Grid when he used the skill but unlike Grid who's Body move automatically when activating the skill Tec did It manually which even improve the power and effect of the sword skill! Tec danced like a flowing water! Smooth and fast even faster than when Grid do it himself!

" See? That's how you do it you dumbass instead of relying on automatic movement do the movement yourself to reduce the stiffness and increase the fluidity of the move This game Freedom of movement is almost similar to the real world so you can use your skills in real world and bring them here while also being able to bring back skills you learned from here to the real world stop being a dumbass and do it properly! Tsk tsk! " Said Tec as he lectured Grid who got covered by system notification

[ You've witnessed the skills of Transcended swordman Zeno! ]

[ Pagma' Swordmanship have gained 1 Level! ]

[You have received the teachings of the sword by Trancended Swordman Zeno and awakened!]

[Accuracy is increased by 50% when wearing sword type weapons. This effect is applied separately from the Sword Mastery skill. ]

[ Due To witnessing a Transcended Version of Pagma's Swordmanship Wave. The skill have been upgraded to Transcended Wave ]

[ Transcended Wave ]

Unleash a violent sword dance like a high wave.

Inflicts 200% of your attack power to all enemies within 1m, as well as reducing their speed.

Skill Usage Conditions: Have a sword type weapon equipped.

Skill Mana Cost: 550

Skill Cooldown Time: 180 seconds

Seeing the notification pop in front of him Grid thanked Tec for his teaching and once again grown stronger than before

" Thank you sir for your Teaching! " Said Grid as he bowed toward Tec

" I don't need your thanks! But go fetch me an Npc called France He's someone near Winston in some unnamed Village Go tell him to meet me here oh and maybe you'll get lucky to get him too like Piaro! " Said Tec as he left to go to the Smithy where Khan and other promising blacksmith honed their skills and also a workplace for Grid to use...

" A npc like Piaro?!? Then ill go right now! " Said Grid and he quickly used his [ Fly ] Skill that's attached to the boots he's currently wearing...

" Tsk Tsk though his personality changed a little he's still a greedy little shit! " Said Tec as he watch Grid flew away who have a happy smile on his face! A Npc comparable to Piaro isn't something you can meet so Grid hurriedly left to Winston to find the so-called Super Npc

Meanwhile Jishuka who just arrived to Riadan hoping to find Grid to ask him to make some new item for her got notice by Tec

" Hey Come here Jishuka I haven't seen you for months now! Are you avoiding by a chance? Cuz if you did ill have to hunt you like Pon and Vantner to level 1! When ever I see you! " Said trying to scare Jishuka since Tec notice that his guild members are always avoiding him since they didn't want to get bullied by Tec

" Of course not! I'm just busy managing my own place! That I haven't have the time to see you! " Said Jishuka as she did have a busy days since she's left alone to manage her own Village after the overgeared members started focusing on their own growth

" Hoh?! Are you sure?! Because I've notice people been avoiding me! A lot these days! " Said Tec as he pressured Jishuka

" Yes! I'm sure I'm actually just here to ask Grid to make me a new Gear since my old one is kinda useless now but I just notice him flying Way so I took the chance to visit you... " Said Jishuka

" Is that so? Then come with me I'm gonna hunt monster now to level up since I haven't leveled up in ages... " Said Tec as he started walking out of Riadan while Jishuka who's shocked that Tec is going to hunt monsters now when they been trying to ask Tec to help them conquer higher level dungeons for quite some time now...

" Wait for real?!? You're finally leveling up?!? If so then I have the perfect place for you! And its quite near here! A vampire dungeon the others are actually there right now leveling up!! " Said the Excited Jishuka as Tec firepower is enough to one hit kill the dungeon bosses in the dungeons their trying to conquer and if Tec joined them their leveling speed will increase by a lot so Jishuka is exited

" Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way! " Said Tec as Jishuka just called Lauel to fetch them a ride towards The Vampire Dungeons that their guild monopolized Jishuka then Immediately informed all the members of Overgeared saying that Tec is joining them to raid the Vampire Dungeons which they been trying to conquer for months! Upon hearing that Tec would be joining them they are quite happy as their leveling up will be much faster with the addition of Tec but of course they're also nervous about Tec Joining them as Tec always messed with them that they choose to avoid him...

After a while Jishuka and Tec arrived at the Vampire City/ Dungeon where several members such as Pon, Vantner, Regas, Faker, Ibellin, Lealla, Toban and zedanos these players are on the top 30 of the Unified ratings of satisfy all of them exceed the level 300 and all of then are strong by themselves they took pride with their skills but that's until Tec showed up

" How are you brats?! It's been a while since I saw you guys! " Said Tec as he got greeted by by the top players of Satisfy that even grid the guild master of Overgeared doesn't get this kind of treatment

" We're doing great sir! " Said Vantner as he's the only one who have the courage to answer Tec

" Is that so? But you don't look like you're doing good no? Jishuka told to me that you guys have been staying here for the last 2 weeks doing nothing but hunting and conquering These dungeons? While Jishuka here work her ass off trying to manage her Village " Said Tec as 7 players except for Faker flinch as Jishuka sold them out

" Iyah... As much as we live to help Jishuka were kinda tied here... We have to conquer this place before other guild did and We're expecting Grid to come and help us but he didn't even respond to our call so we have no choice but to do it ourselves... " Said Pon who quickly helped Vantner save the conversation

" Hmm? Well enough of that let's start I still have to do fishing later... " Said Tec as joined the party after that they then entered the dungeon they immediately got ambushed by Level 300 vampires which Tec killed in one hit

" [ Cut! ] " Said Tec as 15 or so Vampire turned into Experience point

"""""""""...""""""""" The group were speechless as they have to fight a single vampire for couple minutes just to defeat it meanwhile Tec did it in instant not only did he do it in an instant he killed 15 vampires with one skill...

" well damn that vampire at least have couple million Hp but they died instantly... " Said Regas as he just took the loot which ignored as he walk passed by the Items and Materials...

" I still couldn't understand that broken skill of him... First I thought it's a Single target skill now it's an Aoe like how?!? " Said Vantner as he followed Tec behind even though he's supposed to be the tank and so the expedition continued with Tec killing everything insight in one hit and they also notice that Tec Skill have no Cooldown nor mana consumption what so ever as Tec kept using it to kill the vampire and in the span of couple hours Tec reached Level 200 while still being a Beginner class after that they meet a Dungeon Boss which is a True blood Vampire Which Tec also Kiled Instantly using His overpowered Skill [ Cut ]

" are we even needed here? I felt like I've been picking up items for the last several hours now... " Said Pon as he then picked the item which the boss drop and it's a Growth type Epic Item which is much valuable then a normal legendary item...

" Pon Let me borrow you spear I broke my wooden sword! " Said Tec to Pon as his wooden sword that he kept using broke due to spamming his Skill which always decrease the durability of an item by 10 points...

" Here! Please don't break it! I payed grid a lot of money for that! " Said Pon as he nervously handed down his spear to Tec

" What now? Are you afraid that I'll break this thing? Even my wooden sword is better than this thing Grid created and even if I did destroy it I'll make you a new one so rest assured! " Said Tec Which Immediately made Pon Smile as Getting an Item from Tec is like winning lottery! I mean Almost every thing that Tec Created is either guaranteed a Legendary a Myth rated Item!

" Wait for real? The please use it as much as you like! Here I'll even give you my armour! So please just make me a spear! " Said Pon as he immediately took of his armor and tried to hand it to Tec which spark the other members to give their Weapon and Item to Tec hoping that he'll make them an item

" All of you shut up! I ain't using all these crap! I only asked for a spear! So take these trash away from me! Or ill smelt it all Into Pon Spear! " Said Tec which the others immediately stored their items away as even though Their Items isn't as good as A myth rated Item that Tec will create they're still good items with Epic to legendary Ratings...

" Tsk Tsk aren't Grid a Legendary Blacksmith or whatever? Go ask him to create your Items I'll only give who ever I want my items so Behave yourself I might give you one!! Now lets move I stayed long enough in this Dungeon let's conquer this and go home! " Said Tec as he the started moving again killing everything in his path once again but this time using Pon Gale spear which Grid created for him a Legendary Item... After While Tec stamina got depleted

" Hey how about you all go to work now? I've no stamina do can't move right now go fight these vampire! " Said Tec as he sat down in the middle of the hallway while the Vampires immediately swarm them! Vantner who's the Guild Tank immediately covered up and block the incoming attack aiming for Tec after that The two mage Lealla and Zenados then begun casting their skills while Jishuka sports them by rapidly firing her arrows.. Ibellin then rushes forward after to land the last hit to the vampires while Pon, Faker and Toban stayed at the rear to guard Jishuka, Lealla and Zenados from any threat that they might not be able to see after the they quickly defeated tr vampires after several minutes as their synergies with each other top notch that you'll think all of them live for all their life together

" Ohh!! Synergy is okay but there's still a lot of loopholes but it's enough to play this game... " Said Tec as he complemented them... After a while Tec recovered some of his Stamina and continue hunting vampires when suddenly a Boss monster appeared! Currently Tec only manage to conquer 2 dungeons of 15 dungeon and the others already conquered 4 of them for the past months so they are currently at the Vampire underground City (9) 15 being the lowest floor and 1 being 1 Top floor since it's an underground Dungeon they have to go deeper as they conquer it since they already conquered 6 of them they only have to conquer 9 more dungeon which progressive gets harder as they move deeper underground

" Filty humans! How dare you kill my kind! " said the boss

" shut the fuck up you experience points! Why do you have to always talk big in front of me?!? I'll fucking destroy this hole thing if you pissed me off! " Said Tec as he got annoyed with how every Time he meet the boss monster they always have to talk big in front of him well not like they have to it's just that they are programmed that way since its a Boss fight...

" HOW DARE YOU SPEAK WHE- " Before the Vampire boss could even finish his sentence Tec use his skill

" Fuck you [ Dimensional Cut ] " Said Tec as the boss Monster Immediately suffered millions upon millions of Damage and since Tec used a much powerful [ Cut ] Pon spear Got destroyed and turned into Game particles

" Tsk Tsk talking Big in front of me when you count even last a single hit?! Go turn yourself into Experience you useless vampire! " Said Tec as he kicked the air in front of him

" Well damn 500 million damage in just one hit? How broken is that?! " Said Vantner as he saw the Damange output Tec did with Pon spear

" Ugh... My spear I payed almost a million good for that... " Said Pon as it's still hurt seeing his Lendary Rated Spear got destroyed but Since Tec promised him that he'll make a new spear if he did break his own he didn't get that too emotional...

" Tsk Tsk Lucky bastard you just got yourself a Myth rated Item " Said Vantner to Pon even though all of them equipped with Legendary Items that Grid created for them a Myth Rated item is just superior that if they have to trade 3 legendary Item for one Myth rated item they'll do it immediately...

" Ibellin gimme me your sword! " Said Tec but Ibellin is hesitant as he just brought his sword from Grid for million of gold

" What?! Come give it to me the same rules apply! If I break it ill make you a new one! So give it to me! " Said Tec as Ibellin reluctantly give up his Great sword to Tec

" Good now move a little i'll break the place below us! " Said Tec making the party confused as even if they did destroy the dungeon it will just automatically fix itself no matter how huge he damage is but in the end they move to not get killed by what ever Tec is gonna do...

" Fuck you Vampires and say Goodbye to this City of yours! " Said Tec as he hold Ibellin sword with both of his arms in front of him and uttered the word

" [ World Ending Slash! ] " As Soon as Tec said That The whole world seems to come in stop as Every Player and Npc felt like the world got split in half! As The Vampire City Got demolished as Almost every vampire Got killed while some are lucky enough to not get hit by Tec's Skill

[ Critical! ]

[ You've dealt 3,405,655,900 Damange to your opponents ]

[ You've dealt 1,205,785,900 Damange to your opponents ]

[ Critical ]

[ You've dealt 6,405,655,900 Damange to your opponents ]

[ You've dealt... ]

[ You've dealt....]

[ You've killed a Normal Vampire... ] 1802x

[ You've killed a True Blood Vampire ] 102x

[ You've killed a Earl Vampire ] 4x

[ Your level have increase ] 148x

[ You've earned 2,093,800 Gold Coins ]

[ Party Leader Jishuka have acquired 102×Blessed Weapon Enhancement Stones, 97×Blessed Armor Enhancement Stones ]



[ Thorn of Deep Grievance Durability have reached 0. The Item will be permanently Destroyed ]

[Name: Zeno

Level: 348 408,240,880/ 1,100,700,000

Class: Beginner

Title: Unparalleled, Watched by Gods, Death in one shot, Rights to be The New God of War, Absolute

Heath: 21,100/21,100 Mana: 16,353/16,353

Strength: 405 (+400+100)

Stamina: 901 (+200+500)

Agility: 1,380 (+300 +200 )

Intelligence: 1,010 (+100 + 60)

Dexterity: 2,609 (+800)

Divine Power: 1,002

Dignity: 1,304

Deity: 435

Remaining Status Points: 2,124

Gold: 2,403,900

Transcendent Sword Mastery

Transcendent Blacksmith Craftmanship

Mastered Fishing Skills

Mastered Cooking Skills

Mastered Tailoring Skills

Mastered Farming Skills

Mastered Sculptor Skills

Mastered Hunting Skills

Mastered Mining Skills

Mastered Camping Skills

Sword Creation Skill


" My sword... Kuh..... " Said Ibellin as his legendary rated sword got destroyed in one strike

" Damn... I just Leveled up by 2 just now I'm level 358 now... " Said Vantner as he just saw the notification in front of him meanwhile Jishuka who's taken the position of party leader got filled with Notifcation of Item drops that her inventory immediately got filled with Boss and Monster drop such as Elixirs that could permanently Increase your stats...

" Fuck! What the hell is this piece of shit? It didn't even withstand my skill! Vatner gimme your shit! I'll destroy this fucking place! " Said Tec as ordered Vantner yo give up his axe to Tec but as he's about to give his axe Jishuka Interfere

" Wait Zeno! I don't think destroying this place is a good thing! We still need this place for our new members to grow faster! " Said Jishuka as she stopped Vantner from giving his axe to Tec

" Is that a request Jishuka?! You know you can only make one request every month! " Said Tec as he calm down he didn't actually know how he suddenly got pissed that he wants to destroy everything I front of him

" A request? Yes it's a request so please stop for today we already cleared a lot of floors today it's plenty enough... " Said Jishuka

" Tsk This place live another day... " Said Tec as he took out a dried fish he caught from his camping days as he nibble into it...

" right Pon and Ibellin come follow me to the smithy ill make you new Spear and sword but of course you'll need to provide me the materials and if we're done here let's go home! " Said Tec as he leads the party back outside of the dungeon as they walk back to riadan which would be faster if they used a means of transportation...

Meanwhile Grid who just arrived at the starting village of Tec

" Hello there! Is there someone called France here? " Asked Grid to the Npc near him

" France? You mean captain France? " Asked The Npc

" Yes, I'm here because Master Zeno send me to get him... " Said Grid Trying to be respectful towards the Npc...

" Oh?! You know Master Zeno? Then let's go at once! " Said France who appeared Next to Grid

" Ah yes! I'm pleased to meet you I'm Grid Von Steim an Duke from Eternal Kingdom... " Said Grid as he introduce himself

" The pleasure is mine Duke Grid but we shouldn't waste time! We shall meet Master Zeno at once! Let us depart! " Said France as Two horse appeared out of nowhere and France immediately ride one while Grid Ride one too with great difficulty... Then Grid have a Chance to See France Status window which Shocked him!

[ Name: France

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Class: Knight

Title: Great Swordsman, The Man who Witness the birth of a new God, A Qualified Sword Saint

Level: 445

Strength: 3,998

Stamina: 1,890

Agility: 2,891

Intelligence: 1,080

Leadership: 589

Indomitable: 1,208

Skills: Acellerate(S), Tracking(C), Overwhelming(A), Self Created Sword skill(SS+), Great Swordman's Enlightenment(S), Zeno Teaching(???)

"!!!" Grid Couldn't believe that a Super Named Npc is just hiding in a small Village in Winston! He's even stronger than Piaro who's just one step of being a Sword saint meanwhile France here Can become a sword saint if he wanted to but he didn't choose to become one! And there's also one Sill that caught Grid eyes [ Zeno Teaching ] which doesn't have any Rating just Question marks unlike the other skills

" Duke Grid you said that you know my master right? Can you tell me how he's been for that's couple years? " Asked France to Grid

" Ah Yes of course! Your master is a greatman! He teaches a lot of people in my city including myself too it just that he likes messing with people a lot too... " Said Grid as he's been observing Tec a lot too he's trying to learn something from Tec but of course he couldn't he have no talent for it so in the end it's useless...

As the too begun riding their horses towards to riadan which Took 1 full day in satisfy while Grid who took just a couple hours by flying...

As soon as Tec entered his City nothing changes beside the fact he saw a lot of His Guild Members clumping inside his smithy