
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
267 Chs


" Good! " Said Tec as stored the Fishing rod that he just created leaving the Others speechless especially the so called legendary Blacksmith that benefitted greatly just by watching Tec create the fishing rod

" Wait Zeno could you share the stats with us? I'm really curious " begged Jishuka while Grid regain his senses and also got curious about the stats of the fishing rod that Tec just made

" why? " Asked Tec

" Because I'm curious? " Said Jishuka

" meh why not " Said Tec as he shared the Information in their Guild chat

[ Transcended Fishing Rod of Zeno ]

Rating: Myth ( Transcended )

Durability 5,000/5,000

* 120% increase in Casting speed

* 80% Catch Rate

* You have a high chance catching big fish

* You have a rare chance catching legendary fishes

* Mastered Fishing Skill Will be Generated Once the Item is Equipped

- fishing Rod Created by The Trancended Blacksmith Zeno by using Otherwordly Technique! Pushing a normal Iron ore to it's limit to create a one in a Kind Fishing Rod while merging wood and Metal Togther in unimaginable degree!

""""""..."""""" As soon as they saw the stats of the Fishing rod they immediately thought it was a hacked Item seeing how ridiculous it is...

" This is bannable right? " Said Vantner who saw how ridiculous the stats of a fishing rod that's made of a normal wood and Iron ore

" Definitely Bannable " Said Pon

" Yep agreed " Second by Regas while Jishuka, Grid and Faker just stood there dumbfounded...

Meanwhile Tec who started doubting his Class of Pagma Descendant that have a rating of Legendary but the thing is he only Created garbage legendary Items compare to Tec

" A myth rank fishing rod who could afford such thing! " Said Jishuka as she felt defeated after all she used all her resources to Find Grid the " Only Legendary Item Creator" but then a Bugged Character randomly appeared in front of her that could easily create Myth rated items

Meanwhile Tec picked up the half of the Pure Iron bar that he cut and tossed it to Grid who catches it with care

" Labor payment " Said Tec as he started walking out of the smithy while Grid who's almost at the verge of having a mental breakdown smiled as he received something with a Extreme value a Tracended Legendary Material! Even though only half of it remained its enough to make a single equipment!

" Wait where are you going Zeno? " Asked Jishuka as he followed Tec who stopped walking

" Fishing I need to test this out " Said Tec

" Can you do that later? I want to I introduced you to the other members! There coming here soon! " Said jishuka

" Rule number 1 Jishuka rule Number 1 I couldn't careless if I meet or not your other members my own agenda comes first before anything else " Said Tec as he again begun walking again

" Okay okay! Then will follow you! " Said Jishuka as he started following Tec who didn't even replied to her while the others followed Tec out of Winston towards the nearest body of water soon after that time passed by another Interesting Thing happen to Tec and the Tec got Pissed for the first time in his new world!... The first national competition for [ Satisfy ] is coming up soon the Top Rankers of Satisfy are joining the competition for their country's glory and unfortunately for Tec the Philippines don't have enough players that strong enough to participate so in the end they gave up there Are 17 countries that will participate in the competition each country will have 13 user for each country 10 Main players and 3 reserve candidates The Competition will last for 5 days and each day have different event to participate in... Tec have no interest with the National Competition he just want to meet the man who created [ Satisfy ] Tec then used the remaining days to Fish and enjoyed his little quiet place alone while almost all the people in their Guild choose participate in the Competition and soon enough the day that almost 2 Billion [ Satisfy ] Players have arrived! The First Satisfy National Competition that's happening in South Korea!

Seoul Olympic Stadium was opened in 1984 and expanded in 20XX, becoming the world's fifth largest stadium that could accommodate a total of 198,000 spectators

Currently, this huge arena was filled with many people from all over the world

『 The opening of the First Satisfy National Competition, which the world has known about for two months, is starting in South Korea. 』

『 The criteria for selecting the participating countries is a 'country with more than 10 top players in the National Competition related quests.' So, it has been decided that 17 countries will participate in the First National Competition. 』

『 A total of 13 users are participating for each country. The team consists of 10 main players and 3 candidates. 』

『 There is a total of 221 athletes participating in the National Competition with an average level of 231, and most of the participants are within the top 500 rankings. However, it is known that some players who showed an outstanding performance in certain events are general level 100 users, not rankers. Reporter Braum is focused on the players, so let's go there together. 』

『 The 221 players from 17 countries will compete intensively in nine categories over the next five days. These categories are PvP, boss raid, labyrinth breakthrough, production competition, pet marathon, siege, target processing, sword drawing and treasure hunting... 』

『 21 of the top 50 users are participating in this competition. This is an unprecedented number of ranker participation, so it's good news for many fans. 』

『 People are disappointed that Kraugel, the no. 1 user, isn't participating, but all of the top five users except for Kraugel are participating. Many people are looking forward to seeing four of the top five in one place. 』

『 Experts predict that the United States will be the champion of the First National Competition. Among the 17 participating countries, the average level of the United States users is overwhelmingly high. With six players in the top 20 of the unified rankings, it is anticipated that they will acquire medals in all fields without much difficulty. After that, it is expected that it will be Britain and China. However, the country that Pagma's Descendant belongs to will be a variable... 』

The major broadcasting companies from each country had been talking about the First Satisfy National Competition for the last few days. The hundreds of broadcasting stations were smiling widely. The ratings are higher than expected it was a Level Where the audience ratings we're well beyond the Olympics and the world cup Since people the people are more interested in Satisfy.

Meanwhile Tec who just logged out from the game Immediately changed his clothes with just a snap of his fingers! He's now wearing a black Tuxedo which enhance his handsome have even more and his short black hair immediately grown up to his lower back as he quickly tied it down Tec Looked like your handsome and rich Male protagonist you'll often see in manhwa Once Tec finished checking himself out he instantly vanished and Arrived at Seoul Olympic Stadium which is the main venue... As soon as Tec arrived no one really noticed him appearing out of thin air as Tec Teleported himself in the men's restroom which he quickly got out and started following people that's arriving and getting their seats and this time Tec didn't get away unnoticed as his Handsomeness Girls Especially teen agers screamed like the little shit they are when they saw Tec handsome face and or course Tec almost got pissed at the girls and wiped their existence out but Tec someone manage to calm himself down as he just ignored the squealing little teen agers alone

" You live another day you little shits You lived another day " Said Tec in his mind as he contained his hatred from squealing Humans

soon after that Tec Find a seat from himself in the ground which somehow avoided sitting near him which Created a barrier like thing as a seat above, Below, to his left and right have no one seating on them Tec didn't even used his power yet to made this happened is just that Sitting beside Tec might sounds Good as a handsome man like him isn't as common as others it's just that sitting beside Tec Mde you look ugly no matter how pretty you look to the other people when you sit beside him you'll looked like a rotting garbage so in the end they avoid sitting beside him and just admire his beauty from afar...

Soon enough the first event of the first satisfy National competition started it's he boss raid which Even barely look at as well as labyrinth break which Tec Lost interest to as he just look into his phone watching Videos of kraugel the sky above the sky! Hunting monsters and bosses by himself earning titles and monopolizing the best hunting grounds Kraugel deserved to be called the sky above the sky with just how a good his Control is that people started giving him the title Godly Control beside his Sky above the sky... Soon after that the first day of the national competition ended Tec wasted his time watching People compete in the events that have no trilling experience what so ever... But before Tec return to his house he decided to meet the man who created [ Satisfy ] who's inside a VVIP Room which is guarded heavily

" The events are doing great no? " Said Lim Cheolho to the people besides him which just nodded these people are some of the most influential people in the world but before Lim Cheolho continue speaking he notice Tec sitting on behind them

" Lim Cheolho I wonder how your brains work... " Said Tec which surprise the others and nobody noticed Tec entering the room

" who might be you? " Asked Lim Cheolho as people around him started calling the guards to take Tec out

" I didn't I told you I'll visit you soon? " Said Tec as Lim Cheolho remember the person who almost made his long life game collapsed in an instant

" Oh! You're Zeno! It's finally nice to meet you! " Said Lim Cheolho as he changed his attitude in front of Tec while signaling the guards who's about to grab tec out of the room to get lost

" Correct I came here since the creator of the game I've been player for a year invited me but honestly disappointed I was hoping a much better welcome than this... Didn't you know I have to sit through out the whole event? " Said Tec

" MY Apologies about that but I'll try to make it up to you... " Said Lim Cheolho when suddenly Time stopped moving

" Good i'll hold you for that but I know you're been wanting to ask me how I almost manage to break your game that boasts about not having any flaws right? " Said Tec when Lim Cheolho suddenly panicking as The whole world suddenly stopped moving but thanks to Tec he manage to calm down

" Stop screaming like a little girl Lim Cheolho you're not gonna die just because the world suddenly stop moving... " Said Tec as Lim Cheolho stared directly to Tec eyes

" Are you some kind of God by any chance?!? " Asked Lim Cheolho to Tec

" A God? Maybe? You tell me! But I'll give you a hint! " Said Tec as he teleported them outside of the world as they look down to the earth

" I could destroy this planet when ever I want to... But I wouldn't do that when I found something as interesting as [ Satisfy ] " said Tec as he teleported them back to earth and returned the world normal as it started moving again

" Lim Cheolho let me participate in these events tomorrow it's boring watching then fight each other... Well that's all I want to talk about i'll see you tomorrow " Said Tec as he started walking out of the room where Lim Cheolho who just experience something out of this world couldn't process what he just experience even with his genius brain...

As Tec went back to his house he immediately login to satisfy to continue fishing to pass time for tomorrow's event Since Tec already know that Grid who's the Legendary Pagma Descendant is participating he wanted to mess with him a little bit


" Morpheus the Player Zeno who defeated the God of war Zeratul months ago is there a chance he's a higher being or a God to be able to accomplish impossible task in the game? " Asked Lim Cheolho to his super computer

" There's a Posibility of Player Zeno is a Higher being his behavior is not normal compare to a human being And Defeating The God of War Zeratul while being Level 53 and using an Unknown skill that broke the system I'd say there's a 98% that he's someone common sense doesn't applied to in short a Higher being / a God... " Replied the super Computer Morpheus

" That's high you put him compare to Grid and Kraugel huh... But I wouldn't deny that I just witnessed something only a Higher being could do... It's safe to say I met a real God today... " Said Lim Cheolho as he flopped down trying to remember the intense sense of helplessness in front of Tec again... Soon enough a new day Emerges The 2nd day of the First Satisfy National Competition arrived and Tec who already changed his outfit from being a handsome Gentleman to a badass Middle aged man as his simple white T shirt and Denim short put Emphasis on his Muscless while paring it a white shoes and black shades as his ponytail dripped down from his back

Soon after that he teleported beside Lim Cheolho who's alone and waiting for someone to arrive

" You're quite prepared aren't you? Is this the perks of so called geniuses? " Asked Tec to Lim Cheolho who waited his arrival

" I do not dare to call myself w Genius in front of you... This is merely just thinking a head... " Said Lim Cheolho as Tec sat on the super soft sofa

" Well whatever you can go back now I know you still have many things to do so I wouldn't bother you anymore " Said Tec but before Lim Cheolho left he explained Tec the Virtual Reality Capsul sitting on the corner

" You can use this to join any event in the competition we'll deal with the rest... Then please enjoy " Said Lim Cheolho as he left Tec alone... Lim Cheolho is honestly scared to learn the existence of a higher being that he didn't choose to stay with Tec which is favorable with Tec since he doesn't want to talk with anybody right now...

Soon enough the Mc started hyping up the audience by introducing first event of the 2nd day! Target processing match just like the word says Users need to accurately hit the target to Rack up points for their team the team that got 150 points first will be the winner! After the Mc explained how the event will proceed The users from different participating countries then begun The map... Tec immediately saw his Guild Master Jishuka who's also the top candidate for winning the even as she's considered the best archer in [ Satisfy ] Tec than suddenly though of something as he hopped on the Virtual reality Cabin that Lim Cheolho Prepared for him as Tec entered the world of [ Satisfy ] he didn't got send into west continent as it supposed but in stead got send into the Competition private server which is the same server where Jishuka and other Players are into! As soon as Tec arrived at the place players started looking at his direction especially Jishuka as he recognize Tec Beginner Outfit

"... Zeno?!? What are you doing here?!!?! " Asked the confused Jishuka as she quickly runs towards Tec

" Jishuka I don't know you're participate on this why didn't you told me? " Asked Tec as the Notice Jishuka team mates have hostile looks on them

" I did told you but you aren't listening to me but how come you're here? I didn't even saw your name in the participants! " Asked Jishuka

" Well I know the Creator of this game so I asked him to let me entered here aren't I awesome? Well enough of that you got company " Said Tec as he dodges the arrow aiming from his head!... The Even Target processing match also have Pvp so that other teams could slow down or even eliminate the opposing team so it's basically a battle royal but with objective of the first one to get 150 points... After hearing Tec warning Jishuka then begun ordering her team's to get into position and hit the opposing team there are 17 countries currently participating it soon begun to decrease as Team's got eliminated while Jishuka successful eliminated the other team that tried to ambush them while Tec already moved into other place leaving Jishuka and her teammates alone

Meanwhile Grid who this world Main character starting making a name for himself as he saved his fellow south Korean player at the end like your typical hero!

『 The seven golden blades are moving by themselves! The actions, material and color are similar to the golden discs used by Pagma's Descendant! 』

『 The mysterious! Legendary Blacksmith Pagma's Descendant! Finally reviled himself to the world! And same Yura from her demise! 』 Said The Mc as he once again hyped up the viewers which Begun screaming as the The mysterious Legendary Blacksmith Pagma's Descendants! who made himself a name months ago finally showed himself!

Meanwhile Tec Find it amusing as He found Grid acting like a Villain overpowering players with his Items and skills but his Control over his body is so poor that even Baron who's 3 years old at the time could wreck him

" Hohoho this guy is quite an entertainer huh! Should I mess with him? " Said Tec as he then walks towards Grid Direction

" Pagma Swordmanship! Transcend Link! " Yelled Grid as he used his skills to overpower the other players as they quickly died due to Grid Rediculous damage

" Ugh! What a cheat character! " Said a random player with his last dying breath

" BAH! Me a cheat character? Wait till you see the real cheat character! " Said Grid as he remembered Zeno who Immediately triggered his Immortal Passive with a wooden sword after killing the last player in his sight Grid then helped his parter who's named Yura who's beauty is on par if not greater than Jishuka who's enough to be come a goddess in normal males

"Indeed, you truly are Pagma's Descendant." Yura smiled. She was still beautiful despite being wounded. She couldn't raise her slender body, so Grid approached her.

"Don't exaggerate and stand up. Isn't it funny that a woman like you has fallen down?" Replied Grid

"Please help me." Yura asked and held out a hand.

"Che." Grid clicked his tongue and grabbed her hand when suddenly a new challenge arrived! And of course it's Tec who's wearing a Beginners outfit compared to Yura and Grid who's wearing top their equipment! As soon as Tec Notice the wooden sword and beginners outfit his body immediately went stiff like a soldier which got noticed by Yura

" Hey? What's wrong? " Asked Yura as she notice Yep who's walking slowly towards them she didn't find Tec threatening so she relaxed her body when suddenly Sytem Notification Filled her face while Grid Experience the same thing

[ You've Entered The Domain of the Absolute! ]

[ Your body Is forced to Kneel Infront if the Absolute! ]

[ All stats will decrease by 70% ]

[ You're In Front or an Absolute Being ]

[ All stats will Decrease by 10% ]

[ You'll recovered Mana, Hp, Stamina and Other resources will be 50% Slower ]

[ You've Entered The Domain of the Unparalleled ]

[ All stats will Decrease by 30% ]

"!!!" Yura couldnt believe what she just saw! A 100% Stats Debuff!

" Fuck! Yura why didn't you told me Zeno is participating?!?! Were doomed! It's best if we kill ourself right now! " Said Grid who's still standing Thanks to his legendary passive while Yura Kneeled in front of Tec unable to do anything

" Zeno?! I didn't even know who he is! And what with this ridiculous Debuffs? Is he some kind of last boss?!?!? " Said Yura as she started panicking while Grid who's resisted every Debuffed just stood beside her and raise his sword! Grid knew that they're definitely gonna die so he thought that if he's gonna die at least die with pride!

" Kuhuhuhuhu Grid Fancy seeing you here! " Said Tec as he let's out an eerie laugh

" Hello sir Zeno! It's nice seeing you here too! " Said Grid as he shuddered from Tec eerie laugh

Meanwhile the Audiences are confused to what's happening to Grid who showed up and easily beat dozen of men alone but now he's acting like a little bitch In front of an unknown player!

『 What's is happening?!?! A Random Player suddenly appeared and Grid started acting strange? Even Yura kneeled Infront of him? What unexpected turn of events! 』

" Why are you raising your sword in front of me Grid? Perhaps you want to fight me? " Asked Tec as he let's out a smirk

" I don't really want to sir but I have no choice so please don't kill me back to level one after this! " Said Grid as he squeeze out the last of his courage to talk though in front of Tec

" Is that so? Well I'll reward your bravery! I'll show you the skill I used to defeat a God! So brace yourself! " Said Tec Is captured by Live on Camera !

『 Are my Ears playing Games with me?!? Did this random person said " Skill I used to defeat a God?!?" wait could this be mean! The Unknown person who Defeated The God of War Zeratul has appeared?!?!?! 』Said The Mc as he himself are curious about the player who defeated a God in just several months after the game opening

" Please Go easy on me! " Said Grid when suddenly Tec uter a word

" [Cut]! " As soon as Tec Used his skills the whole Island that their currently standing suddenly splits in two! Like the same Thing when Tec first used this skill to defeat the War God Zeratul who Faintend after getting hit

[ You've been hit by a Lethal Blow! ]

[ You've suffered 749,330,610 Damange ]

[ A legend doesn't die easily. You can resist all attacks for 5 seconds with a minimum of health ]

[ Your consciousness starting to fade away ]

[ Your body isn't listening to your command ]

[ Your wounds started bleeding ]

[ Your Stats have dropped by 500% ]

[ You've resisted ]

[ You've experienced the Sword skill of Transcended Swordman Zeno who use his Skills alone to defeat a God ]

[ Pagma Swordmanship Level have increased by 5 ]

"!!!" As soon as Grid seen the Rediculous damage that that Tec produced Using a Wooden sword he lot his will to fight as his body fall back as his wooden sword finally Gave up and got destroyed

[ Wooden Sword Durability have dropped to 0. The item will be permanently destroyed ]

" Oh? You're still conscious? Aren't you tougher than Zeratul? He fainted after getting hit by that! " Said Tec as he approach Grid who lost his will to fight when suddenly he used this chance to land a hit on Tec using the advantage of Immortality

" Pagma Swordmanship! [ Linked Kill! ] " Said Grid as his Body automatically moved executing the sword skill but of course Tec manage to dodge it effortless as if he seen this move over a billion time that it's natural for him to dodge it... After seeing Rec dodge his linked kill he then followed it up

" Pagma Swordmanship! [ Wave! ] " Said Grid as Wave like sword energy swarm Tec which didn't gave him a chance to dodge so in the end Tec is pushed to bring out his Pure Iron sword which he immediately used his sword skill

" [ Block ] " Just like the word Implied Tec Blocked all the Incoming wave of damage and suffered 0 damage as his Skill block Can block anything be it a Explotion of a dying universe! Death! Future! Destiny! Anything could be block with this Skill that Tec Created

" Che! " Grid Clicked his tongue as then again rushed towards Tec but his skills are only cooldown so he can only do normal attack which Tec easily dodge

" [ Halt ] " Said Tec as Grid Body suddenly got put on stop even his legendary passive didn't work this time

" ahahahaha you're so desperate Grid but that's good! But this fight is meaningless to continue so let's stop I had my fun seeing you panic! " Said Tec as he returned his Pure Iron swor back to his inventory while also removing the Domain and Debuffs over Yura who's watching everything unfold in front of them when suddenly the small island that they are currently fighting suddenly got Raided by Angels who started pouring down on the small island and healed and revived everyone one got eliminated!

[ The Gods Have watched your battle against the Absolute Being who defeated The God of War Zeratul ]

[ The Gods have Healed, Revived and Blessed you for standing up against an absolute being who's achievements couldn't be measured by Gods! ]

[ The Gods have Given you a mission! ]

[ Fight Against the Absolute (???) ]

* Special Quest *

- The Gods have witnessed your determination to win against The Absolute They've Given their blessing to help you win against the Absolute!

Quest Clear Condition: Defeat the Absolute!

Quest Reward: ???

Quest Failure: None

Soon after that the players thats participating in the Target processing match started receiving The quest while the quest contents got reviled to the viewers!

『 Nani?!? A Sudden Special Quest Has appeared for all the participants! [ Fight Against the Absolute! ] What could this mean?!? 』Said the Mc as he too is confused with just happened when suddenly Tec Shabby Beginner clothes suddenly turned into a Divine Armour which Hide his Gamer Tag making him feel like an Super Named Npc as a Big Arrow pointing Towards Tec Indicating that he's the Absolute that they have to fight appeared!

Seeing how things escalated Tec decided to play along to Lim Cheolho little play as he once again Equipment his Pure Iron Sword that's almost at it's breaking Point!

[ Your Level have bee raised Temporarily ]

[ Basic stats have been raised Temporarily ]

[ Your Race have been Temporarily Changed into Deity ]

[ Your Class have been Temporarily Changed Into ' Sword God ' ]

[ the skill ' Sword God Domain ' have been Temporarily Acquired ]

[Name: Zeno

Level: 999 (109) 8,240,880/ 43,700,000

Class: Sword God (Beginner)

Title: Unparalleled, Watched by Gods, Death in one shot, Rights to be The New God of War, Absolute

Heath: 9,999,999/9,999,999 Mana: 9,999,999/9,999,999

Strength: 99,999 (405) (+400+100)

Stamina: 99,999 (901) (+200+500)

Agility: 99,999 (1,380) (+300 +200 )

Intelligence: 99,999 (1,010) (+100 + 60)

Dexterity: 2,240 (+800)

Divine Power: 430

Dignity: 910

Deity: 237

Remaining Status Points: 209

Gold: 554

Transcendent Sword Mastery

Transcendent Blacksmith Craftmanship

Mastered Fishing Skills

Mastered Cooking Skills

Mastered Tailoring Skills

Mastered Farming Skills

Mastered Sculptor Skills

Mastered Hunting Skills

Mastered Mining Skills

Mastered Camping Skills

Sword Creation Skill


( Sword God's Domain )

" Lol Lim Cheolho really gave me this power just to play along huh?! " Said Tec as he saw the Temporary Stats he Got soon enough players who Got revived and the others who receive the quest comes rushing towards his direction meanwhile Grid and Yura stare at Tec with awe in their eyes

" Sheet... The fucking mods Are playing too much! Zeno is already Overpowered now he suddenly became more Overpowred Fuck this! " Said Grid as he couldn't process what's currently happening in front of him when suddenly Jishuka stand beside him

" So we've come to this huh... we have to fight this monster after all... I've shoulda known when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere... " Said Jishuka who arrived beside Grid

" Guild Master Can we go home now? I'm so tried of this shit... " Said Grid while Regas who also participated appeared beside him along with his teammates

" ahahaha! I can finally have a chance to fight him! " Said Regas...

""..."" Grid and Jishuka is just speechless with Regas remarks just how in the world they're gonna fight Tec when he's in this Godly mode he's currently in when even his normal mode he could wipe them out without even using any skills!

『 Unbelievable! Player who got Eliminated early on the Event are now back! The Unknown player who Overpowered Player Grid Suddenly have a Bounty on his head! An unknown rewards from the gods! But of course they still have to defeat him first before they can get their rewards! 』

Soon after that almost A hundred Top Rankers of Satisfied gathered in front of Tec ready to raid him!

" Shall we start?! " Asked Tec as he look into he eyes of the determined player in front of him! As Tec about to swing his sword Grid Immediately Yelled to every to dodge!

" EVERYONE DODGE! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE! " Said Grid as Tec Used His skill [ Cut ] to Destroy what's in front of him and 1 Unlucky player who reacted 1 second later got destroyed as he died in one hit!

" Oh! fuck! That shit! How are we going to fight against that thing?!?! " Said a Random player as Jishuka Immediately pulled down her bow to rapidly fire arrows towards Tec while Yura did the same as she showered Tec with Magic skills When suddenly Tec used a skill from his sword skill

" [ Block ] " The same Skill that Tec used to block Grid Skill [ Wave ] as The arrows and Magic attack failed to do any damage the Close combat players like regas and Grid immediately Rushed towards Tec as the long range players supports from the rear!

[ Taunt! ]

[ Lions Roar! ]

[ Spear Throw! ]

[ Lighting Slash! ]

[ Quick Deadly Stab! ]

[ Thunder Bolt! ]

[ Wind Tempest! ]

[ Inferno! ]

[ Pheonix Shot! ]

[ Ice Cage! ]


players Immediately nuked Tec with their skills which didn't even manage to damage Tec as he once again used [ Block ] to nullify everything that the player have thrown to him! Seeing that Their skills have no effect what so ever instead of Giving up they continue bombing Tec with their skills which Tec have no chance to dodge nor Block as his skill are still on cooldown it doesn't mean it's the end for Tec as he used a skill

" [ Dimensional Slash! ] " as soon as Tec used his skill a massive arc of energy wave got released from his sword Immediately killing all the Close combat players beside Regas and Grid who show how manage to dodge it

" KUHAHAHAHAHAH YOU GUYS MANAGE TO PUSH ME THIS FAR! EVEN ZERATUL COULDN'T PUSH ME THIS FAR! AS A REWARD ILL SHOW YOU MY ULTIMATE MOVE! " Said Tec as he laughed like a mad man while Immersing himself to his role! Tec The utter the name of his so-called Ultimate skill!

" [ Annihilation! ] " As soon as Tec activities his Skill the remaining players Immediately turned Gray and died!

[ You've been hit by a mysterious force ]

[ You've suffer 9,999,999,999 Damage! ]

[ You've died ]

[ You've failed The Quest ' Fight Against the Absolute ' ]

This is the last notification they saw as they died and returned into the real life The audience who's watching every unfold in front of their eyes are dumbfounded they couldn't processes what's happening in front of then until Lim Cheolho Came out and started talking!

" Did you guys enjoyed that scene?!? I've specially planned this scene for this special moment!! What you guys just saw is one of the possibility that could happen once you became a God in the game! This is only a spoiler for what you can have inside [ Satisfy! ] so what are you waiting for? Come play now and have a chance to be a God! " Said Lim Cheolho which caused the audience to regain themselves and starting imagining what they could be come in satisfy! This caused the Stock of [ Satisfy ] To increase by 200% while making people play their game even more! Lim Cheolho used the opportunity to Advertise his game to the people! Meanwhile Tec who's stats already turned to normal logged out from the game and returned to his Condominium as he's satisfied with the things he did for to day...