
Chapter 47


“I’m going to say this for the last time.” I leveled my gaze on my obstinate attorney, my patience running thin. “No!”

“Why?” Stefano threw his hands up in the dramatic manner of an Italian, circling my office. “We have them where exactly where we want. Why can’t we use this to put an end to all this unnecessary drama?!”

“I already explained,” I repeated each word with deadly calm, like I was speaking to an infant. “She could be the mother of my child.”

“And at the same time she could be the mother of Aaron’s child,” the infuriating lawyer bluntly pointed out. “You don’t need to protect her. Unless there’s another reason?”

“The other reasons are none of your concern, si?”

“This will be the perfect-”


“Are you in love with her?”

“What’s it to you?”