
Tears Of Glass

Starting at a new school, Roxy is nervous about what it will be like; she is usually the quiet, reserved girl with no time for anyone. However, when she meets the boy of her dreams, Tyler, her life gets flipped upside down-hiding a secret life and falling deeply in love. When things go south, Tyler joins Roxy's double life, staying with her throughout the journey and falling deeper in love himself, but he finds he has a hidden past that he must confront. With Roxy by his side, the pair become a deadly duo. Their love soon begins to triumph over their double life, and looking for a way to escape; they become hunted themselves. Who will win, a pair of school kids madly in love or an army of deadly killers hot on their tail?

TylerB071 · Action
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36 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two - Fatherly Love

Missing? What do you mean missing?" Tyler asked, panicked and fearful, his being filling with dread and his mind with images of Robert scared and alone.

"He disappeared about two weeks ago. Thomas has been looking for him; I've been helping where I can. We've been looking for some trace he left behind or anything but haven't got any current leads. I know you're worried and probably want to look for him, but we need to get you back to your normal self. You've been out for a long time, and I have no idea what that means for you or the Poppy Root."

"I can't just sit here whilst he's missing! He could be anywhere; anything could be happening to him! He needs me!"

"I know, Tyler, but you just woke up from a coma. It would help if you got your head on straight. Give yourself some time to focus and heal. Then, you can worry about getting back into the field when you're feeling more yourself, or at least we know that the Poppy Root isn't going to comatose you again."

"I've had fourteen weeks, Roxy! Nearly four months to heal. I need to find him."

Tyler felt his body ache and his mind swirl with dizziness.

"Tyler, you need a break! And I know how to get you started on that track."

"How could I possibly take a break, let alone focus on anything else?"

"I have an appointment today, a scan." Roxy's voice grew sad, her face frowning. "I didn't want to do it without you. This will take your mind off Robert to some degree. I'm not saying you'll forget about it; it might ease the pain. Everything that's happened is a lot to process, so you need something happy and fun to take some of the hurt away."

Tyler looked at Roxy in her big sad blue eyes and couldn't think of anything else than seeing her happy.

"Okay." He muttered.

"Sorry, what was that?" She mocked.

"Okay. What time are we going?" A smile crossed his face, brightening his eyes.

"We turn up, so take some time to get back to yourself, and we'll head off. I don't want to have to worry about losing you again." Tyler stood up, brushed off his jacket and walked to the door outside Thomas' hideout.

"I'm ready now! What are we waiting for?" He asked.

"You to change!" Roxy giggled, "You're still wearing your Hunter uniform. Let's go home, you can change, and then we will head off!"

Roxy lay on the hospital bed, Tyler by her side whilst they waited for the nurse to enter the room. The ultrasound machine was standing at the foot of the bed.

"Are you nervous?" He asked, taking Roxy's hand in his own.

"A little bit. I've never done something like this. I'm just glad you're here with me. I couldn't imagine doing this without you. I'd be so scared." Tyler held back his tears, imagining missing such an incredible event in their lives, stroking her hand to help her relax.

"Roxanne Smith. One of the deadliest people in the Hunters Guild. Scared of a baby." Tyler mocked.

"Shut up you!"

"Miss Smith?" Asked the nurse as she entered the room, looking at the pair for acknowledgement.

"Yes, that's me! This is the father, Tyler."

"Nice to meet you, Tyler. I'm Becky, and I'll be doing your ultrasound today. Have you ever done this before?"

"No, this is a first for the both of us!"

"Great! Well, there's nothing to be scared of. I'm just going to put the gel on your stomach. It's going to be a bit cold. Then, we can have a look at the little guy or girl. I can see the gender at this stage; however, it can be unreliable. Usually, it's the eighteen-week scan that we do it. Did you want to know today or?"

Roxy looked at Tyler, unsure of his response.

"I think we will talk. We haven't had a chance to talk about genders yet. Knowing, that is."

"No, that's fine. We are just doing a checkup, and then you guys can discuss. Now, this is going to be cold." The nurse applied the ultrasound gel to Roxy's belly, causing her to shiver at the sensation.

"Right, now this device will allow us to see the baby." The nurse began pointing to different areas of the screen;

"This is baby's head, and this is the belly. Quite a big one you've got already! You're sure you're fourteen weeks?" Roxy looked confused, unsure of how to respond. Tyler was more interested in the scan, staring at the screen, mesmerised by the baby he was seeing for the first time and wasn't listening to the nurse.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He questioned.

"You said your fourteen weeks, right?"

"Yeah? Rox took the test about fourteen weeks ago, might be a week or two late to the test."

"What made you take the test? Were you late on your period?"

Roxy's voice grew worried, concerned something was wrong with their baby.

"No, I just felt strange, morning sickness, that sort of thing."

"How long ago was your period before? Just as best as you can remember." Roxy thought long and hard before responding;

"About a week and a half before we consummated. Why?"

"You're sure of that?"

Roxy nodded, wanting answers before she grew too scared.

"Because it seems like your five months, not three."

Roxy stared at Tyler, lost for words, hoping he would speak up for her.

"Five months? Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Your baby is far too big to be three months. I can tell the gender straight away! I won't tell you until you've spoken about it."

Roxy managed to get a small whisper to Tyler, the only words she managed to say the entirely of the scan:

"Prince Accounting!" She whispers before they both look back at the scan, mesmerised by the first image they've ever seen of their baby.