
Tears Of Glass

Starting at a new school, Roxy is nervous about what it will be like; she is usually the quiet, reserved girl with no time for anyone. However, when she meets the boy of her dreams, Tyler, her life gets flipped upside down-hiding a secret life and falling deeply in love. When things go south, Tyler joins Roxy's double life, staying with her throughout the journey and falling deeper in love himself, but he finds he has a hidden past that he must confront. With Roxy by his side, the pair become a deadly duo. Their love soon begins to triumph over their double life, and looking for a way to escape; they become hunted themselves. Who will win, a pair of school kids madly in love or an army of deadly killers hot on their tail?

TylerB071 · Action
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36 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three - The Archives

The Grand Master stood staring down at the two individuals who had just entered the hall, a frown crossing his wrinkled face.

"Mr Brown and Miss Smith. I feel congratulations are in order. Firstly for your little one that is on the way! You both must be very proud." He paused for a moment, almost letting them speak. However, before a word could be said, he started again. "And secondly for your good health. We were told about your absence. However, we don't understand why you took such a long time off. A lot has happened whilst you both have been away."

Tyler stood forward, taking centre stage as he explained to the Grand Master what he had been experiencing:

"Grand Master, there is something wrong with me. We think it's the Poopy Root. First, while I was at school, I saw a man wearing an old war uniform completely decayed. He tried attacking me but after disappeared after my head began to ache! And more recently," he used this term liberally, "I was in Norway, 703. I was being chased by some people, and a girl was helping me. But she kept calling me Mark!" He paused for a moment, looking at the Grand Master's face grow concerned, "It was like I was in another person's body."

The Grand Master sat on his chair and rubbed his forehead.

"And this is why you were gone for three months? Because you were in someone else's body in 703." His words grew angry, "Why wasn't this brought to my attention on the first occasion?"

Roxy stepped forward, joining Tyler,

"It was my fault, Grand Master. I shrugged it off and told him not to panic about it. I thought it would be a one-time thing and cause no harm."

"That was not your decision to make, Miss Smith. If the Poppy Root has harmed Mr Brown, it should've been reported immediately. Instead, what you are experiencing is the Bleeding Effect. Your ancestors' lives coming through to your own. Luckily, it is nothing to fear. Unfortunately, it is a common effect. However, I fear we could've avoided this extended absence and saved the lives of countless people."

Roxy looked confused, matching Tyler's expression.

"What do you mean? Why wasn't I informed?"

"You are pregnant, Miss Smith. The last thing we want to do is put you in danger. But yes, there is a problem we are currently battling. A werewolf roams the streets and is taking the souls of civilians. We have yet to capture the Werewolf; however, we notice the Vigilante is at every crime scene. I have yet to send my men and women after them purely because I know you two are friendly with him. Especially you, Mr Brown."

Tyler's blood ran cold, fearing that his best friend had been exposed; he asked,

"What do you mean, friendly?"

"On two separate occasions, the Vigilante has come to your aid. They have some sort of interest in you. That's why you are to find and speak with them. We have no reason to suspect that the Vigilante is a werewolf, but they may hold information valuable to the Hunters cause."

"So you want me to track and talk to them? It's not going to be easy. I have some conditions, though."

"I don't think you see how this works. I give you the orders; you fulfil them."

"Hear me out." Tyler had a fire in his belly, which he tried to contain, "I want absolute privacy when talking to the Vigilante. If he suspects that he may be watched, I fear he might not trust us again, which is something we can't bear to lose. Secondly, I want access to the archives. Full access. I may be able to dig up some records that stand out on who our Werewolf may be. I remember reading they spread their genes like a virus; one scratch, and you're infected. Maybe I can pinpoint a victim if we find out who the lineage is."

The Grand Master, once again, stood up and leaned over the bannister, staring his beady eyes into Tyler's.

"You have one hour in the archives on your own. Miss Smith may wait outside, but she is under no circumstances to enter. She has not earned that privilege. Make use of it, Mr Brown."

Tyler looked over at Roxy, teeming with rage, her hands scrunched up like a paper ball.

"Why can't I enter? I have just as much right to be in there as he does!" She screamed, her face turning red with anger.

"Miss Smith, now is not the time. Choose your battles wisely."

"I'm choosing my battles now! I have yet to have any information on my parents, Tyler," she turned to him. She winked, letting him know she never meant what she said, "who has been graced a Poppy Root and gifted all his abilities which I trained so hard to earn gets promoted within the first few days and has access to the archives on his own free will! He won't even know where to look for a start!" She turned back to Tyler and mouthed an apology, causing Tyler to hide a smile at the absurdness of Roxy's behaviour.

'Definitely not a loose cannon!' He mockingly thought to himself,

"I fear you may be right, Miss Smith. Although this outburst has not granted you access, your knowledge of the archives will help Tyler in his search. You really are a difficult one. You're lucky you're my best Hunter." The Grand Master told, sitting down and waving his hand to usher them out. "Now be gone with you both. Next time I see you, I want a werewolf here in front of you. Alive or dead, I don't care. Just bring it here." Roxy and Tyler nodded, leaving the hall before Roxy could get them into trouble.

"You know, I'm never going to not be surprised by you," Tyler told, laughter in his voice.

"I mean, it worked, didn't it? I'm there with you? Now we only have an hour. I'll search for the Werewolf, and you search for your mystery Mark and Freyja."

"Rox, I didn't get access to search for the Werewolf. I thought we could use it to find out about your parents. Some closure for you." Roxy looked at Tyler and his heartfelt thought, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing somewhat tightly. However, the baby bump made it challenging to do.

"That's really sweet, Tyler, but this Werewolf is a serious problem. I have the rest of my life to find out what happened to them. I've gone a long time without knowing, so a few more years won't hurt. Knowing that people are dying on my watch. Our watch. That's something I could never forgive myself for. Now! Let's catch a werewolf!"