
TBATE:Journey to The Horizon

The journey of a young man It all began when he died, and his journey started into a world of magic and wounders from a novel he read "The Beginning After the End" Will this soul prevail or will the darkness of the world swallow him. Its my first book so l hope you like it

X_Y_Z · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

| First Kill |

Pov: Bandits

"Ey boss, what should we do with the kid?" asked Jake

"You idiot, did not the boss already tell us what he's going to do with the kid?" replied Dan

"While using the kid we made a lot of money and stole various treasures from those stupid adventurers and merchants" said one of the bandits

"If we continue like this, we will soon be the richest bandit group around here, boss" said Gareth

"You idiots, haven't you noticed yet that his behavior towards us changed after we used the boy, he hates us and if he got the chance he would try to kill us" said the boss loudly.

"Do not worry too much, he's just a kid, what can he do, we have you as a mage, along with those four, he can not do anything even if he wanted to," Jake said, laughing at his boss' worries

"Yes Jake is right" the others shouted together

"What about the woman we forced to take care of him?" asked Gareth

"What about her? " said the boss

"I mean, the boy is old enough to take care of himself, we do not need her anymore," said Gareth

"Let us have fun with her and sell her, we have not had a beauty like her in a long time boss" said one of the bandits loudly

"No you idiots, nobody wants used products" said the boss

"Hey boss, why do not we teach this kid to protect himself or better yet do the job for us and kill people" said Jake to his boss

"Yeah, I have seen him try to imitate us on how we use our weapons"

"Yeah, let us try and manipulate him into believing that we are his family and everything we do is for his own good" said the boss

"Yeah, after all he's just a kid" said Gareth

"Lets take him with us when we go to this little village," said Dann

"Okey, it's decided then" said the boss

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pov: Ráel

I am about to break through the orange core, I just need a little more time, then I can kill those bastards and run away from here.

As for those bandits, they are up to no good with me, because by changing race from human to demon, my senses are much better and I overheard their conversation

They want me to kill for them, but I also heard that they will train me, which is a plus, so I will play their game until I am satisfied with the training they can give me.

I also need to think about what I will do after I kill them and leave here, there are several possibilities

i could try to go to an orphanage and act all cute and innocent, and maybe they will take me in, but first I would have to reach a city, preferably Xyrus City.

or the option to live in the beast glades and train myself there while also killing magical beasts and advancing my core.

Also the idea of becoming an adventurer disguised as a dwarf with a mask could work, but even as a dwarf I am too small, I'll have to wait a few years until I am 6 years old.

There is also the possibility of finding a job and a place to stay so I can attend Xyrus Academy somehow.

These stupid bandits do not know that their idiotic plan will only make me stronger faster than l though and that means their end is near.

I laugh at their "ingenious" plan as I make my way to what I call "home"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After a few days near a small village

"Hey Ráel, watch and learn how we do work around here," Gareth said with a smirk on his face as he prepared to attack the poor villagers

"Yes boy, be ready when we call you," Jake said with a smile on his face

After everything was done, the bandits ran towards the village with their weapons in hand

And the massacre began the men were killed without mercy the children were tied up and taken away the old were killed without hesitation the women some were killed some were raped and some were tied up

Everywhere you could hear the screams of the people and the sound of the burning fire reflecting the hell they just went through

in the middle of it all stood a group of men in armor and with weapons of various kinds, talking and laughing as if nothing had ever happened.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Kid come here," said the boss to Ráel

The boy, who was experiencing something like this for the first time, was unable to react and just stood there watching everything that was happening before his eyes

After a few seconds passed, the child's gaze cleared and he was determined to become stronger again as he began to slowly walk towards the bandits, ready for what he had to do.

"Good boy, now come here and take the dagger," said the boss with a grin on his face, enjoying the pain on the child's face

After taking the dagger in his hand, the boss pointed in one direction and said

"Kill him if you want to survive"

Without saying a word, Ráel started to walk in the direction the man pointed to

As he got closer and saw the look on the victim's face, begging him to let him live and not kill him

Ráel hesitated a little when he saw the man's eyes, but as he looked up into the sky and thought about everything that had happened so far, he decided that there was no turning back.

And with all the strength he had, he swung the dagger against the man's neck trying to give him a quick and painless death

The man's head rolled and blood splattered everywhere, most of it landing on Ráel and staining his clothes blood red

And at that moment a sound rang in Ráel's head

[Condition met prociding with evolution]

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