
Test for an adventurer

Around 10 people were sitting in the seats, scattered around the whole coliseum.

Two augmenters were already fighting.

"Please follow me to your seats. There are a couple other exam takers today so pleasestay seated until the examiner calls your names," She stated before leaving .

We went to one of the seats and settled down. Arthur kept Sylvie down beside him, while Zeke kept watching from my shadow, like always.

A large bald man was fighting an averagely built man sporting short black hair and a scar running down his cheek.

"Take this!" he announced his attack. He was either overly confident or a dumbass. Probably the latter.

His weapon of choice, which was a polearm glowed a orange before a heat wave surrounded.

The Scarred man seemed slightly surprised as he raised one eyebrow.

"Hell Smash!" He bellowed, only to be blocked lazily by the black haired man.

This resulted in his polearm flying away from his hand.

"Your skills as a polearm wielder is nonexistent and your battle senses are lousy... and that's being generous. You depend too much on physical strength compared to your mana reinforcement, throwing your attack's balance off. You're 35 years old, yet only at the dark orange stage. I would normally put someone of your caliber at E class but seeing how you have a fire affinity, if that little heater move you just did can even be called fire, I'll pass you as a D class... barely,"

Fair, the guy was quite weak.

"Next! Diane Whitehall!" The announcer bellows as the bald man walks dejectedly back to the seats.

"Yes! Coming!" An older woman scurried down the stairs from the other side. She was a teenager with brown hair and freckles spread around her face and outfitted in the standard adventurers robe. She made her way down, clumsily might I add, and almost tripped on her feet.

"Pfft! This should be good!" I heard someone laugh towards my left.

Turning to look at him I could say he was from some sort of a noble family. He was nearly our age surprisingly, and had shoulder length blonde hair and pointy eyes. With his eyes being a shade of green, he could be considered handsome.

Turning back I see the black haired examiner switched with a female conjurer. How did I know she's a conjurer? Well her pointed hat was a dead giveaway.

Taking in a deep breath the girl, Diane introduced herself, "Diane Whitehall, 18 years old, Conjurer at the light orange state with single specialization in water,"

"Introducing yourself is unnecessary dear, we already have your bio data," The examiner replied calmly, "Please ready yourself, and know that there are medical staff on stand-by in case of a fatal injury," She continued.

A conjurer, once reaching the orange stage, realizes where their specialty lies. Since it is much easier to hone the element they have highest affinity in they do not try to master all 4 elements. For dual specialists there are more strict test to analyze your mastery over both elements.

Fortunately they dont know about us being quadra-elemental mages. I don't want to imagine what kind of test we would've been put through.

Almost instantly she casts a defensive spell, a bubble of water serving as her shield.

Since she's a conjurer, she can't augment her body. Hence all conjurers prepare a defensive spell in advance.

The examiner however goes for offence, "Sandstorm!" She announces as gusts of sand surround the girl.

As the sand and water coalesce she shouts, "Release!" Resulting the now muddy bubble bursting.

As her bubble burst she jumped backwards, all the while muttering another spell as a ball of pressurized water formed on the tip of her wand.

"Aqua cannon!" She shouts, the ball pf water shooting towards the examiner at extraordinary speeds.

Instead of blocking it like most conjurers would she dodged instead.

"Burst!" She yells, swinging down jer wand as the jet of water explodes.


I hear Jasmine mumble, "She's not bad,"

The arena is covered with dust, obscuring our views.

Once the dust clears the examiner is nowhere to be found.

Soon she appears from the ground behind Diane and thumps her staff on her head, eliciting a 'eep!' from her.

"You have decent control Miss Whitehall. Albeit a bit overconfident in your last spell, not preparing any defensive measures. Overall, your efficiency and mana control was good. C class." She said.

Not bad. Becoming a C class at her age is no small feat.

"Next Elijah Knight, please come down.....uh.... Please hold on!" The announcer looked down at his notes and faltered.

Suddenly he runs to the examiner and whispers something to her pointing at the piece of paper.

Finally the scarred man bellows, "I have been informed of your status, you are hereby assigned the rank of B class adventurer."

Wait what?

Just like that?

Who is this kid?

As I was pondering this a black haired kid stood up and nodded towards the examiner. He had green eyes and looked even younger than the noble kid.

"Next Lucas Wykes," He continued.

"Finally," He said with a hint of arrogance, "Why dont you skip mine as well and put me in A class?" He continued, arrogance now dripping from him.

"Lucas Wykes, 11 years old. Conjurer at the....light orange stage? Single specialization in Fire." The examiner read, anger visible on her face.

Lucas simply Yawns at her, enraging her even more than before.

"Let us begin." She said with a dangerous tone.

Lucas jumps back with his staff, preparing for a spell as he rams his staff into the ground and shouts, "Arise Flame Guardian!"

A 2 meter tall humanoid made of flames appears behind him.

I could barely hear the scarred examiner whistle in awe.

The conjurer examine raises an eyebrow in shock but managed to mutter a spell.

"Earth's Tomb!"

Instantly it is shrouded by earth, effectively cutting off its air supply.

Lucas however, kept smiling, "You're too late Miss Examiner. I've heard no examiner has been injured while testing new adventures, well I'll give you the honor of being the first!"

The ruby on top of Lucas' staff glowed before releasing thousands of wisps which remain afloat in the air.

With his staff over his head Lucas lunged backwards, "Expulsion!"

The wisps glow before shooting beams of fire towards the examiner who raises her staff and casts a spell of her own, "Stone Shard Field,"

The area around her glows yellow before pieces of rocks come up and reflect the lasers back to Lucas.

Lucas pales at this, "R-Release!" He shouts desperately.

The wisps dissappear, but the flames that were already shot didn't dissipate.

The examiner conjured and earthen hand and held him upside down, while the fragments of rocks created a makeshift shield around him protecting him from his own spell.

After all the lasers were blocked Lucas was promptly dropped.

"Thank you for your time Mr. Wykes. Your raw mana pool and ability to learn High-Tier Fire spells speaks volumes of your potential. But-"

"BUT NOTHING!" She was cut off as Lucas tried to attack her again, "The test isn't over yet!"

But before his spell could hit the conjurer, the black haired examiner interfered.

"How dare you interrupt my exam! You damn-"

"It was you who broke regulation and initiated a surprise spell even after the examination ended." He cut him off.

"That washed up witch of a woman was the one who got in the way of my next attack by blocking those fire beams! She was the one who deemed the test complete even though I had everything under control!" He shouted.

"So be it, feel free to complain. For now, Emily please announce his result." He said turning towards the conjurer.

"As I was saying, both your mana pool and control are excellent, despite your faults, due to lack of experience. It is more than reasonable if you were placed into B class." She said.

Angrily Lucas climbed up.

"That was great man, congrats for getting into B class," One of the guys said.

He turned towards him fiercely, "Don't even compare yourselves to me you blundering apes! B class was a given!"

"Just wait until my father hears of this fools!" He continued.

"Next, Bolt. Please come down."