
Adventurers Guild

Equipping my clothes with my mask resting on my waist and my rings on their rightful places, on both of my ring fingers, I made my way down the stairs.

Only to find Arthur already there talking to Ellie, telling her to keep Mother and Father safe.

"Hey there Dad," I say as I go up behind him.

"Fayden you're up. Listen I know you're both more than capable of handling yourselves, so I'll say you the same thing I said Arthur, Don't get too cocky and know your limits. I'm counting on you to watch each others backs." He replies while kneeling down to my level and placing one hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Dad, I'll keep him from getting in too much trouble."

I go to Ellie to say goodbye to her.

"Can't one of you stay here?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry Ellie, maybe next time. Besides we'll be back before you know it." I rub her head one last time.

Does it really have to be this way?

Will I always have to stay away from my family?

I've already lost one family, will I lose another?

Was what I thought, and looking back I wish I had stayed with them just a bit more.

Anyways, I turn to Mom and open my mouth to speak, but before I could I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug, "Just stay alright out there, keep each other safe." She says, her voice muffled by my clothes.

Returning the hug I speak, "We'll be fine Mom, I'll make sure both of us return in one piece."

As she broke the hug I looked towards Arthur, "Arthur, take this."

I fish out one of the tracer from my bag and pass it to Arthur.

As we move to the door I hear Dad speaking once more, "Remember, we will be rooting for you, no matter what."

Outside Jasmine was waiting for us, "Ready?"

Arthur and I wear our respective masks before Arthur spoke, "Lets go,"


I'll admit I expected to walk into a bar-like area, instead the double doors of the guild opened to reveal an intricate interior made of marble. The place had metal tables where other adventurers were already present.

"Welcome! How may I help you?" The reception lady said in a rehearsed professional manner.

Before either of us could speak Jasmine passed the lady a piece of paper, "I would like to sponsor them for a rank examination."

Nodding vigorously she replied, "Of course, I understand. Please follow me."

She said as she guided us to a small room. The room had couches facing each other and a desk on one end. A man was sitting on that desk with his head down.


He looked up as we entered the room. We could now see his angular face, with black shoulder length hair parted in the middle. His thick rimless glasses made his eyes look even sharper.

The reception lady bowed towards him before speaking, "A class adventurer Jasmine Flamesworth has requested...these two gentlemen to take the rank examination."

"Ah! Miss Flamesworth, how are you these days. I met with your father not too long ago...." He trailed off.

I could see Jasmine clench her fists, doesn't seem like she likes her Father all that much.

"Anyways, its a pleasure to meet you. My name is Kaspian Bladeheart, and I'm in charge of this branch." He continued.

Looking towards us he spoke up again, "Normally an application has to be filled, with an inspection of ones mana core followed by a series of practical exams. But since Miss Flamesworth is sponsoring you those steps will be skipped with only a mock duel left."

Jasmine's house seems to hold a lot of weight around here.

"Judging by your accessories, you are a augmenter or a fighter, and you are a conjurer," He pointed at Arthur and me respectively, "Although names aren't strictly necessary but seeing that you are close to Miss Flamesworth here, can I have your aliases?"

He extended his arm towards us, Arthur shook it and replied, "I go by Note,"

He nodded, apparently satisfied at his answer. Then he turned towards me expecting the same.

"Bolt" was all I said.

"Very well then, Note, Bolt. It was a pleasure meeting you. Mary will lead you to the examination halls."

"Right this way," The clerk, now named Mary, said as she led us to a bright coliseum.