
TBATE - Strongest Magic Swordsman

Rose Kazaku found himself in the body of a kid who died in a town extermination mission. Picking up the shackles the kids destiny held, he pulled himself up with extreme ease. For 6 years he trained in secret, amassing power to rival that of Gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING!!!! OP MC! IF YOU DON'T LIKE INSTANTLY OP MC'S PLEASE DO NOT READ!

LookITSJamals9 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Idiotic Mistake

Filling out the paperwork was easy. It asked of my name, my age, date of birth and to state my core strength and a couple other things. I kept it honest and wrote everything down to the T. I know that my mana core strength isn't all that believable but I'm going to demonstrate it soon anyways, so I didn't bother thinking about how I'm going to get out of this mess.

My presence within the guild had already died down and so too did the murmurs. Getting up from my chair in the back corner of the room, the floorboards creaked- garnering some glances. Except for the few occasional whisper from the opposite gender, everything was back to normal.

Getting in line was boring though. It didn't take me long to fill everything out but within the short time that I was in the midst of it, the line for registration grew heavily. The once four or five people long line was now fifteen to twenty. Taking a quick glance behind me, I only found that that number increased.

'All these adventurers and you'd think these dungeons would be cleared by now...' I mused, my eyes resting on a lamp high up on the wooden wall of the guild. It took forever for the line to finally die down and for me to turn in my paperwork.

"Hello once again, what can I help you with? Oh! You're done? Okay, I'll take this and you can wait right over there while I take this and the other paperwork to the back." The woman stated, swiftly glancing over my writing, probably trying to make sure I didn't miss anything. Her eyes stopped before they widened.

Her eyes were practically bulging.

"W-White core mage!? T-This has to be a joke right? Surely you jest!" She yelped in pure shock and disbelief. I sighed, I didn't even need to turn around to feel the gazes of the other adventurers in the room trying to burn their ways into my heads. I gave a confident nod and thinned my lips, looking at her with a, 'Are you serious?' stare.

She quickly covered her mouth once she realized what she just did. Her eyes frantically moving between me, the other people in the room, and the paper. I know by just how she looks she's lost on what to do.

But after a few minutes, she and everyone else seemed to draw themselves back in. There's no way a fifteen year old boy would be a white core mage, that's not even believable. The only ever recorded white core mages were Lances that helped win the wars hundreds of years ago, but since then? They've never appeared naturally. Hell, there aren't any more Lances in present time.

"I-is this some kind of joke? Sorry sir, but if you can't even be honest and be true to yourself, I don't think I can allow you to be evaluated. If you said orange- Or maybe even dark silver then maybe it would've been believable, but white? Come on!" She refuted, gaining more confidence in the thought that I was lying.

I squinted.

"...I have no reason to lie. If it's really that unbelievable, have your strongest examiners prove how strong I really am..." I stated, my words falling in the atmosphere silencing it. It was quiet for a while, I didn't faulter though.

"PU-HAHAHA" The adventurers present busted out laughing, the most prominent one a big guy with a big sword on his back. I glanced at him, meeting his eyes. With a single glance at his abdomen I was able to tell gauge his core strength.

Barely dark orange, seems he just had a mild breakthrough and is overjoyed and overconfident.

Him and his party stopped their laughter, the orange cored one stepping up to me, pushing the other people out of his way. Either that, or they moved on their own. His height towered me, if I had to say he was probably approaching seven feet tall, making him two whole feet taller than me. His eyes looked down to meet mine, he didn't even bother to move his head, signifying that he was quite literally looking down on me.


"Quit your lying and go back to your mother boy. Just because you have that dead look in your eye and that big hunk of junk on your back doesn't qualify you as an adventurer. A True adventurer is someone like me! A sign of death to any beast who comes my way, a God of Destruction-"

"...Anyway, can you still arrange an examination? Just get the strongest you have to battle me. Don't bother with the regular ones." I completely ignored the bastard. Turning back to the receptionist. I still pushed with getting an evaluation, surely they can't just outright deny me just because of some doubts.

If it's proof they want, I'll show them proof.

The woman nodded her head and went to the back, probably going to alert Kaspian Bladeheart. I turn to go sit back down, finding making a commotion to be quite unneeded and useless. So! I avoided the situation entirely.

That was the plan.

Until a mana infused hand gripped my shoulder, the assailants fingers trying their best to grip and crush my bones. I stop in place. My eyes hung low as a feeling of annoyance swelled up within me. Just this moment, the door to the Guild opened up, but just as fast as they walked in, their feet came to a halt as they eyed us.

Expanding my Kenbunshoku Haki to just envelope the building, I caught sight of a boy with red hair, a mask with a music note like mark painted on it's white surface. A single blue sapphire eye making an appearance. He wore a black cloak that hung loosley over his body, a sword sheathed to his hip.

The duo was by no doubt, Arthur Leywin and Jasemine Flamesworth.

"You cocky bastard!-"

"Remove it." The mans hand only tightened at my words, my haki showing just how frustrated and infuriated he was. His party in the back all rested their hands on their weapons, ready to attack at any given moment.

"Giving commands now are we? Seems your shitty parents didn't teach you a dam-"



The big adventurers words got caught in his throat. Everyone in the room began to sweat profusely and shake in fear. Arthur and Jasmine being no exception. The atmosphere in the room became heavy, heavy enough to clog and fill ones mind with nothing but the fear of death.

Rose, the one at the center of it all kept his back to the man, the man refusing to give into the fear he felt. He didn't know if this was bloodlust or a simple hallucination, but he didn't feel like being dominated by it. No, he wanted to put the brat in the palm of his hands in his place.

Even with this renewed determination, the man couldn't stop himself from shaking. His grip on Rose's shoulder weakening as he subconciously began to take steps backwards, his knees seconds away from giving out. His bladder was no better, the pride of the man crumbled as he felt his pants become filled and stained with his own piss.

But in the moment, he didn't care.

Rose finally moved. His head barely turning over his shoulder the only thing one could see was the bloodred eye ball that peered at his assailant. His glare filled with irritation glowed for a single second before a wave of pressure heavier than the one that encompassed the whole room washed over all of Xyrus.


Rose's expression grew complicated as he watched the bodies drop to the floor. Knowing he failed to control his conquerors haki. It was the first time he's ever used it, so he expected that he'd need work to control it to it's best ability, but it didn't seem all that hard.

He just hopes that no one was killed by the sudden pressure descending onto their souls.

The man that pressed him in the first place had his eyes rolled back, his mouth open, stuck in a state of screaming for help. Arthur and Jasmine laid passed out on the floor, though their expressions weren't as pitiful.

Rose sighed. Shaking his head, he sat down in the chair of the Adventurers guild and decided to wait for everyone to wake up. Admonishing himself mentally, Rose drifted to sleep, thinking this would be the best way to go for when everyone wakes up.

Chapter 4!

This chapter probably dropped in quality and logic, I'm not doing so well today, but I tried to get a chapter out today. I apologize for the lack of enjoyment this one probably has, but I will do better on the next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed regardless!

P.S - I'll be taking a break from writing so I can get better... Ok? Ok!

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