
Tapestry Of Lives: A Multifaceted Journey

"Tapestry of Lives" is a rich narrative that follows the interconnected lives of several characters from different walks of life. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the story weaves together themes of love, loss, redemption, and the pursuit of dreams. Through a series of intertwined vignettes, the characters navigate through their individual challenges and triumphs, ultimately discovering the profound ways in which their lives intersect and influence one another. As their stories unfold, you are drawn into a captivating tapestry of human experience, where each thread contributes to the intricate and beautiful fabric of life.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter Four

Chapter 4


Have you ever been told that spending quality time with your family – maybe during holidays or having a good time with your parents – probably once in a while, is the best happiness you can get?

Then fuck it up! You've been deceived!!!

Was that too loud? Oh, my bad, am so sorry but not from the bottom of my stone heart. Because what I just said earlier was not a mistake, neither a slip of tongue.

Wait, I'll use my house for example or should I say my family?

Normally, I'm the middest child in the family of five – including mom and dad.

Dad is a bastard politician – yup, you heard that clearly. Am not mistaken, though it was an abusive words odd enough to be used for him but….. sometimes that old man is just...

Anyways, that aside.

Mom is a retired nurse slash pharmacist.

My two brothers – the eldest – Dayo and the youngest – Darin, are the only most valuable persons in my territory, sometimes, I can chose mom over them.

My elder brother, Dayo is a single dad of one. He has a Ten year old daughter – Sharon.

That's my baby girl. I don't like her. I LOVE HER!

My fav niece. I don't joke her out with any motherfucker.

A lot of people has mistaken me as her father, saying and thinking am her biological father just because of the intimacy and close relationship of an uncle and a niece.

Not because her father and I are siblings because we barely lookalike.

I spend quality time with her but her dad barely does.

Darin on the other hand is ONE in a million. Single dude who haven't logged into the relationship portal yet.

And as for me who's talking like judging everyone's personality – do you really need to know about me because mine might just be the worst.

Let me brief you about myself first.

First let me clear my throat.

Ahem. Ahem.

I, Damian Ayomide, a thirty years old eligible bachelor, self boss, punctual businessman and well-known architect stays single for now.

I haven't had the chance to log into or visit the portal as well. But if it flinks me whenever I get in the mood....

I know how and where to dispose my pleasures.

Don't get it twisted. Blood flows in my veins and not water. So a guy gat to do what a guy gat to do.

Back to my elder brother's history….

Dayo who use to be the responsible one and Dad's favorite….. well, his wife – Sharon's mom – Adira Omowummi – is not dead for many of you who think otherwise as if reading a contemporary book.

She – Adira Omowummi, actually left Dayo to go after her colleague in the office.

Who gives a fuck bout her now? As if my brother has not moved on?

Oops! That guy doesn't remember if she's alive anyway, if not for the reminder on the face of Sharon, I think the whole of her memories inside him would have died down completely.

As for my kiddo – Darin. I use to call him that minority of the time and he hates the mention of it.

Look at the small kid of yesterday has grown so big. Bigger than me.

Darin is a workaholic guy, who fucks his desk and business meetings during the day and fucks hot chicks at night – apparently, he must be a little bit womanizing, right?

He usually calls the night his 'EVENING MEDICATION.'


Who will give me a shoulder massage now?

Just forget it, that one will barely settle down. He's twenty-seven and still playing.

As for me, am an all weather. If I want to get laid similar to what I have said before – I know the way to the elite clubhouse in banana island.

P.S = Strictly for the rich kids. X RATED.

"Dayo! Dayo!!"

See what am saying? One day my head will explode.

It's mom again. She'll soon pull down the roof with her mezzo vocals.

"Stay still when am still talking. Don't you dare walk out on me when our conversation is still ongoing." I can smell another fight coming up in few seconds.

Mom approached him. The huge scowl on her face is enough to make a witch confess her sins.

Even still, the look didn't change Dayo's strong facial expression. Because, that one on his own is already like a man-made stone.

He refused to look back at mom or even show concern to what she was ranting. Neither did he responded by turning around.

It was mom who made her way to his front and oops. See how son is taller than his mom?

Is height your mate?

"What is wrong with you?" And there goes the nagging mommy. "Huh? How dare you leave Sharon in her room crying?" Did I just heard her say my baby Sharon is crying upstairs? "Don't you have conscience?"

No, mom. This guy has no heart at all!

"Enough, mom!" Wow, man down, man down. And that is how a man should sound but not in front of a Nigerian parent. "What do you want me to do? Go back in there to pet or pamper her as always?" Of course! Precisely! Something I expect an idiot like him to do. Stop pissing me off, man. "If she's craving to see her mom then take her to her."

What is this one saying? He sound like he's talking out of sense.

Meaning what?

Take my niece to that cheap hog of a woman?

Let me reserve my comment. Before I'll mistakenly say something abusive and someone will end up calling me an arrogant brother.

Let me just behave as if am ignorant of whatever they're talking about. THE PUNCH newspaper has updates that interests me today.

I flip over to the next page, but still, my eyes are peeking above the magazine and my mind is about to explode.

Before he moves an inch, mom stood on his way again.

"Adira is an idiot." Ouch! Nice one, mom. "I don't blame you, it's her who doesn't know what she wanted for herself but punishing my granddaughter is not the solution to you two conflicts and misunderstanding."

That's the spirit, momma.

Mom's point made sense. "Sharon is a sweet soul." Precisely, I totally agree. "You have to go back there to pet her now!" Mom demanded. To me.… that's an order.

Dayo arched forward and looked into mom's big eyes.

He said..….

"If Sharon didn't show up during the time I spent with that bitch, there wouldn't have been a memorial of that bitch in this house, so let her cry."

What the....

Was that a direct or indirect hit?

He bounced out of the mansion leaving Mom in suspense and me tongue-tied.

Mom ignored my presence and went upstairs to soothe my cute niece.

If the people that brought her to this world doesn't value her, I do.

I toss the newsmagazine aside on the couch and got on my heels too.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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