
Tapestry Of Lives: A Multifaceted Journey

"Tapestry of Lives" is a rich narrative that follows the interconnected lives of several characters from different walks of life. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the story weaves together themes of love, loss, redemption, and the pursuit of dreams. Through a series of intertwined vignettes, the characters navigate through their individual challenges and triumphs, ultimately discovering the profound ways in which their lives intersect and influence one another. As their stories unfold, you are drawn into a captivating tapestry of human experience, where each thread contributes to the intricate and beautiful fabric of life.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter Five

Chapter 5

Mom requested I take her and Sharon out for shopping. It's not as if we lack things or maybe ran out of stock for the house, but she just needed the little damsel to be happy.

If at all, her dad – my brother is such a –

Anyways, forget it.

Sharon – my sweet girl on the other hand is an highlife guru. She likes classy bougie. In other words, she likes classic things.

She raced her way all alone to my garage of exquisite vehicles. I basically don't deal with old models or versions. My taste is always trending.

I didn't bother asking what or which of the cars she wants us to go with. All she did was, pose swagger–lisiously by the black Mercedes GLE which was parked nearest to my white Range Rover sport.

Although, I was planning to go with the Toyota venza.

"How many times will you go out with that one?" Mom's glamorous face lit under the sun rays.

Her signature handbag, hung right on her dominant arm. She was dressed in a baggy gown that reached her ankles.

Her face covered in nude make-up and her left wrist hugging onto the latest golden Rolex watch I get her two months ago on her birthday. Her orange 12 frontal that reached her neck gave her the structure of a round, ball face.

I somehow envy here, though she's not my gender. Lolzzz.

Sharon, my girl is always sweet in anything pink. As a matter of fact, her favorite color, both hair, clothes, shoes, cutleries, room wallpaper and so on.

Don't just talk about me because am not pretty good at describing myself or stating out what I really like.

I dress for myself, not to impress typically different from the others.

My dress code, outfits...….blah, blah, blah. Am a Yoruba guy, doesn't mean I should put on my attire. All the time, so....

I go with the usual flow. You know what I mean .

Casual or business.

Actually, today is casual. Killed it on a plain white Dior sneakers that matched with the baseball cap.

I don't talk much like some timekeeper. I gat my smartwatch right on my wrist here.

A smirky smile crept on my lips as I look down at Sharon waiting for me to insert the car key into the keyhole.

"Gorgeous cars are meant for gorgeous girls like Sharon." I winked, opening the front passenger door for her.

I know Mom is a bit furious. She indeed wanted to be the one sitting right there.


"You sat here the last time we went out in this." I had to quickly break-in before she snaps at me.

What's so enticing about this front seat anyway? Is there an award for the passenger? Especially when sitting by the window side.

Before I even finish opening the door, Sharon had already jumped in. Mom stood there, grumpily, fuming childishly for a while before taking the backseat as an alternative.

From the way she shut the door, I knew she's pissed. Yet, I strolled my way innocently like a renowned gentleman to my side of the car and boarded it off.

Though, I have three chauffeurs, but I like doing my things specifically by myself. For example, driving and cooking.

First, we arrived in one of the best teens store – specifically Sharon's favorite. Then we went to Mat-Ice – our usual ice cream parlor. Thereafter, mom talked about visiting the ladies beauty store.

Mom requested I follow her and Sharon in.

"I'll just be in the car. You two catch your girlie fun." I said.

Mom whom already got to the entrance of the building, shrugged her shoulders, flicked her hair and went in with Sharon.

"Can I get the rough work of the project?" I answered the call of my P.A inside the car.

"Precisely, Sir." The person addressing me as in 'Sir' is older than my elder brother, talk much of me.

As I was talking, I reach for the little white paper I had fold in reserve to read for my P.A Mr. Olaniyi. Basically, meant for the project.

But then my attention was drifted away when I saw Sharon's mom Adira, strolling out of the building with a young lady to be in her age too.

Although, the Adira I know is not slim like this. She somehow weighty and chubby but not that much.

Maybe she has lost a lot of weight this year.

She and the lady both held two big shopping bags they look so bubbly, chatting and laughing together.

I don't know how long I've been looking to the extent that I forgot my conversations with Mr. Olaniyi.

"S–Sir?" Boss??" His trembling voice brought me back to reality.

I facepalm my forehead, "Aitch, Mr. Olaniyi." I sighed. "Sorry, you were saying?"

While we drove back to our discussion, I kept my eyes on her every move until she dashed out of my sight into the red Uber parked forty degrees from mine.

When mom and Sharon came out of the building, I witnessed the grumpy look on their faces.

Mom wasn't holding any bag, anyway and she looked pissed from the way I see her.

Am not too sure if she even shopped a thing inside there.

"Are you.... Guys, okay?" My tone slurred immediately they got inside the car.

I hope they didn't see what I saw.

Mom pulled her seatbelt, Damian take us out of here, it's suffocating.

What's suffocating here? The air conditioner of the car has been on since they stepped out.

I wanted to be sure of what the matter really was.


"Damian, ti mo ba na o, iwō yoo gún kēke – kēke yii kuro ni agbegbe yii." She lashed out.

I got startled by the pitch of her voice and quickly boarded the thing before I take something unexpectedly.

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