
Tangled so hard

Couples are indeed made in heaven. True love never dies, even after the death of the lover. But what if the one kills the other. Does that all still acceptable? Heaven's knows. Matilda Riverdale, the eldest daughter, the first heir of Riverdale Music Industry, the most elegant queen of patience, isolation, and soulful beauty that can melt the glaciers. Her life seemed to be so miserable for a daughter without a mother and father who had priorities for his second married life. Her father never took any special attention to her but that was never a thing for Matilda, as she worshiped her family like her own. But the problem was when her family never been so kind to her and treated her as good for nothing. It all mixed up when Rowan Dorthan, the business partner and the family friend who left her at age of nine for the studies showed up again in her life and screwed everything around. He never just got away for studies but was sent away with her family secrets that were to be off from Matilda. But was he here to help her or he's the reason for everything? Or they carry on a more few dark secrets that could decide everyone's present and future?

Riyadanduk · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


The board meeting with family!

A mail dinged up on my phone screen. 'By the orders of repected board members, there has been organized an extra ordinary board meeting about the various crisis in the head department.'

Oh god... I'm late! I slept too much. Last night was the most relaxing night in previous years. That's obvious but.... Oh no, my meeting? I skipped my breakfast and rushed towards my car. I had a sick feeling in my stomach I don't know why but nothing felt good. But soon in time I found where the sickness came from. Mother, father and Pristine where waiting for me in the living room. "Isn't it too early for the meeting?" I tried to contain the serious atmosphere. The trio looked up to me with disgust in there eyes. "Where the hell were you last night?" father's cold and peircy voice gave chilly sensations down my spine. "I....I w....was out for a... meet." I answered fumbling. I looked up at my mother's face which was covered in disgust. "Who was he?" coping with the previous explosion the second arrived, boom! My dear mother fueled father's rage. "He's Rowan, my childhood friend. You know him, he's back." hearing Rowan's name both the old faces dropped their color. "He's back?!" it sounded more fearful than excitement. "Yes! Don't you know? He even attended our party though." that was being off track. "Whatever, you shouldn't be hanging out with him or any other guys. I don't want any headlines to jam up the reportings." I looked up in full confusion. Why are they stopping me to meet him? He was my childhood friend. "Aren't you getting late?" father found me buckling up the plotings so as a distraction he shooed me away.

Knock knock! Logan stood at the door finding me all lost in my head. "You shouldn't be working up so late and arriving at work to early next morning." he's comment sounded more concerned then sarcastic. Nodding up with a cute puppy face he rested his back besides me on the table like a Guardian. I hooked my arms around his, resting my big, messed up head on his strong, well built shoulders releasing a big sigh of relief. Can I ever think I don't have anyone who really cared for me? Well they're few but they worth it. "You know I was with Rowan last night. We had a great evening. He was so good to me like before." saying that I headed up to see his reaction and guess what?! His eyes popped out with disbelief. "What, we just met and talked. All the memories flooded and that was so relaxing." containing my laugh I continued to find his brown eyes welling up. "It's been a real long time to see you this good. I'm really thankful to him." he smiled gorgeously. God! Imagine this handsome, thoughtful man being single. Have all ladies in this world gone blind? He snapped fingers infront of my eyes to bring me back in reality. "Anyways. What's the status of the meeting arrangements?" giving a nice shake to my brains, I marched behind my table to go through the agenda for the meeting. "Darcy's doing her job well." he answered with smirk on his face. "Yes Darcy! I didn't saw her since morning. She really got that serious?"

10am sharp I entered with Logan backing me. On 12th floor the conference room occupied the full area of the floor making the room large and spacious with everything it needs. Not showing off but that was my idea. Darcy welcomed everyone in the room. Only few people were left including representative of White Steel Industry. Of course I was expecting Mr Benedict Dorthan, the CEO of White Steel Industry and Rowan's dad. The door was threw open gracefully after waiting for few minutes by, to my surprise, Rowan. He saw me and gave a pleasing smile saying I'm sorry for being late. My heart skipped few beats to see him again and that to in the board meeting. And in no time I was blushing like a teenager after seeing her crush. But the joy was followed by the unwanted creeps. Yes, absolutely! My family. They're the board members too. And guess who made them board members, it's me of course. I mentally rolled my eyes and tried to focus on the meeting. The meeting was for various reasons like the investments in new project, crisis in training academy the new collaboration with few companies. But the most important agenda of the meeting was the new board member. "So ladies and gentlemen, the final agenda for today's meeting, the new member or you would say replacement of the board member. White Steel Industry's CEO, Mr Benedict Dorthan had passed his membership to his beloved son, Mr Rowan Dorthan. So please welcome Mr Rowan Dorthan in Riverdale Music Industry." everyone clapped hands for him with me being all welled up. But my eyes switched towards the trio who looked to full with anxiety and dishearten.

The intercom was connected to me when I was busy in my work. Father called me in his office. His voice with full of rage again. Knock. "May I....." he called in before I could ask. "Did you wanted to see..."

"Sit." mother seated on the couch with her legs crossed staring in hatred towards me. Ingnoring her I obeyed. "Was it your plan?" I looked up to him in surprise as he pounced on the table and leaned close to my face. My words were stuck in my throat. His hot, raged breath fanning my skin. "What!" I screamed back. "Honey stop! You're scaring her." mother trying to control his anguish. Father took a deep breath and got back to his chair behind the table. I was catching my breath, trying to register what just happened. "I'm sorry Matilda. I shouldn't have did this." he nod up his face to me, reading my mind. Mother keeping up her act as good mom, hiding her devilish grin beneath the mask. The atmosphere in the office was too suffocating for me that I literally felt being out of air. "Father, is everything alright?" no matter whatever happened to me, even though I was dying I would've cared about others. That's me! He took a deep breath and continued. "Actually the thing is.... You shouldn't be seeing Rowan."

"What do mean?" I was totally confused. "I mean..... I know he was your good friend but from now onwards you shouldn't be talking to him." his expressions deepen more. "But why....."

"Matilda. If father say no, then isn't it your duty to accept it without any questions!" mother scolding me as when they both were out of reasons for it.