

Ironin's reasonable explanation eased her heart. 

'That's right. It's not that I hadn't suffered even if it was a misunderstanding. If Arthur told me where he was doing and what he planned to do, this misunderstanding would never happen. Moreover, I could've helped him with the work. This way I could have avoided meeting the Head Priest.'

Veronica took a deep breath and calmed herself. 'I shouldn't think of the past. I need to talk to Arthur and come up with something that will make our life smoother. I don't like this break-up relationship when we are living together. It's torture.'

While she was talking to herself, Ironin stared at her. He observed her every move. When her face gave off the 'I made a decision' vibe, he decided to leave her alone. Just how he came here, the same way he left.