

After hearing him, Darius laughed aloud, feeling bashful by the 'thank you' from a gentleman. "Ahahaha, don't worry about it. Catherine is like a sister to me."

"He can see a woman as a sister?! That's unbelievable!" Catherine mumbled at Veronica's ear.

"Hey, I heard that!" Darius glared at her.

"…" Catherine quickly looked away.

Fortunately, Vincent went inside to guide them to the lounge. He didn't hear Catherine.

They unpacked their backpacks in their rooms and went to the restaurant to have their meal. Except for Arthur and Ovior, the other four got free meals.

Every one of them got a huge portion of food. Darius was astonished and happy.

He gloated, "Now that's what I call breakfast. They know how much a person should eat for breakfast." 

He glanced at Catherine and said, "Why don't you fall in danger every now and then? I will protect you each time."