
Tamra island

Late 1990s Tamra Island for generation long as been identified as the most beautiful island to have ever existed. One filled with magical creatures of all kinds; sorcerers, dragons, elves, faries and mermaids. This creatures alongside humans coexisted peacefully. At least that's what it looked like until all forms of pretense was wiped out... ( whirlwind, thunderstorms..running footsteps) why...... What is happening?..(panting) ........scared...... (maniacal laughter) "please, anybody, somebody....help me" ... tears..... Nooooooooooo Early 21st Late at night (raining....) pants... Baby baby wake up, wake up, it's just a dream.. (muffled cries.....no please stop) (jerks up) Grandma. (stifled tears) why is this happening to me?...make it stop (hugs...pats on the back) "It's going to be fine, go back to sleep, it was just a nightmare".. The Next Morning (at the dining table) Nana; you've learnt a bad habit of picking your food (drops cutleries) What's a 'Nehebkau' (spoon falls off the table.... Absolute silence....... A few minutes later...... Nana; why do you know that name Ahora; (shivering, stutters...) " I.........it told me (whimpering) and it said it's co.........coming.......... (Nana faints......) (Screams.....) Author's note Hi guys, am new here hope am welcomed. This is my first time writing, am going to try to make this worth your time.

Rita_Matthew · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter one

Tamra Island for generation long has been identified as the most beautiful island to have ever existed, the green forest looked like one that never dried up as if it was always watered by the heavens themselves, and the rivers were like hot springs during winter and cold during summer, making it a place where all the mystical creatures gather for fun. And of course, the ideology that men and women should not be allowed to bathe together unless married still existed but men will be men, since the rivers of the island are mostly surrounded by flowers and trees, some perverted men sometimes hide themselves amongst the trees to watch the women bathe, if they are caught, they are either taken to the king or if there is any stronger woman there, they are beaten to a pulp and yes this situation has occurred more than once but that is a tale for another day. Tamra Island was an island filled with magical creatures of all kinds; sorcerers, dragons, elves, fairies, and mermaids, and it existed in a closed space away from human civilization, it was as if whoever created the island did its utmost best to stop humans from infiltrating the land. The magical beings on the island had one thing in common and that is the fact that they all minded their business and tried to avoid conflict with each other. Also, the island was surrounded by vast water and thick fog, so humans just assumed that it must be a dangerous place and did not dare to attempt venturing in. There were also tales of people who went in but never came back.

 Today in Tamra a celebration is being held as a new king was to be crowned as the former one had decided to retire due to old age and the fact that he wanted to go into seclusion which was the case with the former kings. Also, it had long been decided that since the dragons were the stronger ones they would rule the island, of course many were against this idea, so the guardians of the forest, mother nature and the river God decided that a competition would be held between the strongest men from the dragons, elves, and even the demons came to participate but the mermaids declined as their movement on land was a limited one, the sorcerers could not participate since the competition was fixed on physical strength alone, and at the end of the competition, the dragons took the win fair and square and for as long as two hundred years they had been ruling. Today the former dragon king had decided to pass the responsibility to any one of his sons and since he had four of them, he decided to crown one of them king but for a new king to be crowned, the sons of the former king will engage in a competition that involved; Archery, Sword dance, Swimming, their ability to provide solutions to problems, the art of music and lastly, their cultivation skills. The reason why all four sons could compete for the throne is that unlike the mermaids, elves, and fairies, who give birth to one child and on a rare occasion two, the dragons could give birth to ten at a time. The former dragon king's wife gave birth to four at a time and they were all males, making all four boys eligible candidates for the throne. The first son, Jun-ho, had hair as red as fire, which signified his ability as a fire wielder, and skin that was slightly tan, his body looked like that of a person who visited the gym regularly yet his eyes could steal your soul with how seductive they looked, his personality was straightforward and he loved putting on dark colored attire. The second son San-ho had hair ashy white as the clouds, which is proof of his wind-wielding ability, his skin was slightly pale while his eyes were slanted like that of a fox, his personality was also as cunning as that of a fox, he favorite color was sky blue. The third son Kim-ho had purple and white-tipped color hair which represents his lightening wielding ability, his eyes were slightly blue with hints of ash, whenever he used his ability, they became completely white, and his skin was as pale as that of a vampire, surprisingly he has a very playful personality and loves white colors. The fourth son, Min-ho is mischievous, with blue hair which signifies his water-wielding ability, his eyes are sea green, his skin is tan and just like his elder brother he also prefers dark-colored attire. Maybe it's because all four sons come from one mother, they were surprisingly quite close to each other, even Jun-ho who had a straightforward personality and liked being alone would always put up with his brother's behavior and he was close to Min-ho, thereby disputing the ideology that fire and water should not mix. Despite the abundance of beautiful women in the land, the former Dragon king had only one wife, Son-hee. Back in the days and even till date, Son-hee was identified as the most beautiful Dragon lady, of course, dragons were allowed to get married to any race, as even if they did, they would still give birth to a dragon and to make it fair one of the children would end up following his mothers' race but at the same time chance of survival would be slim. The former king married from his ancestry and his three sons; Jun-ho, San-ho and Kim-ho followed his footsteps except for Min-ho who ended falling for a fairy, Woo-young. Woo-young is a very powerful but delicate fairy and a very beautiful woman with hair as fine as silk and white as daisies. Woo-young gave birth to a pair of twin daughters, Chung-jo, a dragon, with eyes as the sunrise and hair as dark as the night which represents her ability to work perfectly well in the shadows, of course she could use her powers during the day but it is limited to just two minutes, as pretty as she was she has a fierce personality, while the second girl, Yeol-wool was more on the delicate side since she ended up following her mother's race, and maybe it's because she was really delicate and the only other fairy in the palace she was pampered by the royal family and loved by all, just like her mom she had white hair paired with sea green eyes and had a strong affinity for plants, she's also a very bubbly child. Chung-jo and Yeol-wool at their tender age was quite close but as soon as Chung-jo found out that compared to Yeol-wool, she was treated differently and had to work harder, she started to stay away from her sister, thereby reducing their once-upon-a-time fondness for each other, of course Yeol-wool had tried severally to breach this gap but it seemed like the harder she tried the more difficult it became. 

 The competition between the four brothers had finally come to an end and not surprisingly the crown was given to Jun-ho as he had always been better than his brothers, especially at swimming, and sword dance and he was also very knowledgeable, so he became the new king, he also received acknowledgment and blessings from the two guardians and they also promised to continue protecting the land and promised to be available if he ever needed their help and they vanished immediately they were done. That entire day was one filled with jubilation.