
Taming The wild Billionaire

A nerd he was. Most of the time, People Told him he was a mistake. Even his own parents abandoned him after been assured that he was an ill luck. His name was Jack. With Literally no one by his side, Jack managed to cater for his life. He finished schooling and was in search of a job. About fifteen Interviews he went for, He got rejected in all. Jack had given up on life and considered committing suicide until an Opportunity suddenly came up. He overhead about a job offer in a Rich woman's House. This woman was exceptionally a devil. She was the most ferocious woman in the city. Her name was Miss Red. Jack decided to try his luck of he could get a place in Miss Red life despite knowing he will probably get rejected. Jack got a place in Miss Red house and this changed his life for good. All he has to do now is survive in the most ferocious woman's house!.

Daizy_Dee · Urban
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14 Chs

Episode 13

Matt walked in on them arguing. "Hey Brian, drop the fucking rocket launcher now!" Matt yelled angrily. Brian dropped it slowly and picked up a pistol.

"You all got what you wanted?" Matt asked. "Yes!" They all replied. "good, let's get started" Matt said.

Jack watched as Every other person loaded up their weapons. The timer was counting down. "Hey, a little help here please.. " Jack whispered to His teammate. "What the heck do you want!?" Brian asked furiously.

"How do you load this thing up. I've never used one of this before!" Jack exclaimed. "dang it!" Brian said and grabbed the gun from him. He helped him load it up.

Matt suddenly blew his whistle. "What, the timer has not even stopped yet!" Billy exclaimed. Matt walked over to Jack and Brian. "i saw what happened.. " he said.

"Emm, you saw what?" Jack asked in pretence. "I Know you don't know how to use a weapon. There is no need to deny it. I was exactly like you when I started working here. So many strong and skillful Guards but is still topped them all!" Matt said.

"Okay..." Jack replied. "So, this are the basics.."

Matt explained how to use a weapon to Jack. They all watched and some learned something too. "Now, fire at the target. Aim for the head!" Matt said and handed the gun to Jack.

Jack aimed at the mannequin and fired. He shot it's leg. "I got him, I got him!!" Jack said in excitement. " your aim sucks!" Matt exclaimed "I got him though.. " Jack said smiling awkwardly.

"If I shoot you in the leg, you can still kill me before I take another shot. Always aim for the chest or the head!" Matt said. "I don't think I'll ever be aiming at someone's Head or Chest. Right?" Jack asked nervously.

"We'll see as times go on" Matt replied. He walked back to his seat. "Practise your shootings now. Always make sure you aim for the Heads!" Matt said and sat.

He watched as the guards all fired at their mannequins. "Your aiming sucks. Especially you Jack! " Matt said. "Why don't you come give it a try sir?" One of them asked. "If that's what you want..fine!" Matt said.

He walked to the guard and grabbed his gun. Matt aimed and fired four times at the mannequin. He handed the gun back to him and went to the mannequin. "You see what real aiming is?" Matt asked.

"No fucking way!" Brian said In shock. "He made holes In the mannequin's head!!" Jack exclaimed. "I can do that too!" Billy suddenly said from the other end of the room.

"Of course you can!" Brian said. They all laughed. "Why don't you come show us Dude?" Matt asked. Billy walked to them and grabbed Jack's gun. He aimed at Jack and Brian's Mannequins and fired at them simultaneously.

He stopped and handed the gun to Jack. Billy walked away..Brian's jaws dropped.

"Holy shit.." Matt exclaimed. "He made Two holes!" Jack exclaimed. "There's no fucking way that just happened! " Brian said still quite shocked.

"Impressive!, I think I know what weapon you're good at.." Matt said. "Yeah, I can snipe things down From great distance. I and my dad used to go hunting since I was Thirteen" Billy said.

"Well, good. Seems like we got our self a snipeman!" Matt said. "Yes!" Billy said happily. "Congratulations Billy, you can skip this training till we reach the combat training!" Matt said.

"Combat what!?" Jack asked in shock.

"Keep your eyes on your opponent at all time. You need to Be always fast and precise, do not make any stupid moves or you'll end up getting your ass seriously whooped! " Matt said. They all giggled.

"Why the heck are we going through all this stress, it's like we're preparing for a war or something! " A guard said. Matt walked to him. "What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Tim.." He replied. "Tim, you are aware you work for a business woman who might at anytime face some Life threatening situations. That's why you're working for her. If this issue arises, can you deal with it!?" Matt asked furiously.

"Would do it easily!" Tim said confidently. "Oh, Really? " Matt asked. "Why don't we go a few round and see if you would last a second!? " Tim asked.

"Damn.." Brian whispered loudly. "Is he challenging Matt??' Jack asked. "Yes and I'm really loving it already! " Brian replied. Jack gulped and continued watching as the drama slowly unfolded.

"Attention everyone. A guard here just asked for some few practice. Trust me, he asked for it!" Matt said and winked. "Come forward Tim, let's see what you got.." He said to Tim.

Tim emerged from the guards looking all stuffed up. "He's muscular, I think he'll beat Matt.." Jack said. "I bet you ten dollars Matt's gonna lay his ass!" Brian said. "Deal!" Jack replied.

"Are you ready Tim?" Matt asked. Tim nodded slightly. From no where, a punch suddenly landed on Tim's face sending him off his feet. "Holy shit !" Jack exclaimed.

"Told you! " Brian said. Tim laid on the floor groaning in pain. "And just like that, Your enemy would Whoop your ass!" Matt said. They all applauded for him.

"Anyone one here wants to go?" Matt asked. They all stood completely still. "Jack wants to go!" Brian suddenly yelled. "What, no. I never said that!!" Jack opposed.

"Join me on the stage Jack!" Matt said. "No. this is a misunderstanding, I never said I wanted to do this!" Jack said in fear. "I know, just come here and see if you can learn some few moves! " Matt said.

"No, I don't think that would be a good idea. I might pass out!" Jack insisted. "Don't be a chicken Jack, if you pass out we will wake you up later!" Matt replied.

"Common Jack, you can do it!" Brian said smiling mischievously. "You asshole, I will kill you!!" Jack mumbled.