
Taming The wild Billionaire

A nerd he was. Most of the time, People Told him he was a mistake. Even his own parents abandoned him after been assured that he was an ill luck. His name was Jack. With Literally no one by his side, Jack managed to cater for his life. He finished schooling and was in search of a job. About fifteen Interviews he went for, He got rejected in all. Jack had given up on life and considered committing suicide until an Opportunity suddenly came up. He overhead about a job offer in a Rich woman's House. This woman was exceptionally a devil. She was the most ferocious woman in the city. Her name was Miss Red. Jack decided to try his luck of he could get a place in Miss Red life despite knowing he will probably get rejected. Jack got a place in Miss Red house and this changed his life for good. All he has to do now is survive in the most ferocious woman's house!.

Daizy_Dee · Urban
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14 Chs

Episode 12

Two days later, On a sunny Tuesday. Matt instructed everyone to Show up At the living room for an important announcement. Few minutes later, The room was filled up with Guards all waiting for Matt to show up.

"What do you guys think it's about?" Jack asked. "It's obviously gonna be about the Training. Remember boss mentioned this two days ago.." A guard named Reece Said. "Oh, hey Reece.. " Jack said.

"Hey, Nice meeting you.." Reece said and shook hands with him. "It's surely about the training" Chris added.

Matt suddenly showed up. The guards all paused and watched him walk down the stairs slowly. "For months, we have been deprived of weapons. But thanks to the boss, everything is back on track now!" Matt said.

He paused for a while and stared at the guards expecting them to applaud. "What's going on? " Jack whispered to Reece. "Shit, we have to applaud! " He replied. He clapped his hands and the Guards all joined him.

They soon stopped clapping. "So, We are now back on track. You guys would be divided into groups, you can start picking your mates now.." Matt said. "I'll go with Chris! " Jack said.

"I'll go with Brian!" Billy said. "Hell no!" Brian replied. They all argued like drunkards. "Silence! " Matt suddenly yelled. The guards all paused.

"I'll team you knuckle heads up myself!" He said and walked to them. He started from Reece. "You go with the fat dude.." He said. Matt moved to Jack. "The "AGILE" Dude.." Matt said and giggled.

Jack stared at him angrily. "You team up with Brian.." Matt said and walked away. "Not the Jerk!' Jack mumbled. The Teaming up continued for a while till Every guard was finally teamed up with someone.

"Alright, let me see your hands up if you're not with someone yet.." Matt said. Jack raised his hands. "seriously, now?" Matt asked. "You teamed me up with a Donkey!" Jack replied. They all laughed. "Asshole!" Brian mumbled.

" we're all set now, training commence in...ten minutes!" Matt said and walked away. "What!" Brian exclaimed. "I thought he was gonna say 10 hours. That's way too fast!" Jack said.

"I think we should go get ready.." Chris said. "Yeah, we should.." Jack said. They all went to their rooms..

Exactly ten minutes later, Matt showed up in Jack's room dressed in some short pants. "This not gonna be good!" Jack murmured. "Alright Everyone, follow me!" Matt said and turned to leave. They all quickly stood up and followed Matt.

He went to the other rooms and instructed the guards to follow him too. They all went outside to the back of the Mansion which was All occupied with a large field of Grass. "Emm, is this it?" Jack asked.

"Wait for it.." Brian replied. "Ladies and gentlemen..." Matt said. "Emm, there's no lady among us. We're all men!" Jack opposed. "trust, me there's a Lady here. She fainted four times last week!" Matt teased.

"punk!" Jack mumbled. As I was saying before I was abruptly interrupted by a sexy lady.." Matt said. They all laughed hard. "Sick of all this shit!" Jack whispered to Brian. "Things are about to get super exciting. Just wait for it.." Brian replied.

"Today, you start your training as it was been stated in your contract. Put all your efforts in it cause it's gonna be useful one day. I can assure you that.." Matt said. "Without any further delay, Let's get started by first introducing you to the Red Facility!" Matt said. He grabbed his walkie talkie and Mumbled some words to the control unit(Deane).

There was a sudden loud noise as the land suddenly seemed to be moving. The green grass all moved to a part and right in front of them was a Big Red door that's leads underground.

"Open the Door.." Matt said to his walkie talkie. The door slowly slides open and a staircase leading into the underground facility appeared. "Pretty impressive !" Jack said.

"Follow me Comrades! " Matt said and marched in. They all took deep breaths and followed him. The last guard walked in and the door shut itself once again.

Darkness covered everywhere. The guards all stood in a spot Contemplating on what to do next. "This is kinda Creepy.." Brian suddenly said. "Anyone's got a flashlight!?" Billy asked furiously.

"Lights please..." Matt said to his walkie talkie. The room suddenly came to live. The lights shone in the eyes of the guards and they all had to cover there eyes for some seconds.

"Comrades..welcome to the Red facility! " Matt said smiling broadly. "Holy molly!" Reece exclaimed. The guards all stared around in total disbelief. "How Long did it take her to Set this up!?" Billy asked no one in particular.

"How much did it cost!?" Jack asked. "Enough questions!. This place was built over Ten years ago, Miss Red only gave it a little touch. You know..." Matt said.

"Of course, the Red touches which are literally everywhere! " Jack said. "Wait a minute, are those weapons!? " Brian suddenly asked. He rushed to The wall. Dozens of armed were hanged on the wall.

"Great, they're all red!" Jack said. "Get your hands off those. They're the Boss's specialities..." Matt said. He walked to the wall and pushed a brick, A door from no where suddenly Surfaced and opened.

"In that room, are your weapons. Go grab what you think might suit you! " Matt said to them. The guards all scampered off. All except Billy. He was still staring around at the wonderful interiors of the place.

"Hey..." Matt said. Billy was lost in thought and didn't hear Matt call him. Matt had to walk over to him and tap him. He suddenly jerked back to his normal state. "Where's everyone!?" He asked in confusion.

"Go grab a weapon now.." Matt said to him. Billy walked to the room. He met everyone trying out different weapons. "This pistol seems perfect to me.." Jack said.

"Check this out guys!" Brian said holding a rocket launcher. "What the heck!?, drop that right now!!" Jack yelled.