
Taming the billionaire werewolf

Kayla White is a beautiful and pure girl who lived a life of pain and suffering. "In the shadow of pain and suffering, Kayla White's life takes an unexpected turn. Haunted by her past, she makes a desperate choice: a contract with the devil himself, Leon King, an entity devoid of love. Out of desperation, she strikes a contract with the devil. A contract with an impossible goal. A month-long contract to make him fall for her. Leon who is a cold and heartless CEO and an Alpha of the Moonlit Pack. As Kayla embarks on a perilous journey to make the unlovable fall for her, the boundaries between darkness and desire blur. Will her purity and resilience be enough to kindle a forbidden love in the heart of a creature bound to darkness? ************************ Leon's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly reminded her, "You know that I don't do love." "I understand," Kayla replied, her gaze unwavering. Her decision was motivated by her longing to escape her tormenting reality, even if it meant venturing into the unknown with a man of secrets. Leon studied Kayla for a moment, pondering her request, before finally saying, "You know I don't do love." Kayla nodded, ready to embrace the uncertain path that lay ahead, knowing that this decision could be her escape from her nightmare. "Are you sure you want to do this, agreeing to do this is following me to my realm of hell and there won't be any going back?" Leon said warning her. "I agree, but I have one question," Kayla said. "What is it?" Leon asked. "What if I managed to tame your heart, what if I make you fall in love with me?" Kayla asked. Leon's face darkened, and he said. "You can't." "What if I can?" Kayla asked. She does not know where the surge of confidence came from. She knew challenging him was a stupid decision. Leon's laughter filled the room sending shivers down her spine. He stood up and walked towards her till he was only a slight meter apart. He leaned in and said. "Very well, if you can tame my heart. You can have anything you desire" Kayla could not help but wonder if she was making a deal with the devil himself. "Anything I desire?" Kayla asked. "As long as you can name it," Leon said as he inhaled deeply her intoxicating scent. "Is there anything I desire?" Kayla asked herself inwardly. Growing up, she has always hoped for freedom and happiness, she has always wished to smile without any burden but she knew it was just wishful thinking, but now it seems that there is hope.

Prince_charming57 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Taking a bold step

Leon picked up his phone and dialled a number, his voice firm. "Bring the documents," Leon said in a commanding tone before ending the call. In the room, there was a palpable tension in the air.

Moments later, a towering figure entered, a bulky man, holding a piece of paper. "Here it is, Alpha," he said with an air of respect. The man's demeanour exuded unwavering loyalty, revealing that he was accustomed to fulfilling Leon's requests without question.

"Alpha?" Kayla thought inwardly. For some reason, the name felt familiar to her. "Where have I heard it before?" Kayla asked herself but her thoughts were interrupted by Leon who passed her the document for her to fill out.

The significance of the moment weighed heavily on her as Leon handed her the document to fill out. The contract was anything but ordinary, with terms and conditions as enigmatic as the man who had presented it. The words on the page were crystal clear, with one warning standing out in bold letters: "Leon does not do love." This statement was stark and unequivocal, leaving no room for misinterpretation. As Kayla continued to read, another crucial condition became apparent - she must return before sunset. The implications of the pact she was about to enter into were not lost on her. Her heart raced as she considered the life-altering decision before her.

With trembling hands, she picked up the pen, fully aware of the complexity and potential consequences of the pact she was about to make. Her signature on that dotted line would seal her fate and set her on a path into an unknown realm with Leon. The act was both bold and daring, a testament to her longing for freedom and happiness.

Leon observed her, a hint of a smile on his face. "You do realize that today is the first day of the month," he pointed out.

"Yes," Kayla replied nervously, the quiver in her voice betraying her apprehension.

"Your one-month journey to tame my heart has officially begun," Leon declared with a mischievous smirk, hinting at the challenges that lay ahead.

"Can we... start?" Kayla asked, determined to embark on this endeavour with a sense of courage.

"Of course," Leon said, his intrigue evident in his eyes.

"I have something to show you," Kayla announced, her anticipation for the adventure ahead coursing through her veins.

Leon raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Show me?"

With Leon following, they descended the grand staircase to the opulent dining hall. However, as they entered the space, Kayla's attention was immediately drawn to a sight that puzzled her. At the centre of the room, the once-intact, expensive dining table now lay broken, its elegant surface shattered. "What happened here?" she inquired, her confusion apparent in her voice.

She looked at Leon with sad eyes before saying "I see you haven't eaten yet, so I made you lunch, but now the table is broken," Kayla explained, her gaze focused on the unexpected wreckage.

Leon, however, remained unfazed by the broken table. He simply smirked and said, "It's okay; we can take our meal to the room." His words, while casual, carried a hint of underlying meaning that didn't escape Kayla's notice.

Blushing at the implication, Kayla agreed with a slightly flustered nod. The thought of a private meal with Leon added an air of excitement and uncertainty to her already adventurous day.

In Leon's room, Kayla opened the plate, releasing the enticing aroma of the prepared meal. She took a spoonful of the dish, taking bit to her lips and giving it a slight blow and extended it towards Leon.

"Ahh" Kayla said urging him to open his mouth so she can feed him.

Leon comply, he opened his mouth and are it, chewing it properly.

Kayla could smell the scent of etiquette on him, it just as if everything he does is charming and pleasant to the eye. "He even eats like a prince, royal and regal" Kayla thought inwardly.

She looked at him like a kid waiting for a remark.

The unique blend of flavours were unleash to the first bite making him savour the taste. This dish can be compared to the too many chef, you are a really talented cook" Leon could not help but compliment her.

"How did you do it?" Leon asked.

"Do what?" Kayla asked.

"How did you managed to turn a simple dish into a masterpiece"

"My mother taught me various cooking techniques when I was young," she began, her tone coloured by a tinge of sadness. "She instilled in me the idea of not wasting food but making it better." Kayla said with a ting of sadness in her eyes.

Leon was no fool, he could clearly sense something was amiss but he pretended and gave a smile.

For some reason, Leon felt jealous, for not being the only person who ate it.

As their meal came to an end, Kayla began collecting the dishes, ready to take care of the aftermath. But Leon intervened, dismissing the need for her to handle such tasks. "Leave it; the maids will take care of it," he assured her.

"I've been meaning to tell you, you can go home and prepare. Can you be back before sunset?" she asked, her voice carrying a sense of hope.

"Of course, your wish is granted," Leon replied, displaying an eagerness to accommodate her wishes. He nodded in agreement.

"Do you want to leave now?" Leon inquired, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

Kayla nodded, her expression reflecting her determination. "Yes, I should start preparing as soon as possible."

Leon was quick to offer his assistance. "Alright, I'll drive you home. It's the least I can do."

A moment of hesitation crossed Kayla's face. She was well aware that her unexpected absence for even a single night could result in punishment from her stepmother. The idea of being driven home by a man, especially someone like Leon, had the potential to worsen her situation.

"Don't bother," she replied quickly, her voice filled with a touch of apprehension. She didn't want to create further complications for herself. She knew that missing a night at home would lead to consequences, but inviting more questions about her circumstances by having Leon drive her home seemed even riskier.

"I'll just call a cab," Kayla added as she rose from her seat, a sense of determination in her actions. She grabbed a copy of the contract, holding onto it as a reminder of the pact she had just enterepractiseded ease, she called for a cab, and it arrived promptly.

As the cab pulled up to the grand gates of Leon's mansion, Kayla couldn't help but steal a last look at the magnificent house and the enigmatic man who had invited her into his extraordinary world.

Leon, watching from the shadows, allowed a satisfied smile to cross his face when he realized that the cab driver was a woman.

As the car slowly left the gates, Mark, the bulky man who had delivered the contract, approached Leon.

"I want to know everything about her," Leon said, his voice determined. "Leave no stone unturned."

Mark, ever the loyal beta to Leon, nodded in understanding. He had been with Leon for a long time, earning his trust through unwavering dedication. He knew that Leon was a man of action and result. There was no room for delay.

"Yes, Alpha," Mark replied with a bow. He turned and headed toward the task at hand, knowing that he had a job to do and that results were expected without compromise.