
Taming the Beast Within: Girl by Day, Wolf by Night

Maya hates her new life. Stuck in a creepy town with her grandma, boredom is the least of her worries. Under the glow of a full moon, a monstrous secret claws its way out. Grandma isn't just her grandma; she's a werewolf! Now, Maya is caught between two worlds – human and wolf. But a bigger threat emerges, forcing Maya to join forces with a mysterious boy who might not be who he seems. As Maya wrestles with her newfound wolf form, a shocking truth surfaces, turning everything upside down. Can Maya control the beast within and save the town, or will she succumb to the wildness of two worlds?

Princess_3286 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Whispers of the Past

The previous night felt like a fever dream, the howling, the monstrous creature, Agnes's transformation. But the torn clothes and bloodied bandages served as a grim reminder of its reality.

A flicker of movement caught Maya's eye. On the bedside table, nestled amidst a clutter of pills and ointment, lay the silver bracelet she'd noticed earlier. Curiosity piqued, Maya picked it up. The intricate symbols seemed to writhe under her touch, radiating a faint warmth.

Suddenly, a jolt shot through her arm as the bracelet pulsed with a blinding light. Instinctively, Maya dropped it, scrambling back as it clattered onto the wooden table. Fear gripped her – was this some kind of werewolf booby trap?

But as the light subsided, Maya saw that the bracelet remained unchanged. Had she imagined it? Her heart thumped erratically in her chest.

Just then, Agnes stirred, her eyes fluttering open. A relieved smile spread across her face as she saw Maya.

"Good morning, sweetheart," she rasped, her voice still hoarse. "How are you holding up?"

The events of the night flooded back to Maya, washing away any drowsiness she might have had. "Did you really… become a werewolf, Grandma?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Agnes sighed, a flicker of pain crossing her face. "It's a long story, Maya. But yes, it's true. Our family bears the curse… or perhaps the gift, depending on how you look at it… of lycanthropy."

Maya stared at her, processing the information. Werewolf. Curse. Gift? It all sounded like something out of a fantasy novel, not real life.

"But how? Why?" she pressed, her voice a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

Agnes winced, her hand moving to touch the bandage on her arm. "It all started generations ago," she began, her voice low and filled with a deep sadness that sent shivers down Maya's spine. "With a creature known as the White Fang."

The name sent a chill down Maya's spine. It sounded menacing, mythical even.

Agnes's eyes seemed to glaze over as she reminisced. "The White Fang was a powerful werewolf, an ancient creature said to be the ancestor of all werewolves in this region. He was said to possess untold power, but also a fierce sense of justice."

"And what does he have to do with us?" Maya asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Legend says our ancestor, a woman named Elara, befriended the White Fang," Agnes continued. "Together, they fought to protect this town from dark magic and creatures that lurked in the shadows."

"So, we're like… monster hunters?" Maya asked, a spark of excitement igniting within her.

Agnes chuckled weakly. "Not exactly. More like guardians. We keep the balance between the human world and the supernatural… a world that most humans don't even know exists."

Maya's mind reeled. A secret world existed right beneath the surface of her seemingly ordinary life? And her family was somehow connected to it all?

"But Grandma," Maya interjected, "if this has been going on for generations, why didn't you tell me before?"

Agnes's face hardened. "Because it's dangerous, Maya. This world we're entering… it's brutal and unforgiving. I didn't want you to be a part of it."

"But what about the monster from last night?" Maya countered. "What if it comes back? What if I can't defend myself?"

Agnes's expression softened. "That's why I need to train you," she said, her voice firm. "To control your own wolf form, if you have it. And to understand the history of this town, the threats we face, and the prophecy that binds us to it."

Prophecy? Maya's eyes widened. Now things were getting really strange. "What prophecy?" she asked, a strange sense of foreboding washing over her.

Agnes hesitated, a flicker of worry clouding her eyes. "There's an ancient prophecy, Maya," she said, her voice low and grave. "A prophecy that speaks of a descendant of the White Fang, a Moonborn who will either save this town or destroy it."

The weight of those words hung heavy in the air. A Moonborn. Could it be her? Was she destined to be the savior or the destroyer of this mysterious town?

Before Maya could voice her growing trepidation, a loud knock echoed on the front door. Maya jumped, the weight of the prophecy momentarily forgotten. Who could be visiting at this early hour?

"Stay here," Agnes whispered, wincing as she pushed herself up from the bed. "I'll see who it is."

Her movements were slow and labored, a testament to the severity of her injuries. Maya watched with concern as Agnes shuffled towards the door, a worn bathrobe draped over her sleepwear.

Peeking through a crack in the doorway, Agnes called out cautiously, "Who's there?"

A gruff male voice responded, "Agnes Thorne? It's Finn. We need to talk."

Agnes's face hardened. "Finn?" she repeated, a hint of suspicion laced in her voice. "What brings you here?"

"It's about the creature last night," the voice replied urgently. "And what you plan to do about it."

Intrigue piqued, Maya tiptoed closer to the door, straining to hear more.

"Come inside," Agnes finally said, a hint of resignation in her voice. "But keep it quiet. My granddaughter is sleeping."

With a heavy sigh, Agnes unlatched the door, revealing a tall, lean figure shrouded in the shadows of the morning mist. He wore a hooded jacket, the hood pulled low, obscuring his features.

As he stepped inside, the first rays of sunlight illuminated his face. Maya gasped. It was the boy from the library – the one who'd been reading about werewolves.

"Finn?" Maya blurted out before she could stop herself.

His head snapped towards her, surprise flashing across his face. He met her gaze for a fleeting moment, his eyes a startling shade of emerald green, before quickly shifting his attention back to Agnes.

"Who's this?" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"This is Maya," Agnes replied curtly. "My granddaughter."

The tension in the room crackled like static electricity. Maya's mind raced. What was Finn's connection to their family secret? And what did he know about the creature that attacked last night?

Before Agnes could answer, Finn's gaze flickered back to Maya, his expression unreadable.

"She shouldn't be here," he said, his voice low and urgent. "It's not safe."

Agnes bristled. "Let me worry about what's safe, Finn. Now, why are you really here?"

Finn hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting between Maya and Agnes. Then, he let out a long sigh.

"The creature," he began, his voice dropping to a whisper. "It wasn't just any rogue werewolf. It was a Shadowfang."

A shiver ran down Maya's spine. The name echoed an unspoken fear.

"Shadowfang?" Agnes repeated, her face pale. "But those creatures… they're said to be extinct."

Finn shook his head. "Not all extinct. And they're far more dangerous than any ordinary werewolf."

His words hung heavy in the air, leaving a chilling silence in their wake. Maya felt a growing sense of dread. This wasn't just about protecting the town anymore. This was about something far bigger, far more sinister.

"What are we going to do?" Maya whispered, her voice barely audible.

Finn's green eyes met hers, a flicker of something akin to pity in their depths. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word, a loud, guttural growl erupted from outside, silencing them all.

The creature was back. And this time, it wasn't alone.

How will Maya and Agnes face this new, and dangerous threat?