
Taming the Beast Within: Girl by Day, Wolf by Night

Maya hates her new life. Stuck in a creepy town with her grandma, boredom is the least of her worries. Under the glow of a full moon, a monstrous secret claws its way out. Grandma isn't just her grandma; she's a werewolf! Now, Maya is caught between two worlds – human and wolf. But a bigger threat emerges, forcing Maya to join forces with a mysterious boy who might not be who he seems. As Maya wrestles with her newfound wolf form, a shocking truth surfaces, turning everything upside down. Can Maya control the beast within and save the town, or will she succumb to the wildness of two worlds?

Princess_3286 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Howl of the Shadowpack

Agnes's hand shot out, gripping Maya's arm tightly. Her face was pale, etched with a mixture of fear and grim determination. "Stay here," she whispered, her voice low and urgent. "Don't come outside, no matter what you hear."

"But Grandma-" Maya began to protest, but Agnes was already shuffling towards the back door, a heavy iron poker clutched in her hand.

"Finn," Agnes called out, her voice surprisingly steady. "Keep an eye on Maya. I'll handle this."

Finn, still shrouded in the shadows of his hood, nodded curtly. Maya wanted to argue, to fight alongside her grandmother, but the steely glint in Agnes's eyes held her back. This was a battle Maya wasn't ready for.

With a heavy thud, Agnes flung open the back door, disappearing into the swirling mist. Maya pressed her ear against the cracked doorway, straining to hear what was happening outside.

The nightmarish growls returned, a chorus of them this time, echoing through the damp morning air. They were accompanied by the snapping of twigs and the rustling of leaves – signs of movement, of a pack hunting.

Terror threatened to consume Maya, but a steely resolve hardened within her. She wouldn't just stand here, cowering in fear. She had to help her grandmother.

But how? Glancing at Finn, Maya saw him rummaging through a worn leather satchel that hung from his shoulder. He pulled out a handful of what looked like silver vials and several leather pouches filled with herbs and strange powders.

"What are you doing?" Maya asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Finn didn't look up. "Preparing for what's coming," he replied curtly, his voice laced with a seriousness that belied his youthful appearance.

"But... aren't you coming to help Grandma?" Maya pressed, her fear warring with a growing sense of responsibility.

Finn stopped his rummaging, finally meeting her gaze. His emerald eyes held a depth of knowledge that seemed to far exceed his years. "I can't," he said, his voice low and grave. "Not in this form."

Maya frowned. What did he mean, "not in this form"? Before she could question him further, another ear-splitting howl ripped through the air, sending shivers down her spine. This time, it was closer.

Panic rising in her throat, Maya ran to the window overlooking the backyard. Pushing aside the dusty curtains, she peeked out, her breath catching in her throat.

There, bathed in the pale morning light, stood a horrifying sight. Agnes was surrounded by a pack of creatures unlike anything she'd ever seen. They were larger than wolves, their fur a matted black, and their eyes glowing with a malevolent red light.

But what truly terrified Maya was the sight of Agnes herself. Her form was shifting, contorting in a seemingly painful process. Bones cracked and reshaped, fur erupted from her skin, and a guttural growl resonated from her throat.

Agnes was transforming. But unlike the majestic wolf Maya witnessed earlier, this transformation seemed twisted, monstrous. Fear mingled with a strange sense of empathy as Maya watched her grandmother battle the agonizing change.

The Shadowfang pack, emboldened by Agnes's struggle, surged forward. Agnes let out a defiant roar, snapping her newly formed jaws at the nearest creature. A fierce battle ensued, a whirlwind of fur and fangs.

Despite her injuries, Agnes fought with a ferocity that surprised Maya. However, she was outnumbered, and the Shadowfangs seemed to possess an unnatural strength. Maya watched in horror as one of the creatures sank its teeth into Agnes's shoulder, drawing a bloodcurdling scream.

Tears welled up in Maya's eyes. She couldn't just stand there and watch! But what could she do? She was weak, untrained, completely outmatched.

Suddenly, Finn appeared beside her, a determined glint in his eyes. He tossed a vial filled with a shimmering silver liquid at Maya. "Catch!" he shouted.

Reflexively, Maya caught the vial. "What is it?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Wolfsbane," Finn replied, grabbing another vial and hurling it out the window towards the battlefield. "It weakens werewolves. Throw it at the creatures, but be careful not to hit Agnes."

Hope flared within Maya. Maybe she could help after all. With newfound determination, she uncorked the vial, the pungent scent of wolfsbane filling her nostrils. She peeked out the window again, taking in the chaotic scene. Agnes, bloodied and battered, was being overwhelmed by the relentless pack.

Mustering all her courage, Maya took a deep breath and aimed. With a flick of her wrist, she hurled the vial. It arced through the air, narrowly missing a snapping pair of black jaws, before shattering at the feet of one of the Shadowfangs.

The creature recoiled, yelping in pain as a faint mist of silver enveloped its legs. It stumbled back, momentarily disoriented, giving Agnes a much-needed opening. With a renewed snarl, Agnes lunged, her fangs finding purchase on the creature's throat.

A wave of relief washed over Maya, but it was short-lived. The remaining Shadowfangs, enraged by their injured comrade, turned their attention towards Maya. Their menacing red eyes locked onto her, a silent promise of violence.

Fear threatened to paralyze her, but remembering the pouches Finn had retrieved, she grabbed one. Inside were loose granules of a green, powdery substance.

"What's that?" she whispered frantically, turning to Finn.

"Nightshade," he explained, his voice tight with urgency. "It disrupts their senses momentarily. Throw it in their eyes."

Without hesitation, Maya ripped open the pouch. A thick cloud of green dust billowed out, carried by the slight breeze towards the approaching pack. As the dust reached the creatures, they let out disoriented snarls, their eyes squinting shut.

Seizing this opportunity, Maya hurled another vial of wolfsbane, this time hitting its mark on the back of a particularly large Shadowfang. The creature howled in pain, its movements sluggish.

The distraction seemed to buy Agnes precious time. With a powerful shove, she sent another Shadowfang crashing into a nearby tree. The impact knocked the creature unconscious, momentarily thinning the ranks of her attackers.

But the victory was short-lived. The affected Shadowfangs were slowly recovering, their red eyes glinting with renewed fury. Maya knew this wouldn't be enough. They needed a more permanent solution.

A glance towards Finn revealed him muttering something under his breath, his fingers flying across a small, leather-bound book. He scribbled franticly, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"What are you doing?" Maya yelled over the cacophony of growls and roars.

Finn didn't look up. "Working on a binding spell," he shouted back. "It's a long shot, but it might send them back to where they came from."

Hope rekindled in Maya's chest. A binding spell. Maybe that was their answer. But would it work? And would they hold off the Shadowfangs long enough for Finn to complete it?

A deafening growl from behind shattered their temporary truce. One of the Shadowfangs, seemingly unaffected by the wolfsbane or the nightshade, had flanked Agnes. Its jaws gaped wide, revealing a horrifying array of razor-sharp teeth.

Agnes whirled around just in time, but the creature was faster. It lunged, its attack aimed at Agnes's exposed neck.

A scream tore from Maya's throat. In a split second, a primal instinct surged through her. A feeling of power, of connection to something wild and untamed.

Without conscious thought, Maya launched herself towards the window, ignoring the shards of broken glass tearing at her skin. The world seemed to blur as she leaped through the opening, landing with a painful thud on the damp grass outside.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins, fueling her actions. Her vision seemed heightened, her senses sharpened. In a haze of primal awareness, she focused on the creature about to deliver a fatal blow to Agnes.

And then, something extraordinary happened. A tingling sensation spread through her body, a feeling of transformation. Her clothes seemed to tear and shred as fur erupted from her skin. Her bones shifted, her senses adjusting to a new reality.

With a guttural growl that echoed the sounds of the battlefield, Maya stood before the startled Shadowfang. It froze, its red eyes widening in disbelief as it stared at this unexpected challenger.

Agnes, momentarily stunned by Maya's sudden appearance, recovered quickly. With a fierce roar, she joined the fray, her lupine form standing side-by-side with Maya's newly awakened one.

The remaining Shadowfangs, confused and hesitant, faltered in their attack. The battleground held a strange stalemate – two newly transformed werewolves facing off against a pack of surprised Shadowfangs, with a young man desperately scribbling in a book a few feet away.

What is Maya's new form? Will Finn be able to complete the binding spell in time?