
Taming My Vampire Servant

[COMPLETED] “Master, don’t let anyone serve you… except me.” Ivory Sprucemint summoned Sigmund, a stubborn and possessive Servant! Her wish is to win the Servant Competition in the academy, and become a Royal Knight, but to achieve these, she needs to make him obey her orders! But Sigmund calls Ivory by her name, he keeps on sucking her blood on any part of her body, and he does whatever he wants! How will Ivory tame her Vampire Servant and achieve her dreams? ------ A love story between a Submissive Master and Domineering Servant! WARNING: Mature/R-18 scenes included and lots of biting and bloodsucking scenes! To name a few: on the neck, on the foot, on the chest- Ooof! :)) Don't let the first few chapters fool you! XD ------ PREVIEW: “Ivory... I asked, what the hell are you thinking of.” Ivory was surprised to hear him say her name for the first time, and it made her heart beat like war drums. His deep voice sounded so sexy. She wanted to avoid his gaze because of embarrassment, but because of the way he firmly held the back of her head, she couldn’t look away. “I said it’s nothing, why are you-” Ivory was interrupted when she saw his eyes glow once again. Sigmund’s eyes glow whenever he’s serious. “Fine! Fine! I’ll tell you what’s on my mind!” “Good girl. So what is it about?” “It’s… you! I was thinking about you!” Ivory exclaimed. Her reply made her Servant calm down, so he finally let go of her head and sat up straight. She added while blushing, “I was thinking about… where you would… bite…” Pleased that he was the one occupying his Master’s mind, Sigmund smirked, “Where do you want me to bite you?” “Uhm… I… Uhh…” She stuttered, still avoiding his gaze. “In my… p… pfinger!” Sigmund chuckled as he took his Master’s hand, “As you wish, dimwit.” He licked her pointing finger, then lightly bit her with his fangs. His bite was not that deep; it was just enough to let the blood ooze. Sigmund’s tongue gently licked her bleeding finger before grazing his lips on her fingertip. He then noticed his Master staring at him which caused her to blush even more, making her pull away her hand from his. Ivory, whose heart was already beating crazy, quickly turned around, laid on the bed, and faced the wall. She was about to cover herself with the blanket, but Sigmund slid next to her and tucked themselves under the cover. “Go to your bed, Sigmund,” Ivory murmured before shutting her eyes. “You might get cold, so I’m staying next to you, weakling,” Sigmund murmured as well and almost rested his forehead on her nape. Ivory felt his breath on her skin. She thought of sleeping on the other bed, so she slowly tried to get up, but Sigmund placed his arm around her waist the moment he felt his Master moving away from him. “You’re not going anywhere.” ------ [A Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2021 Entry] Theme: Vampires and Werewolves ------ Story, Main Body: AinaWang Editor: iridescentdream Proofreaders: portholes_29, moonwitch89 Book Cover (commissioned): @omichiart on IG ------ Official Instagram: @ainawang.official Official Discord: https://discord.gg/HYkU3Rr Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ainawang

AinaWang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
238 Chs

"Against Master's First Lover-3"

Sigmund and Lucius stood in the hallway, just beside the classroom door.

"She listens to you, you should convince her to break things off with him."

"What? But why?" Lucius' brows furrowed.

"I heard him talk to his friends, and he's going to dump her once he's tired of her. But of course, he's been telling her sweet whatnots, and Ivory's believing whatever he says! He's troublesome, and I don't want her-"

"Sigmund, why are you always acting against your Master's wishes?" Lucius asked. He had always observed him, and it was the first thing that came to his mind ever since he was summoned.

"I'm acting according to my instincts. How about you, blondie boy," the Vampire stared suspiciously at him. "Why are you always so protective of her?"

"I… I don't know. My instincts too, I guess. You see, I like helping people. It's because of my upbringing as a General's son."

"Whatever. As long as you won't be a distraction to her," he sighed. "Lately, she's been slacking off. She goes home late because of their dates, and instead of reading reference scrolls, she says she's too tired to read, then goes to sleep. I knew this would come. How I wished I broke his bones, even before they became lovers."

Lucius chuckled, "I don't think I can do anything to change Ivory's mind." He patted the Vampire's shoulder, "Calm down, Vampire. Your red eyes are glowing," and he went back inside their classroom.

'Why did he call me Vampire? Didn't he believe the rumors?' Sigmund pondered after he was out of sight. He really mustn't underestimate the General's son!

Seeing how inquisitive the blonde student was, he also thought that he might be helpful for Ivory's growth as a chosen one, so he'd just let him be close to her. But once he becomes a hindrance to their bond, Sigmund vows to take his Master away from him. After all, the Vampire had already experienced betrayal and rejection from his own Master in the past, and he didn't want it to happen again. What he wanted to do now was to protect the trust that Ivory gave him.

The weekend came again, and Ivory had a heated discussion with Sigmund in front of Jasiel's solo apartment at Alpharion City. Merchants and passersby were looking suspiciously at them as they yelled at each other as the sun was about to set.

"What the hell, you birdbrain?! It's only been a week and a few days, and you… you're agreeing to spend the night with him?" Sigmund fumed in anger. "I warned you, he'll just use you, and-"

"No! He's a kind guy! He told me he's just going to teach me about magic techniques! He will never use me because I know he truly likes me!"

"Magic techniques?! You've got to be kidding me! I know a lot more than that scum!" Sigmund couldn't believe she's easily been fooled by his facade. "He only likes you because you're naive!"

"You're not the one who went on dinner with him, right, so how can you know?!"

"How many times will I tell you I heard him-"

"Stop saying negative things about him! You don't know him!"

"And you think you know him?!"

"Just… leave me alone, Sigmund!" Ivory yelled angrily. "Stop going against us!" She then turned her back on him and quickly entered the door that was opened by a maid.

"You'll regret this!" He shouted and kicked the potted plant that was placed beside the door, and the soil scattered on the cobblestones.

Sigmund was so furious. He clenched his fist in anger and stared at the almost red sunset that could be seen at the horizon. If there was something that makes a Servant feel bad, it would be when the Master ignores him or her as it would make the Servant feel useless.

But Sigmund knew that his Master was a naive person, so he somehow convinced himself to calm down and understand her ignorance. 'I am going to take her back,' he thought, and when that time would come, he would do all means to prevent her from having a troublesome lover again.

Ivory sighed as her throat felt sore with the yelling that happened. 'Jasiel is a good guy and a gentleman. Why else will I agree to sleep here?' she thought. The second year student volunteered to teach her about magic, and she thought that he's true to his words.

Jasiel welcomed her with a warm smile. He led her to the dining room, which had a cushioned wooden chair comfortable to sit on. The interior of the whole apartment was made of polished wooden planks and bricks, an indication of an expensive rent. He asked her where her Servant went, and she told him that he might be roaming around the city out of boredom. He then told her that his Servant is a Golem Class, and that it's in the living room, guarding the door in its smaller form like a stone figurine. His maid excused herself afterwards since it was already the end of her shift, leaving the two alone in the apartment.

Jasiel served her a pot of pork stew, with meat so tender that made Ivory eat a lot. She loved meat, but because vegetables are cheaper, they rarely had meat at home.

"My my my, you look so cute while eating," Jasiel gave her a crooked grin. "There's more of it, but here, have a glass of juice first," he said as he extended his arm, holding the bronze cup with his hand, "It's made from fresh blueberries."

But before Ivory could even hold the cup, Jasiel loosened his grip, and the blueberry juice splattered on Ivory's white dress!

"Oh no! I am very very sorry! I thought you already held the cup!" he sighed while looking at the stain on her chest. He then patted her shoulder and said, "Why don't you wash up and change your clothes, first? Come with me."

Ivory felt embarrassed as she followed him upstairs. She was so surprised to see that the whole floor was Jasiel's bedroom!

Jasiell gave her a clean towel, "I know you're uncomfortable, so use my bathroom and take a shower. The water coming out from the faucet is a bit cold, though," he smiled sweetly at her and stroked her head. "Take your time, I'll wait for you."

She nodded at him, her cheeks turned red, and went to the bathroom. She removed all of her clothing and hung them at the wooden bar behind the door. She was fascinated with a clean and good bathroom like that so she truly enjoyed her shower, because at home, she only had a big barrel of water inside the bathroom, and she needed to scoop the water using a dipper.

As she cleaned her whole body with a fragrant soap that smells like jasmine and got rid of the sticky blueberry juice on her skin, she wondered if Jasiel was the one for her. He's a patient guy and gentleman, in contrast with Sigmund who's always talking back to her.

Her Servant, Sigmund…

When she was lathering her thigh, she saw her birthmark. Her cheeks turned hot when she remembered how Sigmund wildly did the Contract Ritual with her. She could still remember the sensation… 'No, no! Why am I thinking of him when I'm here at Jasiel's apartment?!' she shook her head to get rid of these thoughts. Besides, he's her Servant, and Servants were made from mana. He's not human, unlike Jasiel.

When she got out of the bathroom and changed into a clean, dark green knee-length linen dress, she saw Jasiel smiling at her, right in front of the bathroom door.

"Ivory, you're so beautiful, do you know that?" Jasiel uttered, her brown eyes gazing at her with lust. He went close to her and held the tip of her wet hair before kissing it.

"Jasiel…" she turned beet red with his actions, not knowing about his true intentions.

He suddenly reached out to caress her cheeks and said,

"Ivory… Can I kiss you?"