
Taming My Vampire Servant

[COMPLETED] “Master, don’t let anyone serve you… except me.” Ivory Sprucemint summoned Sigmund, a stubborn and possessive Servant! Her wish is to win the Servant Competition in the academy, and become a Royal Knight, but to achieve these, she needs to make him obey her orders! But Sigmund calls Ivory by her name, he keeps on sucking her blood on any part of her body, and he does whatever he wants! How will Ivory tame her Vampire Servant and achieve her dreams? ------ A love story between a Submissive Master and Domineering Servant! WARNING: Mature/R-18 scenes included and lots of biting and bloodsucking scenes! To name a few: on the neck, on the foot, on the chest- Ooof! :)) Don't let the first few chapters fool you! XD ------ PREVIEW: “Ivory... I asked, what the hell are you thinking of.” Ivory was surprised to hear him say her name for the first time, and it made her heart beat like war drums. His deep voice sounded so sexy. She wanted to avoid his gaze because of embarrassment, but because of the way he firmly held the back of her head, she couldn’t look away. “I said it’s nothing, why are you-” Ivory was interrupted when she saw his eyes glow once again. Sigmund’s eyes glow whenever he’s serious. “Fine! Fine! I’ll tell you what’s on my mind!” “Good girl. So what is it about?” “It’s… you! I was thinking about you!” Ivory exclaimed. Her reply made her Servant calm down, so he finally let go of her head and sat up straight. She added while blushing, “I was thinking about… where you would… bite…” Pleased that he was the one occupying his Master’s mind, Sigmund smirked, “Where do you want me to bite you?” “Uhm… I… Uhh…” She stuttered, still avoiding his gaze. “In my… p… pfinger!” Sigmund chuckled as he took his Master’s hand, “As you wish, dimwit.” He licked her pointing finger, then lightly bit her with his fangs. His bite was not that deep; it was just enough to let the blood ooze. Sigmund’s tongue gently licked her bleeding finger before grazing his lips on her fingertip. He then noticed his Master staring at him which caused her to blush even more, making her pull away her hand from his. Ivory, whose heart was already beating crazy, quickly turned around, laid on the bed, and faced the wall. She was about to cover herself with the blanket, but Sigmund slid next to her and tucked themselves under the cover. “Go to your bed, Sigmund,” Ivory murmured before shutting her eyes. “You might get cold, so I’m staying next to you, weakling,” Sigmund murmured as well and almost rested his forehead on her nape. Ivory felt his breath on her skin. She thought of sleeping on the other bed, so she slowly tried to get up, but Sigmund placed his arm around her waist the moment he felt his Master moving away from him. “You’re not going anywhere.” ------ [A Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2021 Entry] Theme: Vampires and Werewolves ------ Story, Main Body: AinaWang Editor: iridescentdream Proofreaders: portholes_29, moonwitch89 Book Cover (commissioned): @omichiart on IG ------ Official Instagram: @ainawang.official Official Discord: https://discord.gg/HYkU3Rr Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ainawang

AinaWang · Fantasy
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238 Chs

"Against Master's First Lover-1"

Ivory hurriedly untied the thin, red ribbon, opening the scroll. Sigmund peeked at the writings as she scanned through the pages.

Principal Arthurdane stood up from his seat and went behind Ivory and Sigmund. He scanned the scroll's content until he found the part wherein the Vampire Servants' information were written. He pointed out to the writing, "Here, read this part."

"Vampire Servants are obedient towards their Masters upon summoning…" Ivory widened her eyes in surprise. "Principal, this is…?"

The Principal shook his head, "There's certainly something wrong with your Servant if he's this stubborn, Ms. Sprucemint. Honestly, I haven't seen any Servant who thinks and acts very independently, even acting against his Master."

"Hey, what do you mean?" Sigmund raised his eyebrow as he stood up and looked down on him.

"Whoa, there," the Principal took a step back, "easy, Vampire. What I want to tell you… is that there's something wrong. That's just it."

The Vampire glared at the principal, so the old man continued explaining, "My hunch is that it's related to what happened back then. And only Goddess Destinia knows the answer. Why did she banish your kind, only to summon you after years had passed? Have you ever wondered what you're doing here right now, serving a new Master?"

Sigmund looked away, "Tsk. Darn it. If only I could talk to the Goddess-"

"Principal, can't we really go to the Oracle for help?" Ivory chimed in.

The principal returned to his seat and sipped his tea before speaking, "I apologize, Ms. Sprucemint, but as weak as you are right now, I can't risk your life here. As of the moment, Vampires are treated as criminals, so it will be too dangerous for you. And if you die, Sigmund will vanish, and we might never know what really happened during the murder of the Silverblade family."

"That's why I've been telling her, to be stronger and better," Sigmund murmured as he sat beside his Master again.

Principal Arthurdane nodded in agreement, "So Ms. Sprucemint, I have a favor to ask of you… Once you've become stronger, help us investigate this matter discreetly for the sake of the whole Kingdom. Can I count on you?"

Before answering, Ivory glanced at Sigmund, who was staring at her with a serious expression. She then turned her head to the principal and nodded.

"You better not slack off," Sigmund said in an assertive tone. "I'm going to be stricter this time, so don't be distracted by anything and focus on your training!"

"Of course! I'm doing this so that I can also win in the Servant Competition!" Ivory said with confidence. With a strong Servant with her in her journey, there's a high chance for her to achieve her ambition. "Nothing and no one can distract me!"


But the following week, Ivory was surprised that as soon as she entered the classroom, she received a bouquet of beautiful red roses from a young man with reddish-brown hair. He introduced himself as Jasiel Redlock, a second-year student.

"Miss Ivory, I admire you so much. I hope you gladly accept my heart and become lovers," Jasiel, who was standing close to her, smiled sweetly.

With several eyes watching them, it would be rude not to receive the flowers that he spent his coins on.

Sigmund moved his way in between the two and pushed Jasiel and grabbed the bouquet from Ivory's hands. "My Master says no," he said in a cold tone and went near the window. He threw the present outside!

"Sigmund!" Ivory yelled at him as she dashed to him. "Why did you do that?!"

He furrowed his eyebrows in disappointment and grabbed her arm. He whispered, "You promised us that you won't be distracted by anything or anyone."

"But this is different-"

"Miss Ivory, is there something wrong?" Jasiel asked her as he walked towards them, "Why did your Servant…"

"Ah, about that…" Ivory knew Sigmund very well and thought of an explanation for his reckless behavior. After all, everyone knew that Servants only do what their Master wishes. "Sorry! I am actually allergic to roses!" she said and removed her arm from her Servant's grasp.

"I'm sorry if I didn't know. Your Servant must have been so worried about you. I'll just get you another bouquet of flowers." Jasiel smiled sweetly again, "I'll see you after school," and waved goodbye to her.

Arcea, who saw what had happened, quickly approached her friend, "Ivory, you're so famous that the second years are even smitten by your beauty," she giggled. "Aren't you going to give him a chance?"

"What! I barely even know him…" she retorted.

"You're going to get to know him in the process! Don't tell me you haven't gotten a lover in your whole life-"

She shook her head.

"Oh my god! Your beauty is radiating, and you tell me you haven't gotten a lover yet? This is your chance! Accept him as your lover and experience love-"

"Master," Sigmund, who became annoyed while listening to Arcea's encouragements to Ivory, interrupted, "class is about to start."

"Ahh… yes, you're right." Ivory rolled her eyes at him.

"I'll go back to my seat, too! Let's talk about it at lunch break!"

Throughout the class lecture, Sigmund observed his Master, who was obviously thinking about that sophomore. He didn't expect that someone would confess to her this early, when it wasn't even a month since she started at the academy. It bothered him so much he wanted to kick the second year on his ass.

When lunch break came, Ivory asked Sigmund to get her food at the eatery because Arcea had bought her own, and Lucius was absent.

'What does she think of me, his errand boy? That stupid woman,' he thought as he walked in the hallway. He stopped his tracks when he saw Jasiel, together with his fellow second years, who just came down from the stairs.

"Too bad, if I knew she was allergic to them, I would have bought the tulips," Jasiel told them. "Damn, she's hotter up close. I can't wait to see her in my bed."

"You just have to buy tulips next time, then," his companion said, "Are you really damn sure you're going to make her yours… even if she's only from Greensteid Town? I mean, according to rumors going around, her family's poor, and her Servant rejected her upon Summoning because her mana is of low quality. But.. they also said she's a virgin so..."

Jasiel laughed, "Dude, you know how I love preying on innocent ladies." A grin then formed on Jasiel's face, "I'll make sure she never stops thinking about me even after breaking up with her."

"Man, you're harsh. You're not even her lover yet, and now you think of a breakup?"

"I'm sure I'm going to be her lover. She's going to be mine, very soon. You'll see."

When their laughter faded away, Sigmund was standing in a corner, and thanks to his heightened hearing, he heard everything. 'I will not give her to anyone else!' he thought. He clenched his fists in anger, and his eyes glowed bright red. At that moment, he wanted to attack that guy and tore him into pieces.

He needed to let his Master know that the second year was only toying with her so without further ado, he returned to the classroom.

"Eh? You're back already?" Arcea uttered, "We're still talking about your Master's love life-"

But she was interrupted when Sigmund grabbed Ivory's hand and ran out of the room with her. They talked on the space under the staircase with discreet voices.

"What happened?" Ivory looked at her Servant's face. "You don't look okay."

"Don't accept that second-year guy as your lover." He held his Master's shoulders and leaned her onto the wall. With a serious expression, he told her, "I'm against it."