
Taming my Fierce wife

Witness the twist in this love story. Yang Feng + Xiu Mei. Wang Hu + Yang Ruoxi. Wu Xiang + Wang Xinyi. This book cover doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to the original owner.

Ruby_pinky · Urban
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41 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Encounter.

In a large beautiful room.

There was a beautiful and elegant lady and a very handsome and dashing young man on the bed sleeping together.

The sun shone on them. Feeling the light of the sun on her body she opened her beautiful eyes and blinked twice, she tried sitting up on the bed but felt a strong arm wrapped tightly around her waist, turning to see who's arm it was she froze in daze [darn this guy is just too handsome ]. she thought.

"Good morning sunshine" said the man as he woke up from his slumber with a dashing smile showing his dimples.


Yang Feng is a dashing and very handsome young man. He is from a wealthy family, Yang Feng is now the CEO of the Yang groups in country C. he is the youngest business man in the business world, but still he is highly respected even by the people who are older than him in the business world due to his looks, wealth, reputation and his intelligence.And sometime people envied him because he is the epitome of perfection.

Xiu Mei on the other hand is not born with a silver spoon, she became who she is now through hardship, even if her entertainment company wasn't number 1 she would still stand proudly, her company was part of the rated top 10 in the country. she was an epitome of beauty.

*_* she ignored him and walked to the bathroom. 20minutes later she came out.Then she asked

"what happened between us yesterday Mr. Yang?"

"Nothing much, but you barged into my hotel room, and it seems that someone spike your drink"

"so you mean I threw myself at you?"

"yes but I was able to restrain myself even when you kissed me forcefully I still held back and threw you into the shower"

"Ouch Mr. Yang that was too harsh for a lady now, wasn't it?"

"I had to do it regardless" Yang Feng said as he got up and went to shower.

Minutes later he came back out. Xiu Mei was standing and peeling an apple as she her back was facing Yang Feng, he slowly walked toward her and wrapped his hands around her waist, when she felt it she immediately turn around and pointed the table knife to Yang Feng's throat.

"Mr.Yang you have a huge company to attend to so stop playing games with me here". she said with a smirk.

" I can leave my company for a beautiful Lady, can't I?"

"yes you can but I am not very rich like you are so I can't leave my company hanging, bye" she took her bag and left.

Yang Feng who is still in the room chuckled and said "interesting".