
Chapter 157 Leave him 

When Edmund arrived had the old mansion, Herman had already gathered the whole family.

Bethany still looked as kind as ever. Next to her was his second uncle, Vincent, and his second aunt, Victoria. The ladies were smiling, whilst the men looked glum. It was as if the two ladies were really happy for him.

However, Edmund knew that they wanted nothing more than to see him fail in life.

He ignored the two of them and went straight to the old man.

"Father, were you looking for me?"

The Old Master was livid, and Edmund' words were like the fuse of a bomb being ignited. As soon as he finished speaking, the Old Master slammed the table.

"Do I no longer have a say in your life? How could you not discuss something as important as your marriage with me in advance? Am I not your father anymore? Do you not care about the Dawn family anymore?"

After that, he started coughing violently.