
Chapter 149 Do you think I don't get hurt?

After changing into a fresh set of clothes, Edmund looked like his handsome self again.

Adeline admired his side profile silently. How could anyone not like this man?

While she was still lost in her thoughts, Edmund spoke.

"I was in the hospital last night. Pearl woke up."

"Oh." Adeline nodded with a calm face. This made Edmund frown, "Adeline, do you know something?"

Adeline nodded again. "Well, I know that she is unable to get pregnant again and I also know that she saved you. She saved you again, Edmund."

She said it calmly, but it felt as if a giant rock was pressing on her heart.

That last sentence,

also seemed to be asking Edmund what he was planning to do next.

Edmund frowned and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about her. Is everything going well in your company? And oh, is your tummy all right? Two days ago, you said that you had a stomachache. Did the doctor say anything about it?"

Adeline was stunned and thought of the pregnancy report.