
Chapter 127 You're shameless!

Adeline went upstairs immediately. She took a bath and changed her clothes.

Auntie Lea saw that she had bruises all over her body, so she hurriedly said, "Miss, would you like to rest at home today?"

Adeline shook her head. "No, I still have a lot of things to deal with."

Edmund was so angry last night. She didn't know what was going to happen.

Sure enough, as soon as she arrived at the company, she saw a group of people gathering at the entrance.

Adeline hurried over and squeezed through the crowd.

"What's wrong?"

"Adeline!" Everyone looked relieved when they saw her. "You're finally here. TEM Inc had transferred Mr. Evans to the lowest position in the company. He is in charge of the construction sites now!"

"What?" Adeline hurriedly looked at the notice in front of her.