
Chapter 126 Do you think only you feel hurtful?

As soon as Adeline arrived at the gate of Bluewater, she received a call from Justin.

"Your sister had spoken some negative things about you to Mr. Dawn earlier in the evening. Mr. Dawn was very angry. You have to be alert! Also, Mr. Dawn's hand is injured..."

Adeline was stunned for a moment, and then nodded immediately. "I understand, thank you."

She was sincerely grateful to Justin, which made him a little embarrassed.

"I'm not doing this entirely because of you. I've been with Mr. Dawn for many years, and I've never seen him treat someone like this. I also hope that you won't betray our Mr. Dawn's love for you."

Adeline gave a wry smile and hung up the phone.

After that, she slowly walked back.

When she got home, Aunt Lea came up and said with a smile, "You’re back! What would you like to eat tonight?"

"There’s no need for that," Adeline smiled and said, "I'll give you the day off today. You can go back."