

Jack is a successful and charming multi-millionaire who seems to have it all. But his life is not what it seems. Jack is the son of a powerful mafia boss, the heir to the drug conglomerate but he wanted something different. He left his family business and moved to Kenas, Capitol city to open his own company. He has been pretending to date Lily, a beautiful young woman. Lily is unaware of Jack's true identity, but she is drawn to him despite their fake relationship. She sees a vulnerability in him that no one else does, and finds herself falling for him. One day, he got a phone call from Timothy, his father's right hand man. His father is in a coma, he needs to come back home and take his place as the mafia boss. As Jack and Lily's relationship deepens, the lines between pretense and reality begin to blur. Jack is torn between his loyalty to his family and his love for Lily, while Lily is struggling to understand her feelings for a man she barely knows. Meanwhile, danger is lurking around every corner as Jack's enemies in the mafia world close in. They see Lily as a weak link and will stop at nothing to get to her. Jack must make a choice between his family and the woman he loves, and Lily must decide if she can trust a man with a dangerous secret. In this heart-pumping romance novel, Jack and Lily's love is put to the ultimate test in a world where danger and deception are the norm. Will their love survive, or will the secrets that bind them together tear them apart?

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Jack and Lily stepped off Jack's plane and immediately felt the heat of Mexico hit them. Jack looked over at Lily with a grimaced expression on his face, he wasn't happy to be in Mexico. Lily, on the other hand, looked a bit scared and unsure of what to expect. This place brought back a lot of old demons that he had long, pushed away from his mind, being in this place is gradually opening the can of worms he had turned a lid over. his mother's hometown of Puerto Vallarta.

"Are you okay, Lily?" Jack asked, noticing her apprehension.

"I'm just a bit nervous, Jack. I've never been to Mexico before, and I don't know what to expect," Lily said, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Don't worry, I promise it's going to be amazing. My mom already likes you, I'm sure you will enjoy the food; the food here is incredible," Jack assured her.

As they made their way through the airport, Jack spotted his mother waiting for them at the exit. He walked towards her and gave her a big hug.

"Mamá, it's so good to see you!" Jack exclaimed, hugging his mother tightly. "Why didn't you send the driver instead of disturbing yourself?"

"Mi amor, it's so good to finally have you home. I wanted to see you first with my eyes. And who is this lovely young lady with you?" Jack's mother asked, clasping her hands together as if she didn't know about Lily's arrival.

Rolling his eyes, his mother's acting was unbelievable, "This is Lily, my girlfriend," Jack said, introducing her to his mother.

"It's so nice to meet you," Lily said, bowing her head slightly out of respect.

"Please, call me Rosa. And it's wonderful to meet you, Lily. You are just as beautiful as the tabloid had described," Rosa said, smiling warmly at Lily.

Lily blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed at the compliment. Lily immediately liked Jack's mom. His mom was beautiful and looked very toned with super long legs and curly hair. She looked mixed, but the feature that stood out in her appearance was her eyes, they were big and you could see the kindness in its depth.

"So, how was your trip?" Rosa asked, leading them toward the exit.

"It was good, a bit exhausting, and not worth it to finally be here," Jack said, looking around at the scenery.

"I'm sure you're both tired. Why don't we head back to the house, and you can rest and freshen up before we go out? I have some friends coming over for dinner tonight," Rosa suggested.

Jack agreed, and they climbed into Rosa's car and headed towards her house. During the drive, Lily couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards Rosa, knowing that Jack's father was in the hospital.

"I'm sorry to hear about your husband, Rosa. How is he doing?" Lily asked, trying to start a conversation.

Rosa smiled sadly, "He's still in a coma, but we're hopeful he will wake up soon. Thank you for asking, Lily."

Lily nodded, feeling a bit emotional at the thought of how much pain Rosa must be going through.

When they arrived at the house, Rosa showed them to their room and left them to rest. As Lily sat down on the bed, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the warm welcome she had received from Jack's mother.

"Jack, your mother is so sweet. I'm really glad we came here," Lily said, looking up at Jack.

"I'm glad you like her. She was so adamant about meeting you, so I'm happy it went well if not my ears will not be free from her cursings," Jack replied, sitting down next to her.

"I can't wait to try some of the local food tonight. Do you have any recommendations?" Lily asked, eager to explore the culinary delights of Mexico.

"Oh, just wait until you taste my mom's homemade guacamole and tacos. You're going to love it," Jack said, smirking.

As they sat in the room, they could hear the sounds of Rosa and her friends laughing and chatting in the kitchen below. Lily felt grateful to be surrounded by such warm and friendly people, and she knew that this was going to be a trip she would never forget.

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