
Talons and hoodies

Adrian Hayes is a sensitive and intelligent college student haunted by a dark past of religious abuse. Adrian finds refuge and unconditional love with his kind-hearted beliefs he believes that he will never find happiness and love again. When he meets the mysterious and successful newcomer Alex Blackwood, and their relationship begins to blossom, Adrian finds himself drawn to Alex's mysterious charm, and he starts to feel emotions he thought were long buried. However, in the back of his mind, he can't help but wonder what secrets Alex is hiding. As spring break comes to an end and they return to campus, Adrian and Alex's relationship has reached a crossroads, and the revelation of Alex's true nature looms on the horizon, forever altering the course of their lives.

mira_bee_girl · Urban
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O. N. E


I know you probably get this a lot, but I seriously hate my life.

I push through the ocean of students, all heading for the outside of the building. At this point, I'm yearning for the comfort of my bed and the security of my covers. But as much as I want this day to be over, I still have the community college spring festival that, unfortunately, every student has to be a part of.

Trust me, I've tried to get out of it.

Everyone has been so excited for today; it's literally all I hear about everywhere I go.

This place is a pretty small city where everyone pretty much knows everyone in the local area, so little events like this mean a lot to everyone.

I'm more excited about the part when this is over and I get to hide out in my room until I'm forced to go back to school.

I'm not doing much for the festival; I was given the part where I hand out refreshments to people when they come by my table. It's simple, easy, and it doesn't involve a lot of talking from my part, so I like it a lot.

I don't talk to people anyway, so they mostly avoid me.

I'm the regular weirdo who moved down from Texas, America, to live with the town's favorite pastry restaurant owner, Katherine chamber, who is my aunt. Nobody knows the history behind me, and I mostly keep to myself, so they aren't going to get it from the horse's mouth.

When they ask Aunt Katherine about it, she doesn't say much either, which to them makes it even stranger.

So, they go on to spread rumors and stories about me, which are really hilarious when I get to hear them.

So, I'm a gangster, apparently.

Aunt kate has told me not to listen to them, that people say a lot of stuff about someone when they don't understand them. But what she doesn't get is that I don't give a damn what they say.

Honestly, I've got far worse things going on than they can comprehend anyway.

The music from my headphones was blaring in my ears, blocking out the screeching noises of excited students as I head for my bike in the bicycle park. The event starts tonight, and it's being held in the town square, which is a bit smaller than my hometown.

I guess you can say that I'm not used to small, quiet, peaceful places like this.

Texas is a really huge state, and the town I lived in was abnormally large, with my father being the priest and mayor of the town.

If only they knew who he really was behind closed doors.

My chest burned at the thought of my old family, and I yanked my bike out of the rack.

It's in the past, you're safe. They can't hurt you anymore.

I hopped on my bike, taking a moment to close my eyes and take three deep breaths to calm down my heart rate before riding off. The festival starts at exactly 8 pm prompt, so I'm going to have to be there at maybe 6 pm to set everything up.

I don't have much to set up. It's just a table, a cloth, and the refreshments. Literally so easy.

But I do need a quick shower to decompress from the whole day; being around people isn't as easy for me as it is for everybody else.

I skimmed through people blocking the way, mostly to piss them off, really.

If they don't like it, then they shouldn't walk or bike pass through.

Just saying.

I soon spotted my aunt's bakery ahead, and I slowed down my pace to a slow ride before stopping in front of the shop.

I made sure to chain my bike to the lamppost and dust my shoes on the concrete before making my way inside.

The soothing scent of caffeine and blueberry muffins seemed to wrap me in a hug, and I let out a huge breath of relief to be home.

We don't have any customers this evening as everyone is getting ready, so the jingle as I opened the door must have startled Aunt Kate as she jumped out from behind the counter in fright before realizing it was me.

"Jesus, Adrian! You scared the shit out of me," she let out a sigh of relief.

I let out a chuckle under my breath. "Sorry."

She gave me a single glare before disappearing back under the counter.

"What are you doing back so early? Aren't you preparing for the festival?" her muffled question drifted to me.

I let out a loud groan, taking off my jacket.

"Adrian, we talked about this. You are going to the festival," her head was now poking out to stare at me.

"But I don't want to," I pout, walking across the diner and behind the counter, where Aunt Kate had her hand on her hips, watching me.

"But you have the most important job of all!" she declared, and I rolled my eyes in response

"Handing out refreshments?" I raised my eyebrows

"Yes," she replied, almost halfheartedly, because she knows that's a blatant lie.

"Okay, then everyone should bring their own refreshments," that seems logical to me, and I believe it would be the best because I really don't want to interact with anyone at this point.

I started to walk away, but Aunt Kate grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Adrian, you promised me you would give it a chance. And I'm holding you to your word..."

I let out a louder groan, threw my head back.

Why did I promise her again?

"Now go take a shower and get ready. Your cousins are over at their friends' preparing" she let go of my wrist before disappearing into the kitchen, humming to herself.

Great, now I really have to do this.

I hate my life, I thought to myself as I headed upstairs to take a shower.