In the beginning the Creator forged the Seed of the Multiverse Tree that over a unknown time grew into the very center of all multiverses whoms very core is the Nexus of All Things were if corrpted every Multiverse in existence acoss all timelines will be manuplited to the one who corrpted it. The Creator created the world of Tylingariea and the First Ones who over a millionea became The Quinn and it was at this time Gods and Quinn intermingled creating kin with Divine abilities. It was one such Divine of unknown origin and his name plunged the Multiverse into a Era of Darkness but was defeted by a divine that was born of Dracoverin blood and a mortal mother this was the first Dragonborn. Who defeted the first of many incarnations of a powerful being who over the span of 5 thousand years each one thousand years a new Dragonborn being reborn with there destiny intertwined with each incarnation of the man defeated by the first Dragonborn.
This is from the author I am deleting all of my books except for the Tylingariea Epic. I am no longer inspired to write and can't find the drive or desire to write anything that isn't completely trash.