
Tall, Dark, and Lovely

Emmeryn is a perfectly normal college student, thank you very much. Until she meets a tall, dark, and lovely stranger that will turn her entire world upside down.

Blackrose7x7 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Little black dress bitch.

I walked slowly back to my room. Not noticing the many people I bumped into to passed by. I was in such a daze I got off at the wrong floor TWICE! Finally making it to the right floor in my dorm I walked to my room and opened the door. Beth was in the kitchen cooking something that smelled like burning and talking on the phone, as usually I thought. I started towards my side of the room when she paused and said "Hey Emm! Your mom sent a dress up for the party tonight. I set it on your bed for you."

I nodded at her then continued towards my room. As I walked she called after me "hurry and put it in and I can start your hair and make-up!"

Dude it's barely 4:30pm calm down I thought. Most collage parties don't start until 10-11pm anyway.

"Uhh isn't it a little early" I called back?

"No way!" She said. "We have to be ready, get dinner, and then hurry back to change before taking the train out of the city. I want you to try it on right now so I know how to set your hair and makeup to accent the dress. I don't even know what color I'm working with here!?"

"Black" I replied without missing a beat. All my dresses were black. I set my satchel down under the window and continued to the bag on my bed. I carefully lifted it up and began unzipping the bag and...




. . .

She did not. . .


My mother had sent over a black dress all right. She even had the audacity to stick a post it note on it:

"requested plain black dress".

The dress was plain black alright. I would give her that, however it had to be the raciest, most ridiculous piece of lace I had ever seen. I don't think anything would even be covered!? I could not wear this in my room, let alone at a party with thirsty boys!?

I let out a frustrated growl and began shoving the offensive dress, if you could even call it that, back behind the zipper. Before I could get it into the back of closet, never to be seen again however, it was snatched from my hands. Beth as if sensing my distress had floated into the room and was already unzipping the bag.

"Ooooooohhhh yassss" she squealed! "This is some hot stuff! I love your mom! She has the best taste."

I gapped are her. "You can't seriously think I am going to wear that out!?"

"Of course you will" she replied grinning at me wildly. " and I know the perfect way to fix your hair"

"No." I said

"Absolutely not in all the world..."

Four hours later there I stood in the offensive piece of lace. There was a v cut of fabric in the front that barely covered my breasts and no back that dipped all the way down to the skirt which was just gathered layers of lace that barely covered my but. The lace was gathered beautifully in the skirt and went all the way to the floor. It had slits that then went all the way to my underwear and left plenty of room for my legs to show. Ug. I had left the matching heals my mom had sent and instead opted for my black combat boots which I had laced up over my calves. I was at least a little bit rebelling tonight.

I knew what my mother was up to. Tired of having a book nerd for a daughter that never dated, she took this opportunity to try and lure me in a mate.


No thanks mom. College boys are gross.

I couldn't wait to call her tomorrow and give her an earful. I would have called her immediately had she not been out at a formal event with my step dad tonight, conveniently out of reach for the entire evening.

"Ready?" Beth asked? She looked gorgeous. She was in a flowing gown of light purple that she had accented with her brilliantly blonde hair. She always looked amazing, which is partially why she is always invited to these dang parties.

"Yes" I replied tucking my phone and cards into my boot. "Let's get this show in the road so I can get home and sulk."

We walked through the door, locked it and took the elevator to the first floor. We got into our waiting Uber that Beths mom had ordered us so we wouldn't have to take the train, and headed out into the night.