

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
Not enough ratings
139 Chs

Side Story: Through His Stomach

"Well, how is it going?" Kido inquired as Hiei emerged from the kitchen. She responded with her usual gentle smile.

"I'd have to say, even with something as simple as onigiri, Helena's still rough around the edges when it comes to our cuisine," she replied, nonjudgmental as always despite the straightforward answer. "But she's got a good grasp on cooking in general already, so I'm certain she'll master them in no time. She is a hardworking girl, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know that," Kido replied, following a fond chuckle. It was that trait that endeared her the most to him. "And so, that's why I'm going to give whatever she's making a try."

Upon hearing that, Hiei's smile got a little wider.

"Of course. She's doing this for a person very dear to her. For you," she said, making sure to stress that last part. Now she knew the man wasn't dense at all, but she honestly believed he would be glad to be reminded so. She was proven right when she noticed his face seemingly lit up.

"Yeah. That said, I cannot wait."

As soon as Kido was done speaking, Helena stepped out of the kitchen, carrying a tray with her. She looked really embarrassed as she placed the tray on the table after a moment of hesitation.

"…Sorry. I tried," Helena murmured before looking away. Noticing what was on the tray, Kido understood why. On it was a row of the most misshapen onigiri he had ever seen. He wasn't even sure what their shape was supposed to be.

"…Even something as simple as this…" He heard Helena muttering. Glancing at Hiei and noticing the look she had, Kido understood right away what he must do.

"Well, I'm sure these would taste good. Itadakimasu," he said, picking one of the onigiri and taking a bite. There's pickled plum in it, but it was clear she put in too much. Still, he managed to suppress the grimace that was threatening to erupt, swallow it, and replace it with a grin. He just hoped it wouldn't look too forced.

"…So…how is the taste?" Helena inquired; she was starting to smile, and while Kido was glad he took the effort not to gag from the extreme sourness, he soon realized that he would have to either lie or hurt her with an honest answer.

While Kido struggled with the dilemma and Helena patiently waited for an answer, Hiei chimed in.

"I'm sure Commander would love the food you made regardless of the taste, Helena. Still, the only way to get better is through an honest opinion, don't you think?" she said, casting a meaningful look at Kido.

"I understand. Please tell me, Kido-san!" Helena replied; her nod was firm, and Kido suddenly did not feel like hesitating anymore.

"Ah, this one…it seems you are using too many pickled plums. I don't know about the others, though…"

"Really…Hmm, let me try…" Looking a little incredulous, Helena took a bit from one of the remaining onigiri. Her expression turned to confusion after that.

"Huh…this one, there's nothing in it…?"

Realizing her mistake, Helena let out a short, bashful laugh, which took Kido by surprise, but he soon joined her in the laughter.

"Well, I'm still hungry, so I'm going to eat some more," Kido said afterward and took another one; he noticed Helena looking worried yet expectant.

"You don't have to, you know," she said, but Kido ignored her and bit into it anyway.

"…Um…so…how was it?"

"Hey, this one is perfect! The shape aside, that is. You know my favorite, huh?"

"Of course. You really love salted salmon, don't you?" Seeing Kido's earnest grin, Helena heaved a short sigh of relief.

"Thanks. This made my day," Kido said as he finished the onigiri, "Well, you are off to a good start, I say. Despite the…well, plums earlier."

"Thank you, Kido-san. I will continue to get better. I promise."

"Hey, it's me who is grateful. And besides, I don't mind your Western cooking, so don't push yourself too hard," Kido replied.

"O…of course, Kido-san," though she was still red-faced, Helena's smile was wider than ever. "But still, I want to get better."

"Yeah. I cannot wait."

"Well, don't worry, Commander. I will continue to teach her," Hiei chimed in again, gaining the pair's attention. "But I can say that at least now Helena will not put wasabi by mistake again, like what happened at our last banquet."
