

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
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139 Chs

Side Story: Soft and Sweet

"This is called castella," said Helena as she placed the cake in front of St. Louis before joining her at the table. At a glance, it looked like an ordinary sponge cake, but given that Helena seemed a little too eager to show it to her, she figured it must be something she had never tasted. She had seen some western-influenced native food in the country, so it wouldn't be too surprising if the cake was one.

"Ohoh...? It does look delicious...you made this?"

"Mm. I'm quite fond of it," Helena replied as she cut the cake into equally-sized slices and put two each on their plates.

St. Louis noticed that Helena had not neglected to supply her with a fork, but she herself didn't seem to have one. The only cutlery she used was a small spoon to add a smattering of honey and butter, but nothing else.

"Oh? I prefer to eat them with my hand," she said with a slight blush when St. Louis inquired about it. "I like the feeling of them on my fingers. Um...is that weird...?"

"Not at all, dearie," St. Louis laughed. She, too, was tempted to touch the cake when she first saw it. Now that she had heard her sister's admission, she didn't feel so reluctant anymore. The cake felt moist and almost feather-light on her hand—like holding soaked cotton.

But she didn't eat it right away and watched how Helena had hers, wondering if she ever realized how her vividly colored cheeks were puffing, her mouth stuffed with the delightful treat. How honest she was.

"Um, are you not going to eat?" Helena asked when she noticed what her sister what doing and how big her smile was.

"Oh, sorry. Just...distracted," St. Louis shrugged it off and had a bite. It was indeed as splendid as it appeared to be. But what she had seen earlier was even more so.

"Others are like that too. They would always wait for me to eat mine first...Especially Atago-san. Then they would all seem so happy for no reason," Helena murmured and continued eating.

St. Louis chuckled as understanding dawned on her. Surely they were struggling with the same temptation. But she's Helena's older sister and had the privilege of giving in to that temptation.


The sweet-sounding squeal that resulted from her gentle pinch to Helena's cheek was nothing compared to how soft it was.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it. You're just so cute when you're eating like that," St. Louis smiled while Helena's lips formed a pout.


"Yes, my dear little sister. So cute," St. Louis had another bite. Helena had become self-conscious, and she would not allow it to rob her of joy.

"I'm not..."

"Oh, don't be like that. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. And I'm sure the others are happy that you get to show it...that you're no longer burdened by anything."

St. Louis looked back at Helena. It seemed she had taken her words to heart and was smiling again.

"...You're right, sis...I shouldn't hide it."

And she certainly didn't, much to St. Louis's delight. Then she pinched that soft cheek again.