
Tales of Threanas: True Romance

A princess and a peasant. A peasant and a prince. With the help of a potion from a kind old lady, Lyrus and Auria discovers the true meaning of love and standing up for yourself. Witness the beginnings of a queen and a hero. Witness one of the grandest tales from the kingdom of Threanas.

DCapybara · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Winter ultimatum

It has been a week since Lyrus and the others have returned to Noir. Word of Mu Astra's demise quickly spread throughout Threanas. Within a matter of days, the knights of Noir have been mobilized and assigned to all of the kingdom's cities and provinces to bolster the latter's defenses. This, however, has left the capital almost unguarded, a risk that the Midnight Council chose to take rather than lose another part of its territory.

Mu Asta, however, was gone. A large crater has taken the place of the temple and according to the mages sent by the Council to scout, the mana in the area is almost depleted. It would take a few more decades before the amount of mana returns to normal. On the other hand, there has been no sightings of the specters or Thaleus after the attack on the temple, and while it may seem impossible, Lyrus hoped that Elrich did manage to destroy the elf and his henchmen together with the rest of the temple.

"Ruiri, open up. It's me Lyrus." Lyrus knocked once more. Ever since arriving at Noir, Ruiri has taken refuge at one of the guest's quarters, refusing to come out. The man, upon regaining consciousness, and before the mages could heal him, immediately got up from the infirmary and went to an unoccupied room. Ruiri has been staying in said room for a week already, declining healing, requesting only that herbs and potions, and food be left at the door, making Lyrus and the others worry.

Lyrus breathed a sigh of relief when finally, the door opened and Ruiri's bandaged face appeared. For the first time, the man stepped outside of his room to talk with the knight. Based on the fabric's color, fresh bandages seem to adorn Ruiri's face and body. However, black splotches are already forming on his arms torso. Edrana has visited the man once and personally offered to heal whatever is ailing him but he refused.

"Sorry." Ruiri spurted out as they walked towards the castle gate. Lyrus has decided to do some errands for Erne since he's not that busy. He convinced Ruiri to tag along with him since he knew that both of them could use a stroll to take their mind off things especially considering that the palace mages were nowhere near in deciphering Heronicus' diary, the one both Lyrus and Ruiri risked their lives for.

"For what?" Lyrus asked as they passed by the guards who saluted the knight. In order to better enforce the Council's orders and authority, Thenan has promoted both Freid and Lyrus from being a Noir knight to commander, much to Lyrus' surprise and Freid's delight. Freid was already a knight captain so it is only rational that the next step for him is to be a commander but Lyrus' rank jumped two places.

"For refusing your help and generosity. For hiding in my room for days. For not being able to defeat Thaleus. For…for being useless." Ruiri bowed his head as they made their way into the streets of the capital.

"It's not your fault if you can't defeat that Thaleus. The bastard is strong. But…how did the two of you know each other?" Lyrus asked. Ever since their return to Noir the knight has been itching to inquire about Ruiri's relation to the elf.

"He's a sage. My parents asked him to heal me but he couldn't do it. He was also the reason why I left home." Ruiri replied as the two turned a corner and came face to face with the numerous stalls of vendors lining the streets.

"Why? What happened?" Lyrus asked and though he hasn't heard his friend's answer yet, he can already feel his anger slowly rising up. For him, the elf was nothing but bad omen, something that needs to be avoided or better yet, destroyed.

"I'm sorry…but…I don't want to talk about it. Again, sorry for declining your offer of help but it's useless. My sickness can't be healed." The heavily bandaged man answered.

"It's okay. Don't worry. You know what, why don't you just help me out this morning. I've got errands. Then in the afternoon, I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone." Lyrus patted Ruiri's back and grinned at the man, who merely smiled meekly in return. The knight knew what it felt to be useless and while their troubles are still far from over, Heronicus' diary gave him hope and somehow renewed his spirit.

The two spent the morning helping out the vendors with their wares. With winter almost at Threanas' doorstep merchants are scrambling to earn some coin to buy provisions. The work was tough but it helped them get their mind off things. For Lyrus, the task brought back memories of his time as a peasant and made him realize just how far he has come. Everything would have been perfect if only Auria wasn't cursed.

After running errands, the knight toured Ruiri around the capital. They visited Karos' workshop and found the blacksmith busy forging new armor and weapons. Apparently, more and more commoners are arming themselves with the recent attacks on the kingdom. A second squire test was also held while Lyrus and the others away, the first time in Threanas' history, since the test is usually held only once a year. The news of the second squire test left a bitter taste in Lyrus' mouth since it felt like the kingdom is going to war.

"Hey! Over here!" Lyrus turned his head to see Freid and Leane at the other end of the street. Freid also seemed to be taking a stroll with the female mage. Ever since they came back, the two has been growing increasingly close and the knight would usually see Freid walking the streets with Leane.

With nothing else to do, Lyrus and Ruiri joined the two. The group went to Castel's bakery where they grabbed some bread for lunch and introduced Ruiri and Leane to Meiro and his father. Meiro has just recovered from his injuries and has been training nonstop.

"But what about your dream of making a bestiary?" Leane asked the young squire.

"Well…I guess it needs to wait. The safety of Threanas comes first especially now that Queen Auria is—" Meiro didn't finish his sentence upon seeing the sudden change in Lyrus' expression. Freid immediately excused themselves and dragged his bestfriend outside. While the squire may not have intended it, Freid knew that a reminder about Auria's state is the last thing Lyrus needs right now.

As the afternoon progressed, the group felt the first few cold winds starting to blow, signaling the coming of winter to Threanas. It reminded of Lyrus of his first winter together with Auria. They spent many nights huddled by the fire in her room, chatting until one of them falls asleep.

"So are you two…together?" Ruiri asked, interrupting Lyrus' thoughts as both Freid and Leane suddenly choked on the nuts they were eating. The group was passing time, sat around a tree near Lyrus' old hut. It has been ages since the knight last visited his former home and while most of the hut is now in ruins, the sense of familiarity and homeliness still lingered.

"Us? No? What made you sa---ow!" Freid screamed as Leane pinched him on the arm, making both Ruiri and Lyrus laugh.

"We're together...sort of. He's courting me actually." This time it was Ruiri and Lyrus who choked on the nuts they're munching on.

"Ye-yeah…what she said." Freid scratched his head, his face red, and clearly flustered. Lyrus grinned widely at his bestfriend and gave him a thumbs up while Ruiri nodded in approval, smiling cheekily in the process.

Lyrus felt happy for his bestfriend. While Freid may appear flirtatious truth be told, the latter was just like him, lonely. Freid is the last male descendant of the Leif bloodline and the sole child of his parents. The man spent most of his childhood being tutored and alone in their household, his parents being traveling merchants. If not for Lyrus getting lost and ending up infront of their house, the two wouldn't have meet. Ever since then they were inseparable.

"Anyway, is there any news about the diary?" Ruiri asked as a sudden gust of wind blew, making the group shiver.

"The mages are deciphering it." Leane replied as she wrapped her arms around her as another cold breeze passed by them.

"But it's a diary, right? It's not just some nonsense scribblings by the half-elf?"

"Yes, it's a diary. The first line of every entry seemed to indicate date and time. What we don't know is the language used."

"That's good."

"Why are you so interested in it anyway? You know, Roswell asked me the same thing a few days back."

"Roswell?" Lyrus blurted out, interrupting Ruiri as the man was about to speak once more. The mercenary has been missing ever since they've arrived. While there are accounts of him strolling the capital, no one knows the man's exact whereabouts. The guards at the gate of Noir haven't seen Roswell leave though.

While Lyrus was grateful for Roswell's actions in Mu Astra, the frequent disappearance of the mercenary has started to bother him. This together with Thaleus' raid on Mu Astra are one of the few things that gnawed at the knight's mind for the last few days. There was no way that the sage could have known they were at the temple. Moreover, The Exiled has already taken the blame for the sabotage and a deal was already made. Marcus might be very dubious but Lyrus doubts if the man would be so desperate as to spy on them and send word to Thaleus.

"Hey, you coming with us?" Freid asked once more, snapping Lyrus out of his trance.


"We're going back to the castle. It's getting chilly here and Leane gets cold easily." Freid smiled sheepishly while Ruiri and Leane stared at Lyrus, awaiting his answer.

"You go on ahead. I think I'll stay here for awhile longer." Lyrus watch the three's backs as they made their way to gates of the capital. For a few minutes, the knight sat on the tree and watched as the wind played with what remained of his hut, scattering the dust outside, rattling the broken windows, swooshing inside as it enters the large hole that now exists at the roof then quickly exiting the opened rickety door.

The wind's motion created a sort of lonely tune for Lyrus, a sort of song that he used to hear when he was a child. As the knight walked closer to the hut, the same melancholic hymn got louder and louder and while he wanted to turn his back and return, he knew he must face it. He stepped foot inside his former home and looked around.

The scent of rotting wood filled Lyrus' nose, unpleasantly reminding him how long it has been since he left. Dust bunnies have formed all over the place and the early winter breeze are making them dance like real bunnies, hopping around from one spot to the other. Light streamed from various holes that now occupy almost every wall and especially the roof. All the while the winter breeze played its tune, consoling the knight in some way, telling him that a lot of things might have changed but he must keep moving forward.

Lyrus ran his fingers through the thick grime that formed at his old bed. It's been so long. He recalled how he would sometimes stay up late, especially on hot summer nights, listening to the crickets and occasional howls from the inhabitants of Nieblahim before falling asleep. He gazed at the now dirt covered mirror and remembered how it was there he first saw his reflection as Elyse.

He ran his fingers through his face as the name brought back all the events of the last few years to his mind. He felt the numerous small scars. Three years have passed, and many things have changed. At some other time he would have told anyone that things have changed for the better. But now? He doesn't know anymore. Auria is asleep and slowly dying, Threanas is crumbling, and all he did for the past few weeks was to search for a flower.

As if one cue, something fell from behind the door, making Lyrus jump up. Looking around, he saw his old rucksack has fallen on the ground. The knight picked it up and immediately felt something inside. He quickly opened it and found the two wooden sticks his father used for training, the very same ones he wielded on the third trial.

He carefully removed the pair of sticks and examined them. The sticks are still in great condition, probably because of the resin covering them. When Lyrus last visited his hut, he hanged his rucksack at the back of the door, just like he always used to. However, Freid came and requested for his assistance since a riot broke out between two groups of vendors. The knight hurriedly left and has forgotten to bring with him his bag, not knowing that he won't be coming back for a long time.

Lyrus stayed for a few more hours at his hut, reminiscing about his old and much simpler life. It was already dusk when he made his way back to the castle, the chilly gust of air now stronger and more prevalent. Winter has indeed come to Threanas.

While most of the day has been dismal for Lyrus, dinner turned out to be quite pleasant. The Council arranged a small banquet for the party upon learning that Ruiri has left his room. The Council thought that the group could use a break and with the repairs of the capital going very well, a celebration is only proper. Of course, as it is now Auria's reign, policy dictates that food be also served to those living in Noir, and with the help of Castel and Freid's parents a mini festival also has started along the streets.

Laughter filled the banquet hall as the group, the Council, and some of the maids, helpers, mages, and guards ate together. It was Auria who started what would become the tradition of the castle's inhabitants dining together, regardless of rank. Had not the queen been sleeping, the dinner would have taken place in the streets but the Council decided against the idea considering that there's still no news as to whether Crusdea has abandoned its efforts of attacking Threanas. The kingdom of knights has already attempted an assassination once and there's no telling when the next attack will come. As such, what's left of the knights of Noir have been patrolling the streets during the occasion.

"Where's Deanor?" Lyrus asked Marcus. He can already feel the ale flowing through his veins, making him lightheaded and as Freid would put it, "more sociable".

"He'll be down here soon, he just checked on Auria." Marcus replied as he stuffed himself with another spoonful of stew. The feast has been going for an hour already and Marcus just reminded Lyrus of what he should be focusing on instead of eating and merrymaking. The knight was glad though that he was, at least for a few days, able to take a breather.

"Want to come with me? I'm visiting Auria." Lyrus asked Ruiri as the knight held a tray of food for Edrana. Silvia was to bring the food but the knight knew that the chambermaid could also use this time to relax and as such, insisted to bring it for her.

"Are you sure it's okay? I mean…it's Auria. You might want some time alone to—" Ruiri started.

"It's fine. Besides, I haven't introduced you yet to Edrana." Lyrus smiled and motioned for the Ruiri to go outside the room with him.

Auria's room was a few minutes away from the banquet hall, giving the two a lot of time to talk about things. While Ruiri remained silent most of the time, Lyrus was not. The knight can't tell if it was an effect of the ale but all he knew was that he told the bandaged man a lot. He told the man about his former life as a peasant, about the dying dragon he and Meiro met in the Olden Range, how he became Elyse, and how Auria became queen. By the time they arrived at the staircase leading to Auria's room, Lyrus had already talked a great deal and somehow, it helped lighten the heavy feeling inside his chest.

"It's you." Lyrus made some way for Deanor to pass through, however, the former king stopped infront of him.

"Any news on the diary?" Deanor asked.

"No, none yet. I'm sorry." Lyrus replied. He has been bumping a lot into the former king ever since their return from Mu Astra. The two would exchange a few words then be on their own way, just like now.

"Is that Deanor?" Ruiri asked as they climbed the stairs leading to Auria's room.


"Why isn't he locked up? Or even dead? He's a tyrant, right?"

Lyrus stopped in his tracks. Why? Because he's Auria's father. Because Auria, would never do such a heartless thing. Because Auria believes in forgiving people and giving them a second chance. Because Auria believes in repentance and atonement. For a brief moment, Lyrus felt angry at Ruiri. Sure, Deanor was a tyrant but he's been exiled, and he's doing everything that he could to atone for his crimes. In the end, the knight only sighed and motioned for the man to continue their trek.

"Oh, you're too sweet dear. You shouldn't have. How are you?" Edrana greeted Lyrus with a smile and hugged him. The knight felt the burden on his chest lighten even further. It's good to be back in Noir, to be with the people he loves.

"And is this…Ruiri? Good to see you dear, I'm Edrana." Edrana was also about to hug Ruiri but stopped midway, a look of concern suddenly evident on her face.

"Oh my…that…that's a very potent…curse you have there." The old woman exclaimed as she continued to study the heavily bandaged man. Ruiri can only stare at the ground. Curse? So it wasn't an illness? The apothecary then excused herself and left the room, bringing some of the food with her, stating that she will just get some of her concoctions.

"So…this is…Auria?" Ruiri asked as the two stood at the foot of the sleeping queen's bed.

"Yes, that's her." Lyrus felt a familiar ache in his chest. Auria is so close to him yet at the same time it felt like that the woman he loves is somewhere far away.

"She's beautiful. No wonder you would do anything for her. You're a lucky man." Ruiri complimented the knight, Lyrus replied only with a chuckle. He wasn't lucky. If he was lucky then he should have found the Sky Marigold by now, or better yet he should have not let Thaleus cursed Auria.

Edrana came back within a few minutes and despite Ruiri's refusal, made the man drink a bunch of her potions and brews. The ridiculous scene before him made Lyrus laughed a bit. If Auria was here, they would have been laughing together. However, none of the concoctions worked, even the most powerful healing magic was of no use. The old woman deeply apologized to Ruiri while the man smiled meekly in return.

"Lyrus, I'm sorry if I wasn't able to help your friend. It's just that his curse…it's very powerful." The apothecary hugged the knight as Lyrus prepared to leave while Ruiri has gone ahead.

"It's okay. Do you think it's possible that the Sky Marigold can also heal him?" Lyrus asked. After saving him from Thaleus, the only way the knight can think of to repay his debt to Ruiri was to help the man get healed.

"I honestly don't know dear. The Sky Marigold is still a plant after all. To turn it into a potent brew sufficient for two people would be difficult." The old woman bowed her head a bit. Not wanting to further trouble the apothecary, Lyrus bade Edrana a good night and left.

Today felt surreal for Lyrus. He got to return to his old hut. He celebrated with the people he loves. It felt like Noir was back to normal even for day. While the knight's troubles were far from over, it felt like for once, his life was back to being simpler, happier. What he did not foresee, however, was the bad omen that would visit Noir the next day.

Thaleus felt the spells around him, numbing his body, and encasing it in stone. While the recent events of the week left him heavily injured and weak, he could still easily break the measly bindings that the castle's so-called mages have casted on him. However, his orders were clear. He is not to bring death to Noir today but a message, so for the sake of not sullying the name of Crusdea, the elven sage endured.

Dha'gun. Edrana spoke with intensity upon seeing the elf enter the throne room that morning. Everyone was present, Lyrus' party, The Exiled, the Midnight Council, Edrana, and a dozen mages and knights, weapons and spells directed at the elf before them. Lyrus curled his fists into a ball upon seeing the sickly golden eyes of Thaleus. The knight looked to his side to see Ruiri holding the hilt of the latter's blade.

"Dha'gun. No wonder you were able to commit such atrocities. I've never seen a more hideous elf than you" It was Edrana who spoke first, to everyone's surprise. Lyrus felt a heavy feeling suddenly envelope the whole room, like the time when Elrich was preparing to cast a spell.

"And I've never seen a more meddlesome sylf'ian than you." Thaleus smirked. A sylph. He only met a sylph twice in his lifetime so far, this being the second time. While he regarded them as frivolous beings, to see one helping Threanas irritated him. That would explain how Auria is able to live until now, a sylph was healing her.

"Don't bother speaking once more. You know the rules sylf'ian." The elven sage cutoff Edrana as the apothecary was about to open her mouth again. Feeling a lot more humiliated by having a sylph in his presence, and already uncomfortable with the state he's in, Thaleus broke the spells binding him without even saying a word. He immediately heard the numerous incantations and drawing of weapons upon being freed.

"Stop! It's no use. Thaleus could kill us all right now if he wanted to. What do you want?" It was Ruiri who spoke this time. The elven sage laughed heartily as the knights and mages withdrew from their planned assault. It's time. It's time to give Threanas its death sentence.

"I bring a message from Crusdea. Surrender the Sky Marigold by next summer or Threanas shall fall."

Lyrus heard the uneasy shuffling of feet. He looked around to see a mixture of confusion and dread among those who were in the room with them. He gritted his teeth, and drew his blade, walking towards the elf as he did so. Freid, however, stopped him and stood in his way. His bestfriend shooked his head.

"What happens if we surrender the flower?" Thenan asked. Lyrus glared at the knight commander. However, the man averted his gaze and stared intently at Thaleus. Surrender the Sky Marigold? And what? Forsake Auria?

"What happens? Threanas shall continue. Crusdea will leave the kingdom alone. I know Heronicus has it and that his tower is located somewhere in your territory."

"You're insane! Leave us alone? Bah!" Freid shouted at the sage and even spat at the ground as an added insult.

"Believe what you will. But those are your only choices. Besides, all you need to do is forsake one life, just one, in exchange for the lives of many." Thaleus replied with a smile of his face. However, before anyone can speak once more, a dagger flew towards the elf's face which the sage caught with a black tendril he manifested.

"It's nice to meet you again too, Deanor. How many years has it been since we last met? Oh, and is this dagger a sign of your rage? Well, consider the Sky Marigold then as Crusdea's sign of forgiveness for your mistakes." Lyrus turned his head to see the former king glaring at the elf, the latter's face contorted into pure anger, reminding him of the time when Deanor was toturing him.

"Don't worry. Crusdea will not attempt to sabotage your efforts to locate Heronicus and his tower…unlike someone I know. I'll be taking my leave now so that you may continue deciphering the filthy half-elf's dairy." Thaleus turned his back towards the crowd before him. His task is done. His informant was right about everything it seems, based on how everyone inside the room reacted with his words. All that's left now is to wait a year before taking what's rightfully theirs.

Sorry if this one's a bit late. Will try to release an additional 2 chapters this week though.


The party resumes their journey in the next chapter.

DCapybaracreators' thoughts