
Tales of Threanas: True Romance

A princess and a peasant. A peasant and a prince. With the help of a potion from a kind old lady, Lyrus and Auria discovers the true meaning of love and standing up for yourself. Witness the beginnings of a queen and a hero. Witness one of the grandest tales from the kingdom of Threanas.

DCapybara · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Locked out

"Just say the word, sir Lyrus and I'll take care of this fool."

"Don't. We need him."

Lyrus glared at the rotund man before him, Lord Farleigh of the province of Orwood. A day after Thaleus delivered Crusdea's message, the castle mages have finally deciphered parts of Heronicus' diary. The diary's contents were written in an unknown language but fortunately, one of the books that Leane "borrowed" from the half-elf's library in Mu Astra contained the cipher.

According to the diary, the sorcerer would be staying at the lake province, Orwood for a month, in search of a powerful relic. While certain parts of the diary remained untranslated and with two weeks already behind them, the party deemed it best to immediately depart, Leane bringing the notebook and the cipher with them to continue translating. Unfortunately, snow has started to fall, turning the usual seven days of travel to a blizzard-filled ten days. However, they came across another pitfall upon reaching the province in the form of its ruler, Lord Farleigh Von Switz IV.

"I told you once and I'll tell you again, Orwood is closed to outsiders." Farleigh smacked his reddish lips as he continued to sip the steaming cup of tea before the shivering group. Upon their arrival in Orwood, Lyrus and his party was greeted by a large number of guards manning the provinces brick walls and a heavily bolted wooden gate. The province apparently has been ordered to be closed off by its ruler and its inhabitants forbidden to go outside.

"We have Thenan's dagger and a letter from the Midnight Council, let us in." Freid brandished the weapon and the envelope infront of Farleigh but the noble merely continued to sip his tea, making his puffy cheeks and large forehead reddish, matching his ginger hair and mustache.

"Open the doors, I am Sir Lyrus Arghant and he is Freid Leif, commanders of knights of Noir." Lyrus felt his lips dry up as he spoke those words. He never brandished his knighthood, and he doesn't believe in using someone's rank to get favors but he was desperate and at that moment that was all that he could think of doing.

"Those are of no value here. I am the ruler of Orwood and what I say becomes the law. Besides we wouldn't be in this ordeal to begin with if it weren't for Auria's pitiful management of Threanas." Lyrus was about to unsheathe his blade when he felt Ruiri holding his arm. Denying them entry to the province would have sufficed but sullying the name of Auria is just plainly asking for trouble.

"Sir Lyrus, let me handle this." Marah stepped forward and started chanting, making Farleigh raise his left eyebrow.

"Go on, do it. Curse me, Exiled then let us see how tough you are against my knights of the lake." The rotund noble scoffed while Lyrus ordered Marah to stand down, a look of triumph written all over the lord's face, irritating everyone in the party.

"I'll say it again. Don't blame me. Blame Auria. I am simply protecting my subjects from possible attacks especially with what happened to Noir and Mu Astra." Farleigh sneered and turned his back against the group, a number of knights following him, making the noble appear shorter than his actual height. The party can only look on as the large wooden doors of the province creaked and slowly closed on them.

Lyrus looked up to see two guard towers positioned on each side of the gate. Forcing their way through would be useless if they won't be able to take care of the towers. He surveyed his surroundings but found nothing of value that they may use to get inside. With the guards starting to stare at them, and with no other choice left, the group made their way to the forest near the lake, hoping to forage some wood for the cold night ahead of them.

It was already dusk then they reached the woods. To their surprise, numerous flickering lights can be seen from afar, indicating campfires that has just been lit. As they neared the lake the true extent of Orwood's lockdown revealed itself.

People, who just like them have been turned away, have made camp at the forest. Based on the wagons heavily laden with various trinkets, it appears that two or three caravans of traveling merchants have been forced to spend the night at the mercy of Threanas' snow. While it is no doubt that most of them would have been used to dealing with such harsh conditions, it is still frustrating to think that they could have been sleeping inside the warmth confines of an inn or even a tavern.

"What? Are you serious?" Marah asked the little girl beside her. The party has joined another group preparing for supper and offered to share their provisions, seeing that its members seem to possess no wagon or any supply for the harsh night that is to come.

The little girl nodded in reply, restraining herself from sobbing. Her red puffy eyes indicate that the girl has been sobbing for quite sometime now. On the other hand, her ragged clothes, and lack of even a coat would mean that she came from a family of peasants and not merchants.

"Yes. We're inhabitants of Orwood. We went to Eldos a week ago but when we returned the province was already closed, and the knights won't let us in. We've been living here for three days already." The woman, which Lyrus presumed to be the girl's mother, sobbed as she stirred the pot of stew which would serve as their supper.

Lyrus felt his blood boil and bubble like the stew before him. To turn away outsiders is one thing but to keep even your subjects themselves from entering their own province and returning to their own home is another.

"Don't be reckless. We'll find a way." Roswell said as he sat beside the knight. Looking at the mercenary, Lyrus saw the man's frustrated expression against the shadows of the campfire as dusk slowly turned into night.

"Where were you?" Lyrus asked. The mercenary has once more vanished the moment they arrived at the forest and has only appeared now. The knight tried to contain his irritation from showing, reminding himself of how Roswell stood up for him in Mu Astra.

"Around. I was looking for something."

"And what was that?"

"A way in."

"And did you found one?"

"No." Lyrus stood up and left the mercenary with Marah. He needed to think. While their party can last for another three days or so in the woods, the little girl's family might not. Three children, none even barely of age, a mother, and a grandfather. The worst possible group of people to be placed in the worst possible situation. Sure, the merchant caravans might take pity on them and share their resources but soon those caravans would need to leave. Having dealt with a few of them in the past, Lyrus knows that such kind of merchants would only linger in a place for five days at most before moving on.

Lyrus wandered around the other camps, trying to get as much information as possible. Through the other groups he learned that Orwood has been closed five days ago and that no one is allowed to enter or even leave. He also heard of a particularly interesting rumor. Apparently, a day before the province was put in isolation, a man wielding a staff and claiming to be a sorcerer arrived at the province. Rumors say that the mysterious visitor has taken up residence at Lord Farleigh's house, and that the man was asking a lot of questions about Orwood lake, the very lake beside the forest where Lyrus' party had set up camp.

"Heronicus is inside Orwood." Lyrus relayed the information to others that night while the roaring flames struggled to keep the group warm amidst the cold gusts of wind.

"But how are we going to get inside? Orwood is locked from inside out." Ruiri asked, shivering as another gale blew past them.

"I have an idea, may be we can—" but Lyrus stopped as he heard a bunch of footsteps getting closer to them. The party immediately stood up and drew their weapons. It's the middle of the night and most of the people around them were already asleep, no one would be wandering anytime soon and in such large number, based on how loud the sound of crunching snow was.

"There!" Roswell pointed a few yards from them where a group of what appears to be floating flames huddled together were moving. However, the flickering lights soon left after moving a bit. By then Leane and Marah were already readying spells.

The party looked on as the orbs of flame grew smaller and smaller before vanishing completely at a distance. It doesn't take a scholar to know what the lights are though. The flames they saw were from torches and if Lyrus has to guess, it would be from the torches carried by patrolling knights. It looks like Lord Farleigh is taking extreme caution as to ensure that no gets inside by having knights patrol the surroundings of Orwood, even going as close as possible to the forest just so nothing would get past by them. Knowing that the knights would be back in a matter of hours and that it would be dangerous to talk of any plan to enter the province with them nearby, the group decided to turn in for the night.

Lyrus was correct about his hunch though. The next morning, two out of the three merchant caravans have already left, leaving only one more group of merchants, and the little girl's family as the forest's inhabitants. Worse, snow has started to fall heavily, indicating that a blizzard might occur later that night. If the party and the family doesn't leave now, they would end up freezing to death by nightfall.

"So, what's the plan?" Ruiri asked as the party stood on the frozen Orwood Lake. While it might look suspicious for a bunch of people wearing padded armor and weapons to huddle together in an open area, it's better to risk such dubiety rather than risking anyone overhearing their conversation. Besides, Freid and Leane were busy playing with Julia, the little girl, skating over the glass-like body of water so it would at the very least appear as though the party was just having a normal banter.

"Here's what we'll do. Marah scout the perimeter of the walls, try to learn the shifts and movement pattern of the guards. Roswell, can you make a sleeping gas or even a paralyzing one?" Lyrus asked. He was glad that Marah is with them now. The woman is very skilled in espionage it seems, confessing that she was following the party ever since they left Noir. She definitely will be handy when they need not to be seen.

"I can. But my ingredients might not be enough for a whole lot. Will Julia's family be joining us?" Roswell inquired, concern clearly evident in his voice, surprising Lyrus for a brief moment.

"I haven't talked to them yet but I'm planning to. They won't last—"

"Then I'll try making more sleeping gas if that's the case." Roswell answered as he turned his back to the knight and walked away. Lyrus smirked. He might have just seen the mercenary's soft side.

"I'll be on my way too Sir Lyrus." Marah excused herself

"Uhhh…Marah, please don't call me sir and tell Roswell when you see him that we're going to infiltrate Orwood at midnight." Lyrus scratched his head in embarrassment. It felt like the Forest Lurker they knew became a totally different person. Marah is friendlier and outgoing, compared to what they expected, when she's dealing with others that is. When it comes to Lyrus, the woman would always address him as sir and remain formal.

Ruiri chuckled at the knight's expression. His face turned into one of horror though when he saw from afar that Freid was about to crash into them. While the bandaged man managed to dodge just in time, Lyrus wasn't and the two of them fell flat on to their backs.

"Ow. You okay? Sorry. Julia pushed me a bit hard." Freid apologized as he struggled to stand up. A few moments later both Leane and Julia joined the group, hurrying as they saw the collision from where they were standing.

"Hey, don't be scared. You see this guy? He's just shy. That's why he covers himself." Freid assured Julia as the girl suddenly stepped back upon coming face to face with Ruiri. The girl has been avoiding the man ever since she saw him. Lyrus looked to his side to see a clearly flustered Ruiri. The wrapped man seemed like he wants to leave but cannot do so.

"Yeah. Don't be scared. This guy is good in magic. Ruiri, why don't you go with Freid and Leane to show Julia some of your magic tricks." Lyrus grinned and shoved Ruiri towards Freid. The man, just like him, could use a break.

The knight watched as the four glide their way across the lake and away from him. He suddenly remembered; he and Auria was supposed to go to Orwood this winter. The queen badly wanted to try skating across the frozen lake. But here he is, searching for a cure instead of enjoying the season. He felt a dull ache in his chest as he watched Leane and Freid having fun, imagining for a few moments that it was him and Auria together. However, the biting cold reminded him of the task at hand and with that the knight walked away from the lake. He needed to prepare for what's to come tonight.

"We have to go now!" Lyrus shouted as the blizzard battered the forest. He can already feel his ears and nose slowly going numb while the others hurriedly packed their things. He berated himself. He should have taken the sudden departure of the last caravan as a sign that something was wrong. The merchants, being used to the harsh conditions of their travels would have easily known when a snowstorm is coming.

"But how do we get in?" Ruiri called back to Lyrus as the man and Leane started conjuring flaming orbs to keep Julia and her family warm, lending whatever fur coat they have as an added measure.

"I don't know. All I know is we will be freezing to death if we stay here any longer." Lyrus replied as he and Freid struggled to push the wagon out of the ditch, the small magical flames illuminating what little they could. Fortunately, the two managed to get the wagon's wheel unstuck within a few seconds. By then, however, everyone has begun turning blue, the flames and coats rendered almost useless by the cold.

"Leane, Freid, drive the wagon. Roswell, Marah, come with me. We're opening the gates no matter what!" Lyrus shouted while helping Julia and the others climb aboard the wagon. While it would be hard to navigate, the wagon's inside is definitely warmer and Leane can focus more on casting magic to keep the family insulated.

Lyrus, Roswell, and Marah ran at breakneck speed, their boots leaving large imprints as the snow continued to pile up. Marah casted some more balls of flame to illuminate their way and keep them warm. At one point, Lyrus even used Etrunr just to clear a path for them. The feat almost knocked him out though as the he felt his body weaken by the blizzard and the spell. The short distance from the forest to Orwood became a long trek as the hour went by.

"What now?" Roswell asked as they pressed themselves against Orwood's wall. The blizzard has caused the guards stationed outside to retreat inside the warmer confines of the province. However, the two guard towers at the gate seemed to be occupied judging from the flickering glows of torches at the top. Besides, there would probably be also a couple of knights on the other side of the gate.

"Marah, Roswell, can the two of you climb up the tower and take out the guards at the top? Don't kill them." Lyrus asked as he strained his neck to see Freid and the others making their way towards the gate. It would only be a few more seconds before the guards at the tower notice the glowing orbs heading their way so they must move quickly.

"Yeah. But how do we get up there? The wall is too slippery because of the ice." Roswell asked, tightening his belt containing vials as he did so.

"I can shot us upward with a spell. The landing is up to you though." Marah replied to which the mercenary merely nodded and grunted.

"Good. After taking out the guards, take care of anyone standing near the gate. Then open the gate when you hear three loud bangs." Lyrus instructed the two as he saw the wagon drawing closer to their spot. Just a few more seconds and Freid and the others would come into the guards' view. They needed to hurry.

"Lyf!" Marah shouted as she and Roswell were suddenly tossed upwards. Lyrus can't help but smirk at what he saw. The woman used the same spell the mage in Fehl casted to lift Lyrus up while he's fighting the dragon.

Lyrus heard a loud thud come from both his left and right signaling that the two have landed. The knight strained his ears for any sound indicating that the two have been discovered or worse, caught. There was none, however, as the wind's howling has already reached a deafening roar at that point. All the while, he hugged his coat tighter around himself as he watched the wagon drew closer, the orbs of flame surrounding it like fireflies standing guard.

He stared in bated breath as Freid's figure became more distinct as the wagon moved towards him. If Roswell and Marah failed, arrows and may be even spells would be raining down on the others at any moment now. The arrows and spells didn't appear, however, and the wagon reached the knight without any trouble.

"What do we do now?" Freid asked. He can already feel his hands freezing and going numb under his gloves. In fact, until then he didn't know how he managed to drive the whole wagon towards Orwood's gate without collapsing.

"Now, we pray." Lyrus breathed deeply as he placed the pommel of his sword against the large wooden gate of Orwood. He just realized that a trap could be waiting for them at that very moment. The gate might open to reveal a large number of knights, archers, and even mages, with their weapons drawn and spells readied. Roswell and Marah might have failed, and word of their planned infiltration had reached the pompous Lord Farleigh. But worrying would get them nowhere and with the blizzard bearing down on them, they needed to get somewhere, anywhere, just not outside Orwood.

Lyrus banged the large wooden door loudly three times with the pommel of his blade. He signaled Freid to be ready. By then, Leane was back infront of the wagon, beside Freid, her staff on hand. The flame orbs around them were getting dimmer with each second. Leane might be able to cast another batch but Lyrus doubts if the flames would last long. The group waited in bated breath while the gate creaked as it slowly opened.

"Need some help?" Marah smiled as she and Roswell stood infront of the group, each carrying a lamp, around them, four guards laid unconscious, all wearing furcoats on top of their armor.

Julia peered out of the covers of the wagon and gave a little cheer when she saw that the gates were opened. Both Roswell and Marah smiled at the girl, evidently proud of their handiwork. Lyrus, on the other hand, breathed as sigh of relief. They did it.

"Where now? We could really use some warm place and food." Freid asked, his face pale but with a grin on his face.

"You can stay with us. Our house is just a few minutes of travel from here." Julia answered, squealing in delight, knowing that she will be back home soon.

"You heard the girl. Roswell, Marah, let's clean this up and be on our way. I could really use some warm soup right now." Lyrus chuckled.

The three proceeded to stowing the unconscious guards inside the guard towers, making sure that they were well-covered and protected from the blizzard. After all, the men were simply following orders. It took them a few minutes though as they ensured to make it appear that the gate was merely deserted and that no one forced their way in. Fortunately, the snowstorm and the darkness provided enough cover as to prevent anyone from looking out of their windows and seeing a large covered wagon infront of the opened gates. After finishing the "cleanup", the three jumped into the wagon and finally entered the province of Orwood.

Sorry for the delay. Work has been demanding. With regard to that, I'm also reducing the number of releases per week. From now on it would be 1 chapter per week. My writing has suffered greatly as I try to meet work deadlines and chapter deadline for the site. As such, in order to ensure the quality is maintained, weekly releases will be 1 chapter per week.

So sorry guys. Hope you understand.


Yup, being in lockdown inspired me to write this chapter about being in lockdown.

DCapybaracreators' thoughts