
Tales of the Legendary Magus

Gold medalist of WPC#140! A magical school. A talented boy. Things should've gone perfectly, a talented magus should've been created within the walls of this school. Yet it is now, now that he is here that all these horribly dangerous events transpire. Traitors of the continent are hidden within the school. Mage supremacists are making their move. Schools will fall and cities collapse when the events begin unfolding. So what will become of this boy, wanted by both groups? Will he perish under their manipulative hands or will he rise and bring magic society to a new high? -------------- If you wish to support me you can do so by donating at www.patreon.com/belg4r perhaps then I won't have to go premium!

Belg4r · Fantasy
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236 Chs

Chapter 26: A Premonition

Putting aside the highly important matter for now, Villin made his way toward the 'Combat Classes'. This time Pompei taught them some theory on offensive magic. How to maximize damage and the like. This did make Villin happy since he wasn't really in the mood to fight right now.

And so, without any further ado, he got to go to his room. With only pill-making left to do in the evening. Villin thought about professor Messen's words for a long time. He knew he couldn't stretch his skills too thin. Time was extremely important and since he already did enchanting, pill-making, and magic arrays and was planning to learn wand-making atop of that he was already lacking time.

That being said professor Messen's words were extremely attractive for him. The speed or agility increase was, of course, good but if it was just that he probably would barely even consider the matter. What he was interested in was the fact that the professor mentioned that if he got skilled at making gene solutions he would never have to sleep again.

This meant that if he spent some time getting good at it initially he would later have even more time to practice all of his other skills. It was this fact along with the fact that making gene solutions barely required any magic power that made him decide to go for it.

He would continue translating the book on enchantments and study the hidden manual within.

For now, though, he had pill-making class. He brought his small cauldron and made his way toward the designated classroom. The old teacher that went by the name Crystal was already there, and even though she had a kind face and acted nicely toward everyone Villin got the creeps as soon as he arrived in the class and saw her.

He also noticed Pierson, who was just as nervous as last time he saw him, looking at him and the downcast Kayley occasionally and sweating bullets.

The pill-making class was truly extraordinary. For the first hour, they simply went through the theory. Pills are made of two things, items, and magic. Each table had a small contraption that could hold their cauldrons. When they inserted magic power into the device a flame would appear. Half of the pill-making process was getting the heat just right at the correct moments.

The problem there was that oftentimes the heat should be constantly shifting to different places of the cauldron and hence the process was very difficult. The second part of pill-making laid within the items, with the vast majority of pills these were herbs, sometimes animal parts were also used. You had to have the amounts just right, they had to be inserted at the right time and in the right place within the cauldron.

For the second hour, they were allowed to try and make a pill. It was a rather basic pill that had a small amount of healing power. The people from class A got five sets of materials to work with and those of class B got three sets. Both groups could buy more at a price slightly below the market price.

In the end, Villin managed to make two pills out of the three sets. Kayley got three pills out of the same amount causing her to have the best success rate by far. This was so even though she looked terrible right now, something that should've come because of her punishment the previous time. At the end of the class, Villin got fifty magic crystals for a great performance.

When the class ended Pierson still looked oh-so-nervous and so Villin finally decided to approach him. The last time they met Villin still thought Pierson was simply hesitating because he was looking for trouble. But he no longer thought in that way.

It was understandable to be nervous when planning to attack someone but Pierson looked more terrified than anything else. And so when Villin walked up to Pierson's table just as class ended, he asked "Pierson, I've noticed you can't seem to stop staring at me, is something the matter?"

Pierson looked at him and gulped, sweat dripping down from his forehead. After a few seconds, he started speaking.

"You should take your friend and leave, the scho-"

Just as he got that far another voice came from deeper within the classroom. It was Crystal who was busy looking through some of her papers.

"Pierson come over here and give me a hand. Now!"

Hearing these words Pierson froze, for a moment he looked frantically, his eyes jumping around and his hand noticeably shaking. But then he turned toward the teacher and a smile came onto his face.

"Yes miss, it's a pleasure to be of service."

Villin felt a terrible premonition as he quickly left the classroom, somewhat afraid Crystal would call upon him.

He could feel that something was happening. He felt as if he was a part of this thing all along without noticing. It was as if all the clues were there but he just couldn't put it together.

In a hurry, Villin made his way toward his room. Closing the door behind him he clutched his head within his hands trying to find out what it was he was missing. He realized that even before Pierson spoke with him he knew something was wrong, he already had a premonition something bad was coming but he simply thought he was paranoid.

"What is happening and why is Pierson warning me?"

He just couldn't understand it. All he knew was that he could not leave the school. The school had a large amount of powerful magus, even the teachers in the first grade were extraordinarily powerful. He hoped that as long as he stayed within the school and swiftly increased his strength, he would be able to survive whatever calamity was coming.