
Tales of the Legendary Magus

Gold medalist of WPC#140! A magical school. A talented boy. Things should've gone perfectly, a talented magus should've been created within the walls of this school. Yet it is now, now that he is here that all these horribly dangerous events transpire. Traitors of the continent are hidden within the school. Mage supremacists are making their move. Schools will fall and cities collapse when the events begin unfolding. So what will become of this boy, wanted by both groups? Will he perish under their manipulative hands or will he rise and bring magic society to a new high? -------------- If you wish to support me you can do so by donating at www.patreon.com/belg4r perhaps then I won't have to go premium!

Belg4r · Fantasy
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236 Chs

Chapter 234: Creation Of A Powerhouse

When Silver looked at the headmaster, she was stunned beyond belief. Normally he just looked slightly sickly. But if you properly looked at him you would feel the power within the man. Even if he didn't want to, an invisible pressure would bring all those around him down a notch. It was something that was inevitable if you were one of the most powerful people alive.

But the man before her now felt different. The normally luxurious black robe he was wearing was ripped all over, going as far as to show the headmaster's extremely pale skin.

Said skin was also ripped open in a multitude of places, a black liquid, as well as red blood, seeped out of the various cuts.

His head was completely bald in some places as the hair seemed to have been burnt off while his right cheekbone was visible since the skin around it had been destroyed. His upper lip was also gone, showcasing his teeth.