
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Scaly Leader Part 2

( Many Years Ago. )

[ Monster Pack: Brotherhood of Scales ]

[ Pack Leader: Scaly Leader, Scala Rana* ]

[ Pack Members: 50 members. ]

" My 'Brotherhood of Scales' the time has come... " said the Scaly Leader as he led his men, at that time, the men were still fewer than he had in the future, but enough.

" It is time we reclaim the 'Thunder Mist Mountains' from that Fox Wench! Who is with me? " Scaly Leader said as they all cheered and raised their hands.

( Hours after. )

" Scaly Leader, retreat, retreat... " said the 'Brotherhood of Scales' soldiers as they ran amok as Thunder shot from the skies.

" Get out of my Mountain! " Yakujin says, she was pissed off as the 'Brotherhood of Scales' disrupted her feast as they spit it with their acid right before Yakujin even decided to bite it.

" Die all of you! " Yakujin thunders them all as the Scaly Leader, at that time, jumps so nimble, avoiding her thunder while sacrificing his men from her wrath.

" Chimera Master Yakujin, you'll pay for this! "

" I will return! " Scaly Leader swears.

" SHUT UP, JUST DIE! " Yakujin strikes him with lightning, but he survives that encounter as he falls to a cliff, splashed into the river below.

( Years later. )

[ Monster Pack: Brotherhood of Scales ]

[ Pack Leader: Scaly Leader, Scala Rana ]

[ Pack Members: 200 members. ]

" 'Brotherhood of Scales' this is time! "

" For years that Fox Chimera Master ruled these mountains. "

" It is time for us to claim it, for no mammal should rule over us, the descendants of the dragons* " Scaly Leader says as his men cheered.

As they all began to attack Yakujin.

" Again!? " Yakujin uses her [Thunderbolt Claw] to attack the reptilians, killing them as this time, these scaly soldiers dare to destroy the Chimera Masters' Sakura trees with their acid.

Like always, Yakujin killed many of them as suddenly the Scaly Leader attacked her by stomping kick at her face, hard.

[ Earth Jumping Stomp Kick ]

" Hahaha, how's that, Fox!? " Scaly Leader lands after kicking her face.

" From this forward, I'll be the Chimera Master over these mountains! " Scaly Leader said to the Chimera Master.

" Really? " Yakujin says as she sees him.

" A frog like you, dare to call yourself a 'Chimera Master'? " she asks while thunder sparks from her body.

" Are you really in the right mind now? " Yakujin asks, as she then opens her mouth and blasts the Scaly Leader until he falls into the river below the mountains, again.

" Scaly Leader!? " said the reptilian soldiers but before they could go to him.

*Yakujin pressures them.*

" Don't think I will let you escape... " she says to them as they all kneel on the ground.

"Your leader had committed a great crime against me and now you who followed him shall follow his fate. " Yakujin says as she glares at them as she wastes no time, feeding on them in their weakened state in her very rage over the trouble they all made for her.


Those are the most memorable ones of their encounter.

After this, there are more encounters they've had as the Scaly Leader won't stop disturbing the Kitsune Chimera Master's time for crazy ambitions, as he grows more numbers in his brotherhood.

But that all is not important.

What's important is what will the Scaly Leader do during his present struggle against the Chimera Master as the battle continues after the two Chimeras reminisce about which encounters are very memorable.

( Present time.)

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Thunder Mountain's Sakura Forest. ]

" [Earth Dragon's Thorn Rise]! " Scaly Leader uses it once more to make Yakujin flee from his position.

" This again? " Yakujin asks as she leaps, avoiding the rising earth thorns.

As she avoids this, Scaly Leader wastes no time as he prepares to open his mouth, unleashing his attack towards the Chimera Master within his aim.

" [Earth Dragon's Quake Roar]! " Roars of great shockwaves that quake the earth were blasted towards Yakujin who is within range.

[Thunderbolt Claw]

Yakujin clawed the very attack, by increasing the attack's very destructive output, which made her able to slash the very blast of quakes shot at her.

" You little... " Yakujin says as Scaly Leader tries to stand again, he then regenerates his amputated limb, growing it back thanks to the power given by the 'Relic' he eats.

" Lord Azi Dahaka's power blesses me with something out of my dreams, the dreams I could never think to obtain before... "

" With this, with the power of Azi Dahaka within me... "

" I will be the true Chimera Master over these mountains, no! "

" Over Easterion! " Scaly Leader boasts.

" Fwahahaha, Over Easterion!? FWAHAHAHA! KAKAKAKAKA! " Yakujin laughs as she hears it.

" Oh my, oh my~ "

" I never thought you would be this entertaining and comedic like this, Scaly Leader~ " Yakujin teases him.

" You couldn't even hit me with your power, yet you dared to claim the title as 'Master' just because you had the 'First's power within you? " Yakujin asks as Thunder cracks around her.


" YOU MAMMAL TRASH! " Scaly Leader curses Yakujin, for he then uses his power to raise many rocks as they all merge and create a huge gigantic boulder ball that covers the whole skies.

" Gyahahaha, behold the very attack that would wipe you existence, Yakujin! " Scaly Leaders tells her.

" With this very ball, I would bury you into the lowest of earth! "

" Yet after this, I will make sure you never thwart my destiny again! " Scaly Leader prepares to aim that gigantic ball.

" [Earth Dragon's Thorn Bomb]! "

*Yakujin yawns.*

" How disappointing... " Yakujin wastes no time, before the gigantic ball is thrown at her, she decides to use [Thundercloud Strike] as the thunder destroys the newly formed ball made from the earth and the ground people used to walk through.

*Scaly Leader startled as his plan is countered before it happened.*

" Earth Element is strong, but slow. " Yakujin says as she sees it.

" Despite it being the strongest element by it's physique, but... "

" Everyone knows that earth elements needs time to form it's attack, which was mostly charging attack. " Yakujin teases Scaly Leader as he grunts in pain, he was also hit by the [Thundercloud Strike] after it hits his Earth Bomb.

" Curses! " Scaly Leader shouts as he grunts in pain.

" Dammit, I already prepared myself for years! "

" And you're telling me I will be defeated with only of your most basic Skills!? " Scaly Leader shouts in his panic, realizing that he was defeated both power and prowess.

  " Now, Scaly Leader. " Yakujin approached him again as the Reptile falls after the shock of her thunder.

" Would you mind laying down and let me feast on you? " Yakujin asks, being defeated, that is the Scaly Leader's fate despite his gigantic size.

As the Scaly Leader's mind go on chaos as he wonders what to do in his weakened state, suddenly.

"( { You are still inexperienced...} )" said a scary mocking voice, talking in the Scaly Leaders' head.

"( { You may used my body parts, but the Fox power and prowess is stronger and more...experienced. } )"

"( { I could tell... } )"

"( Who... are- )"

"( { Sleep, you toad! } )"

"( { Let the 'Real' Dragon, deal with her. } )"



* Scala Rana: Scaly Leader's real name.

* Descendants of the dragons: All reptilian monsters still believe they're all the Dragons' Descendants.

Yakujin displays her strength, for she shows how strong she is despite her enemy's size.

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