
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Scaly Leader Part 1

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Thunder Mountain's Sakura Forest. ]

" [Venom Breath] "

" [Flame Breath] "

" [Vemon Fire] "

" [Blazing Breath] "

" [Acid Bubble] "

" [Venom Shooter] "

The 'Brotherhood of Scales' begins attacking Yakujin as they all come out from their hiding which was already expected by the Chimera Master herself.

" I can read it all, fools! " Yakujin tells them.

[ Thundercloud Strike ]

From the very black clouds, Yakujin summons the thunder's lightning to strike over the Reptiles who dare to approach her.

* Reptilian Screams. *

" Yes, yes, come closer! "

" This time, I'll end all of your careers by sneaking on to my Mountains! " Yakujin laughs as her thunders fried all of the 'Brotherhood of Scales' soldiers without mercy.

" Scaly fools...! " Yakujin says as he walks on the reptilians' corpses.

" Guess you reptiles are no different than insects, hmm? "

" Attacking your enemies by the pack. "

" Like Insects with their Hives. "

" Well, no wonder... "

" After all, you reptiles by basic eat insects, didn't you? " Yakujin says while sniffing which of the corpses are cooked and edible for her.

" No wonder, no wonder the insects' very attitude is absorbed within your minds. " Yakujin then feeds on the reptile she deems tasty.

*Yakujin feeds.*

" But, I must admit. "

" Despite my hatred towards you're sniveling existence, there is one thing I liked about you Scaly Creatures. " Yakujin tells to dead reptilians.

" What you all taste like after getting cooked by my Thunder, hahaha! " Yakujin continues to walk as she thinks more to herself.

"( Guess their 'Scaly Leader' still don't dare to face me himself, didn't he? )"

"( Well, no wonder... )"

"( After all, that fool is- )" Yakujin suddenly stops, she sharpens her hearing for she swears to hear a growl.

"( What's this? )" Yakujin tries to sense her surroundings, using her very 'Mythological Beast' Attribute to sense everything around her.

[ Sixth Sky Sense ]

Using this ability, she tries to sense anything that couldn't be seen, heard, or sensed using normal means, with this, she tries to find out what kind of thing is near her.

Using the Ability, she then could sense and see a large being near her, as the thing was in camouflage.

" This Hazy Pale White Color Aura... " Yakujin says as she realizes the thing she seeks is camouflaging near her, still staying in the spot.

[ Thundercloud Strike ]

Yakujin strikes the camouflaging thing with Thunder as the thing finally appears before her.

" Kukuku, Chimera Master Yakujin. " said the thing to her.

" This voice? " Yakujin recognize the thing's voice.

" You should've not struck me with your lightning, or else you would see what I've become. " said the thing as it showed itself after the smoke dissipated, showing its huge-gigantic size towards Yakujin.

The thing's body is that of a gigantic ancient reptile, one like a huge bullfrog, with thorny dragon scales on its limbs and in its shell, had a huge sharp snapping mouth, a long neck with tusks, and also a huge thorny snake tail that looks like a thorned whip.

" Wait, you're...! " Yakujin says as she sees it, recognizing it immediately despite the huge differences.

" 'Brotherhood of Scales's Scaly Leader!? " Yakujin asks as the 'Scaly Leader' actually came before her.

[ Thundercloud Strike ]

*Huge Waves of Destruction.*

" Hahaha... " Scaly Leader chuckles as the smoke dissipates.

" YAKUJIN! " said the Scaly Leader as he attacked Yakujin, plunging his hands to Yakujin in order to smash her.

With her slick body, Yakujin quickly dodges all of the attacks, realizing that the Scaly Leader had grown so much bigger than before.

"( So you sacrificed your nimble frog legs you used to flee from me to defeat me, fufufu... )"

"( This scent, so you had one of 'his' Relic too... )" Yakujin realized that the Scaly Leader must've consumed one of Azi Dahaka's Relics inside his body.

Hence, aside from his Reptile Scent, Yakujin could also smell the scent of a dragon, that of the very Chimera Master Dragon, Azi Dahaka.

"( That reptile, to think they also had the 'Relic' within their arsenal... )"

"( If that's so, then they must've obtained it just recently, judging from the past for the Scaly Leader never used it against me, until now. )" Yakujin evades the incoming mountain rocks that were blown after Scaly Leader's smashing attacks.

" Don't run, Yakujin! "

" If you're really a 'Chimera Master' then face me! " Scaly Leader says he then begins to use the power he just received.

" Behold, the power of Azi Dahaka! " Scaly Leader says.

" [Earth Dragon's Thorn Rise]! " Scaly Leaders summons mountain-like sharp thorns from the earth, drawing them out to strike over the Chimera Master.

[ Thundercloud Strike ]

Yakujin summons the thunder to destroy the incoming attacks, as she decides to run towards the Scaly Leader after fleeing earlier.

" Idiot, you're courting death! " Scaly Leader says as he charges toward Yakujin too while preparing his claws to destroy her.

[ Earth Dragon's Thorn Claw ]

" Bring it on! " Yakujin laughs for she responds to the attack by using her [Thunderbolt Claw].

As the two made contact, Yakujin's thunder began to crack Scaly Leader's claw, breaking it, and continued to claw and amputate his right hand, unbalancing his 'Quadruple Standing Posture'.

" Keokh! " Scaly Leader shouts in his pain as he falls after losing one of the limbs that made him stand up.

" You... " Scaly Leader says as Yakujin dared to smirk before him right after that successful one strike.

" Don't be happy too quickly, this isn't over yet! " Scaly Leader said as he shot out the thorns on top of his shell, shooting it up as it fell down randomly.

As the thorns are shot, the holes where the thorns were once suddenly leak out a hot acid fog.

" Acid? " Yakujin sniffs.

" It seems Size and Strength are really not the answer to defeating you, Chimera Master. "

" But Skill will! "

" Now, take this! " Scaly Leader said as he shot the ball of hot acid from the holes of his shell, followed by the acid fog after the acid balls were shot, aiming at the Kitsune Chimera Master's position.




Name: Scaly Leader

Race: Hybrid Monster

Stage: Chimera

Roots: Giant Bullfrog, Gigantic Snapping Turtle, and (Dragon).

Wow, Yakujin is really a Chimera Master, isn't she?

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