
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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46 Chs

How a 'Real' Dragon does it?

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Thunder Mountain's Sakura Forest. ]

" Aaa... " Scaly Leader is out of his mind which made Yakujin confused.

" Dead already? " Yakujin was disappointed, she hoped to hear more squirms and screams but...

" Really? I haven't done anything torturous yet? " Yakujin asked.

" Hello, Scaly Leader, you should've been alive even after receiving that, My Thunder isn't that fatal just now? " Yakujin asks the passed-out Scaly Leader, as she sniffs and senses him, she then senses a strange black aura emanating from his flash.

" Wait, this is... "Due to her keen nose, Yakujin could immediately tell what was going on as she wasted no time and drew her [Thundercloud Strike] from the skies to quickly kill the Scaly Leader before...

" Kukuku... "

" You should've not summoned your Thunder, Fox... " 

" The more you hurt him, the more it made his consciousness leave the body. "

" Making him easily replaced. " said the Scaly Leader, his voice changed.

" You..., I knew it won't be long! " Yakujin says as she realizes who is talking to her right now.

As the [Thundercloud Strike] strikes through, during its flash, Scaly Leader rises up and Yakujin can see his silhouette as his body changes more skinner and his head turns into three heads.

" To think a toad as you would dare consumed my 'Body Parts'. "

" What's even more outrageous is, the thing it somehow resonated with your body, as if you're body is suitable to hold it. "

" A disgusting coincidence, even for me who owns it. "

" This is enough, for now... "

" For I didn't want to evolve and fix this frog's body further. " said the Scaly Leader as the [Thundercloud Strike] stopped.

" Curses! " Yakujin realizes who is in front of her, using the Scaly Leader's body.

" To think you would possess the 'Toad'! " 

" Azi Dahaka! " Yakujin shouts his name, for in front of her is the 'the' Chimera Master himself, inside her defeated prey's body.

* Azi Dahaka chuckles as he hears it.*


( Meanwhile. )

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Yakujin's Lair Treasure Room. ]

* The 'Black Box' chuckles.*


( Back to the present. )

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Thunder Mountain's Sakura Forest. ]

" Well, well, Fox 'Chimera Master'... "

" You should be honored to finally witness me in front of you. " Azi Dahaka says after successfully doing his possession.

" Honored? Me? Ha! " Yakujin mocks with her mouth.

" Why should I be honored to see 'the' Chimera Master who lowered himself in possessing a feeble toad's body? "

" Instead, I should be disgusted how the very 'Chimera Master' had lowered his status right in front of me, kaka... " Yakujin says it with her mouth in front of the old Azi Dahaka.

" Hmm..., it seems you think highly of yourself, little Fox. "

" Perhaps you had been drowned in the praises thanks to the 'title'... "

" Makes me wonder how you got it in the first place. " Azi Dahaka asks while walking around in circles.

" Of course I get it, I am born for it. "

" From my very birth, I've never known any defeat despite many looking down on me because I'm a female. "

" With that, I simply shut them all with many victories, simple as that, and the Title of 'Chimera Master' was received by me. "

" Didn't you know this story already? When I first obtained your 'Relic' stored within my Treasure Room? " Yakujin asks.

" Oh yes, I haven't forgotten. " Azi Dahaka rememberrs.

" Ah, always remember I had to constantly hear an attention-looking girl's story. "

" To boast herself as the 'Chimera Master' over these mountains in front of me. "

" It couldn't be more absurd, isn't it? " Azi Dahaka asks, immediately attacking Yakujin using his [Great Black Dragon Roar of Obliteration] blasting Yakujin which she blocks.

[Thundercloud Strike]

Using the thunder from the dark clouds, Yakujin defends herself from the great blast roared by the Great Black Dragon himself.

" So it works as a shield, too? " Azi Dahaka asks as he sees the thunderous clouds in the sky.

" [Thundercloud Strike], the ability to summon thunder from the raging clouds to strike true to the enemy like the Spear of Divine itself. "

" To think it also could work as a Shield, such an interesting ability, even rarer from the abilities I've seen through the Old Age. " Azi Dahaka compliments.

" But... "

" Are you sure you're going to depend on the Thunderstrike for protection against me? " Azi Dahaka charges at Yakujin and draws his claws.

[Great Black Dragon Claw of Doom]

[Thunderbolt Claw]

The two clashed their claws, creating great destruction everywhere as they clawed each other.

" Foolish girl! " Azi Dahaka says as he uses his claw again to attack Yakujin from her blind spot.

" Really, now? " Yakujin asks as her Peacock wings rise up activating another ability that Yakujin possesses as a Chimera.

[ Shroud of the Skies ]

As she used it, Azi Dahaka's claw was on hold as an invisible force stopped him from attacking further.

"( A barrier? )" Azi Dahaka asks as he couldn't get through.

"( My scales felt like shocked by thunder as my claw hit this thing. )" Azi Dahaka retreats it, realizing he needs to give the Fox his roar.

" Oh no, you don't! " Yakujin's Peacock Wings then activates his other ability, immediately attacking Azi Dahaka hard with a great invisible force.

[ Shroud of the Skies, Invisible Force Strike ]

" Again. " Yakujin orders as she continues to do it against Azi Dahaka, giving him a lesson for trying to fight her in the first place.

"( Shit, I'm getting too much pain. )"

"( Grkh, this body, is too weak... )" Azi Dahaka says as he leaves the Scaly Leader's body and retreats his hold over him.

" So you left. " Yakujin approaches the Scaly Leader's body as she sniffs it.

" Well, it's your fault to try using a toad's body after all. " 

" Once a toad, always a toad. "

" Even if a 'Dragon' decides to possess him... " Yakujin shrugs it as she then feasts over the Scaly Leader's body as the Chimera is already dead as Azi Dahaka leaves it.

" Pft, so this is how a 'real' Dragon does it, pft! "

" Guess they're nothing, after all, look at this result, fufufu...! " 

" Guess reptiles are all just slithering cowardly snakes, huh? " Yakujin chuckles as she has her meal.

" I better return after this," she says while munching her meal.

This is how a 'Real' Dragon does it.

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