
Tales Of Ryo

a man end up finding a weird fruit in his fridge. so like all man would do, he ate it.

Yether_Cout · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Friend

Kai woke up. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. He looked around. He saw a room. He saw a bed. He saw a desk. He saw a bookshelf. He saw a window. He saw...

He saw things he had seen before.

He was lying on a bed, covered by a blanket. He was wearing a bandage, wrapped around his head. He had a pillow, under his head. He had a glass, filled with water. He had...

He had everything he needed.

He was relieved. He was calm. He was safe. He had some memory of who he was, where he was, and how he got there. He remembered playing a game, and then blacking out. He remembered waking up in a strange world, and then fainting again. He remembered meeting a strange man, and then being carried by him.

He remembered his name. It was Kai.

He remembered his savior. It was Luffy.

He remembered his situation. It was complicated.

He was still confused. He was still scared. He was still lost. He had no clue what had happened to him, or what was happening to him. He had no idea why he was in this world, or how he could get out of it. He had no idea what his role was, or what he could do.

He had no idea what to do.

He heard a knock. He turned his head and saw a door. It opened and a man entered. He was short and skinny, with green hair and a long nose. He was wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes. He had a pair of goggles on his forehead, and a hammer in his hand. He had...

He had a friendly and helpful attitude.

He walked towards Kai and smiled. He looked at him with curiosity and kindness. He spoke to him with a warm and cheerful voice.

"Hey, how are you feeling? Better, I hope. I'm Usopp, the ship's carpenter and marksman. I'm also a great liar and storyteller. Nice to meet you."

Kai looked at him with confusion and gratitude. He remembered him. He was one of the pirates who had greeted him when he was brought to the ship. He was one of the crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates. He was one of Luffy's friends. He was one of...

He was one of his new friends.

Kai smiled and nodded. He reached out his hand and shook Usopp's hand. He spoke to him with a weak and polite voice.

"Hi, I'm Kai. I'm... I don't know what I am. I'm sorry, I don't remember much. Thank you for helping me."

Usopp smiled and nodded. He sat down on a chair and put his hammer on the desk. He looked at Kai with sympathy and understanding. He spoke to him with a gentle and reassuring tone.

"Don't worry, it's OK. You've been through a lot. You need some time to recover. We're here to help you. We're your friends. You can trust us."

Kai looked at him with doubt and hope. He did not know if he could trust him. He did not know if he could trust anyone. He did not know anything. He closed his eyes and tried to remember. He said the only thing he could say.

"I... hope... so..."
