
Tales of Naruto Phenex in DXD

After suffering a heartbreaking betrayal from two of his closest persons, Naruto Phenex leaves underworld only to rise to the top of the world.

AculturedCitizen · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7


"Now as Kunou is asleep, my dear, don't you think you have something overdue?", Yasaka asked with a bright smile.

"Overdue? I do?", Naruto asked if he had no idea what Yasaka is talking about.

Yasaka maintained that smiley figure for a couple more seconds, as if in anticipation that Naruto would figure it out. And all of a sudden, Naruto was pulled into a strong kiss. Yasaka's tails were entwined around his body tightly and her lips and tongue are working rapidly. After a good few (hot) minutes, Naruto pulled out of the kiss and unlike last time , he was gasping,

"Damn Yasaka-chan, you beat me."

Unlike Naruto, Yasaka was panting slightly but still had that seductive smile,

"What? You don't to pay what's overdue?"

Naruto shook his head as fast as he could,

"It's a fair duty to pay back what's deserved. But as you have been a good, beautiful, amazing and whatnot, I'll payback ten fold.", and as soon as he finished his words, he scooped Yasaka into his arms and walked towards the bedroom while kissing her again

(After a long long night of "PAYBACK")

Naruto woke up the next morning with a slight groan. He chuckled at his state, because it's not that everyday he gets beaten at his stamina game. And also, those were one of the many things he wishes to have once he settles down. He woke up , did all the morning activities and met Yasaka in her office chamber.

Yasaka gave Naruto a cheeky smile when he entered,

"Did you sleep well?"

Naruto chuckled and answered, "I did, too well actually. Thanks to a certain someone who drained my well-reputed stamina."

Yaskak's face slightly reddened before answering, " W-well, I couldn't help it! I have pent up stress, both mentally and sexually since forever. And you know how I loose it when that happens."

"Ha ha, I know. By the way, I got something to tell you.", Naruto said.

"What is it?", Yasaka was forced herself upright when she saw Naruto's goofy face suddenly turned serious.

" I.... am going to return to the underworld."

Yasaka's reaction well justified how serious that sentence is. Her eyes widened and her mouth slightly opened. After calming down for a few seconds, " Will you be alright?"

Naruto smiled at her reply. He thought she would've reacted in a way how she did yesterday, " I told you yesterday, that matters are turning serious. And once those jerks gain momentum, it will be hard to stop considering how broken apart the leaders are in the underworld. And also, I might find some info about that Hero faction which are troubling you."

Yasaka was lost in thought for a minute before, "Ok.... But be careful. If you even don't feel a little bit good when you see "them", come to us immediately"

"Yes, yes. As you say my Queen."

And suddenly the sliding door was opened, revealing a teary Kunou. She threw herself into her father's chest,

"PAPA don't go!!!"

Naruto forced a smile and patted her head, "Kunou, don't worry I'll be back soon, believe it." Even he hates it when he has to part from his daughter every time.

Kunou nodded her head in disagreement, "NO!! You always say that!! But you won't see me for a long time. I know papa is lying!!", and continued to hug his chest tightly.

Naruto wanted to facepalm at his daughter's words because they are true. Everytime he visited, he would take a long time before doing it again. Yasaka though put up a sad face as if wanting to pull back Kunou, inside she too wanted her daughter to pester Naruto until he stays.

Naruto took a deep breath before, Ok Kunou, let's do a thing", and he took out some thin parchments and borrowed some ink and a pen. He scribbled down some writings before handing it to Kunou, " I will be back by next month. If I don't, just inject your chakra into this parchment, and I'll be in front of you the next second."

Kunou looked at the parchment and stared at it for a few minutes before releasing Naruto and sitting on Yasaka's lap. She closed her eyes so that she wouldn't witness her father going away. Again.

Yasaka petted Kunou's head and looked at Naruto slightly distressed. Before she could say anything, Naruto kissed her forehead and whispered in her ears, " Just wait one more month Yasaka-chan."

Yasaka was in a daze from the kiss and from what Naruto whispered, but before she could break out of it, he was gone.


"Damn, no matter how many years I've been here, the sky still gives me the creeps", Naruto mutters as he looks around the place he was in. After leaving Yasaka, he immediately entered the underworld, without even considering the fact that it's the first time since his sister's birth that he is in the underworld.

Of course, even then he was in disguise and even left some gifts. After all, his parents wouldn't leave him alone if he is seen and, he wasn't ready to come back to the underworld back then.

" Well, here we go", Naruto's form flickers as if he was a distortion, and appears in front of a huge compound with a golden crest on its front porch. The guards on duty were late to see his form and when they did, they got into a battle stance,

"Who's there? Answer now or face the consequences!!"

They couldn't see it due to the dust in front of them and suddenly they heard a burst of laughter,

"HA HA HA HA!!! Can't believe you said the same words when I first met you!"

The guards were confused but their faces lit up in astonishment as the dust cleared out to reveal the person behing the voice,


They both ran towards him and knelt down. Naruto chuckled and lifted them,

"Again you go with that "Young Master". I told you to call me Naruto, I ain't no young or master."

The guards chuckled and then,

"Young master, it's been years since we saw you. All of us and especially, Lord Phenex and Lady Phenex are the ones most affected. Everyday, they would send agents out in search of you, no matter what the situation is."

Naruto gave a distressed smile at them. He knew what his parents were doing every day regarding his disappearance. It hurt him a lot to see their efforts for him, but he wasn't in a good state to face them. It was also one of the reasons why he didn't stay in one place for too long.

"I know. But that ends now.", Naruto said with his trademark confident smile.

Both of the guards face's broke into a smile as well. They both are the first people besides his parents to see him. They were hostile at first, which was partly due to him scaring them with his speed. But slowly, they began to talk and chat everyday.

"Ok Ji-chan's , I'll get going now. I have a boss-level meeting to do now. Wish me luck.", Naruto said as he entered the compound.