
Tales of Naruto Phenex in DXD

After suffering a heartbreaking betrayal from two of his closest persons, Naruto Phenex leaves underworld only to rise to the top of the world.

AculturedCitizen · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

The day of Kunou's birth

All the housekeepers and helpers stood on standby near the room where Yasaka was resting. Reason? It was the expected day of birth. Some experienced housemaids were working alongside the doctors in the labor room as Yasaka's grunts of pain can be heard. The maids outside, who were expecting loud crying noises from Yasaka were surprised when the voice of pain didn't go further than the grunts.

It was all thanks to one of the 'maids' who was in charge of massaging Yasaka's palms. It was Naruto in disguise as a maid who helped Yasaka to reduce the stress on her body. At first, he was very nervous to go in but as soon as he heard Yasaka's grunts, he tricked himself into a maid helping to massage. He released his chakra at enough intervals so that the Yasaka could push the baby out and at the same time, can be bear the pain.

And when he saw the doctor's hands which were carrying a very little infant, his world went blank.

"It's a girl. Congragulations Yasaka-sama."

After all the necessaries to rest the baby and Yasaka were done, she sent them out all except that one maid. And as soon as the doors closed, Naruto gently hugged Yasaka's resting head and kissed her on her forehead. Yasaka could feel warm water droplets on her forehead, and it was enough for her to shed some emotional tears as well.

Naruto gently rested Yasaka's head on the bed and scooped the baby, he felt as if the world is really simple. He thought all of his past troubles were not even worth thinking in comparison to the bundle of joy in his hands. Right from then, he had only purpose. To protect the two best women of his life.

Slowly, the congratulations started to pour in. Big name people visited her in person and wished her and the baby a good life. God knows what their intentions were, but too bad he was dead. Naruto, who had the ability to sense people's emotions was on standby near Yasaka during every outsider's visits in case of any trouble. Many men were oozing jealousy while some others were already thinking of arranging their boy's marriage in hand with the baby.

He only chuckled at how fucked up the Nature of the world was.

All those times, he was in henge and was on his feet. Only when everyone was resting, he would go up and cuddle with his little girl and Yasaka. The only feeling that came close to that was when he has ramen. Then one day,


"Kunou? Sounds good but its meaning is not too pleasing", Yasaka said with her hand on her child's arm.

"I know. One of its meanings is suffering. But that is why I think this is perfect. Our child will overcome any obstacles, sufferings, and pain. Just like we both did. Her name will be the proof of it. What do ya think?", asked Naruto with his hand ruffling Yasaka's hair

As soon as Yasaka heard Naruto's reason, her face bloomed with a smile. She nudged her baby's nose slightly ,

"Kunou..... our child's name is Kunou."

Naruto smiled in response. But then,

"By the way, what will we be her last name? I know you don't intend to use Phenex yet, but what about your blood name?

Naruto who was then ruffling his baby's soft hair stopped abruptly at Yasaka's question. But quickly solved it,

"Her name will be just Kunou, for now. When the time comes, I'll tell you."

Yasaka didn't have any objections and enjoyed her man's affectionate ruffling of her hair.

And just when things were going good for him,

" Naruto Phenex, join me to help my cause."

One sudden day, a little girl appeared near their home and uttered these words. The moment he saw her, Naruto knew she was nowhere at the level he fought before. He only felt that feeling when he saw Juubi-Obito, Madara( All versions of him. Dude's a menace), and Kaguya for the first time. It was Ophis, the obourous dragon.

" And if I reject?"

"You have no such choice.", Ophis maintained her neutral expression while releasing killing intent.

Naruto was ready to take her on without knowing the odds but, he couldn't. His beloved was still in a recovery state and his baby was just some days old. Though there were no problems since her birth, he still wanted to have guaranteed protection for them.

"Ok, count me in."

"Then let-"

"But I will join you 7 months from now. Don't ask me for reasons because I won't indulge you with those. But meet me here 7 months from now and I'll come with you. And also, please don't send anyone to spy on me. I won't even waste half a breath before killing them."

Naruto planned to stay till his baby is 1 year old and Yasaka was fully recovered and also to make sure none of the supernaturals find out that he is the father of Kunou for that period of time. Then he can have a free reign of action without leaving his family vulnerable. Ophis pondered for a bit before accepting,

"Ok, I'll accept you conditions. I'll meet you 7 months from now."

' Well, it's not that he can escape from me anyway'

( With Yasaka and Kunou after his meeting with Ophis)

Yasaka hugged Naruto very tightly as if saying she was glad that nothing happened to him. Naruto just smiled and returned the hug and sent some of his chakra into her. But soon then, his face turned serious,

"Yasaka-chan, will you please hear me out?"

Yasaka who was in his chest the whole time looked up,

"I'm planning to leave you guys for a while."




Yasaka didn't react immediately to his words but as soon as she comprehended what he said, her eyes widened and her lips began to tremble,

"W-what do you mean, Naruto-kun? D-don't tell me you are going to join that faction?"

Naruto sighed and explained in detail. He was about to do it a few minutes ago when he told her that he encountered Ophis, but before he could say anything she latched onto him.

"I will stay with you for 7 months. Then, I'll deal with her."

"Deal with her?! She is the second most powerful being in the universe Naruto how-"

"Well good for you, cause I'm not from this universe", Naruto said with a cheeky smile.

Yasaka tried to retort but couldn't, that's the power of her beloved's smile. And she believed in him.

